Thursday, November 28, 2019
bio study guide questions Essay Example
bio study guide questions Essay Chapter: 20 Part: 1 of 1 Parts Major Topic(s) Covered: Unifying Concepts of Animal Structure and Function Read Additional Section(s): Individual Assignment(s): In class your group will be asked to answer the following question: The regulatory mechanisms that an organism uses result from an evolutionary process. Some organisms regulate their internal body temperature, and others do not. Make two suggestions as to what the evolutionary advantage might be for each of these two, quite different, lifestyles. Why this Material? Each of the living organisms on the planet Earth has evolved a istinctive body form (morphology) at a variety of levels: cellular, tissue. organ, whole animal. Yet we never should forget that it is the actual functioning of living matter at the these levels that that is at the heart of living processes. Thus, it is not possible to separate the analysis of an organisms structure from the functions that those structures carry out. And of course, evolutionary forces work on both structure and function. In this section we will look at common themes that we find in the structure- function relationships found in animals. Given the short evolutionary times (relative o the age of life on the planet) and the fact that all living things can be traced back to common ancestors, it will not be surprising that the arrangement and functioning of living systems is very similar in most animals. This section will also give us the opportunity to understand the control mechanisms necessary to maintain life and how organisms interact with their surroundings. We will write a custom essay sample on bio study guide questions specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on bio study guide questions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on bio study guide questions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer While we will focus on animals, you might keep in mind how these principles and ideas will relate to the other large group of multicellular organisms the plants. We will have a chance to look at those ore closely in a few weeks. Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this learning guide, you should be able to: 1. Describe relationship between structure and function in an animal. Anatomy study of the form of an organisms structures Physiology study of the functions of those structures 2. Be able to define the terms: tissue, organ, and organ system and understand the hierarchy of animal structure. Tissue an integrated group of similar cells that perform a common function and structure Organ made up of two or more types of tissues that together perform a pecific task Organ system consists of multiple organs that together perform a vital body function 3. Know the major organ systems in the animal by being able to describe its function and the primary organs that make it up. ) circulatory delivers 02, nutrients to cells, transports C02 to lungs metabolic wastes to kidneys 2) respiratory exchanges gases w/ environment, supplies blood w/ 02 disposing of C02 3) integumentary protect body against physical injury, infection, excessive heat/cold, drying out 4) Skeletal supports body, protects organs, provides framework for muscles to produce movements 5) Urinary- removes aste products from blood and urine; regulates chemical makeup, pH and water balance of blood 6) D igestive ingests and digest food, absorbs nutrients, and eliminates undigested material 7) Endocrine secretes hormones that regulate activities of body, maintains homeostasis 8) Lymphatic system returns excess body fluid to circulatory and functions as part of immune system 9)lmmune defends your body against infections and cancer 10) Nervous- coordinates your bodys activates by detecting stimuli, integrating information and directing the bodys responses 1 1) Reproductive produces gametes and sex hormones. Female system supports a developing embryo and produces milk 4. Understand why an organism must have organ systems which allow for exchange with the environment, and give several examples of this at the cellular level. Complex animals have specialized internal structures that increase surface area. The blood helps maintain the proper balance of materials in the interstitial fluid surrounding body cells. Example: digestive, respiratory, urinary and circulatory systems. 5. Explai n what is meant by the term homeostasis and the mechanisms that organisms use to maintain this state. Homeostasis a steady state Homeostasis mechanisms regulate internal conditions, resulting in much smaller changes in the animals internal environment. Homeostasis depends on negative feedback: Control systems detect change and direct responses. Negative-feedback mechanisms keep internal variables fairly constant, with small fluctuations around set points. 6. Understand the meaning and use of the following terms or ideas: CT computed tomography (x-ray) PET Positron-emission tomography (glucose) MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging (hydrogen atoms) Interstitial fluid solution that body cells are bathed with; exchange takes place through this fluid
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The History Of Hard Rock Cafe Tourism Essay Essay Example
The History Of Hard Rock Cafe Tourism Essay Essay Example The History Of Hard Rock Cafe Tourism Essay Essay The History Of Hard Rock Cafe Tourism Essay Essay The history of Hard Rock Cafe headquartered in Orlando, Florida began from July 14, 1971 by the visual aspect of a modest coffeehouse in London, England. Hard Rock Cafe s laminitiss are Isaac Tigrett and Peter Morton, two enterprising and music-loving Americans. And, 1982 is the clip for HR s enlargement when 2 proprietors decided to develop their ain HRC in many different topographic points. After some passages and acquisitions, HR International now belongs to the Seminole Tribe of Florida with over 171 locales in more than 52 states around the universe, including 134 coffeehouse and 15 Hotels/Casinos, unrecorded music locales, and a immense one-year Rockfest concert. Differing from other corporations, HRC s consciousness of the trade name appeared at start-up and throughout the development procedure. Hard Rock Cafe theoretical account is typical of the method of building merchandises by subject a trade name new selling tool. Hard Rock Cafe is a mixture of experience, manner, amusement factor, sharing consciousness and finally memories storage. This is the cardinal factor taking HRC s present success. With stone n axial rotation esthesia A HR birthright- demonstrated by USD million valued aggregations of memorabilia, service doctrine Love All Serve All and operations under the streamer Save The Planet, Hard Rock Cafe the nucleus of HR International amusement and leisure company- will decidedly go on to successfully spread out the Hard Rock Brand. Kuala Lumpur ( Malaysia ) and Ho Chi Minh City ( Vietnam ) are considered alien and widespread venues of HR system. In 2011, Hanoi ( Vietnam ) is one of eight locales of HRC coming into being. I. THE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT STRATEGY OF HRC From a modest coffeehouse in London, HRC now occupies over 171 locations in 52 states. This success has been achieved by altering from a themed eating house into one take parting in what is now called the Experience Economy . Working in service industry, HRC s merchandises are services and they are intangible. OM ever plays an of import portion in service country. HRC understands this and uses OM efficaciously to acquire entree to their mark service invitees with alone experiences at each every bit good as every coffeehouse. This is found through its mission of To distribute the spirit of Rock n Roll by presenting an exceeding amusement and dining experience. We are committed to being an of import, conducive member of our community and offering the Hard Rock household a merriment, healthy, and fostering work environment while guaranting our long-run success . In service industry, scheme is fundamentally OM strategy.HRC uses Multi-Domestic scheme when utilizing its ( US ) domestic theoretical account globally, and utilizing franchising operations when it makes sense to make so. ( Half company, half franchise ) . This may includes utilizing the usage of joint ventures or subordinates. Franchises are used when it is decided that local ownership will convey a alone capableness, or local conditions suggest there will be an unusual or hard execution . In order to entree the competitory advantage ( Strategic Differentiation, Low Cost, and Response ) . Although HRC has no normal rivals, a batch of its challengers are from experience that tourers can see. HRC selectively applies 10 OM determinations, lending to singular accomplishments. This consequences in 92 % name recognistion all over the universe, seting HR in the top 10 of all eating houses. 1. Merchandise and Service Design With the doctrine Love all serve all , HRC provide invitees with experience, non repasts merely. Here, the chefs modify bill of fare from authoritative American Burger A ; chicken wings- to include higher-end points ( stuffed veau chops, lobster dress suits ) . They besides analyse and test the repasts every bit good as reappraisal the bill of fare to do certain the nutrient is good qualified and delightful plenty to function their invitees. Because HRC Easts to distinction for doing competitory advantage, the bill of fare every bit good as nutrient is normally changed. Besides, HR is adding a new accent on unrecorded music A ; redesigning its eating houses to suit the changing gustatory sensations. 2. Quality Differing from merchandise, service s quality is affected by many subjective criterions. It is non easy to put up a general degree of quality. This requires a serious attempt to acquire a success. With a concatenation of over 171 locations in 52 states, HRC has presents retained many trade names. HRC realises the importance of entire quality ; hence, each staff or each repast is strongly focused. The staff must be good qualified. They besides make research on nutrient, gustatory sensation or providers. Many studies about quality have been on a regular basis done based on the feedback or remark sheet from invitees. They aim at the most perfect quality by utilizing the scorecard of a one to seven graduated table. If the tonss are non a seven, this means a failure. They are happy to have the remarks from invitees, even the ailments by which they can better the services. That is the ground of the slogan We re traveling to harvest the benefits of the attempts that we put into it, so in t he terminal, the love you take is equal to the love you make . 3. Procedure and capacity design: Because Customer may be straight involved in procedure design and Capacity must fit demand ( service with 10 OM determinations Heizer A ; Render ) , HRC puts invitees at the bosom of operations and staffs ever try their best to fulfill invitees. Scheduling the big staff of barmans, cooks and servers, waiteresses is done based off of tracking gross revenues. The agenda can be modified for being suited with occupation character, seasonality and guestsconvenience for the intent of efficiency. Everyday, HRC serves about 100,000 repasts with appetisers, salad, sandwich, sides, Burger, entries and sweets. 4. Location choice: In service industry, location must be near clients. That is why HRC chooses the best locale at the centre of each metropolis to turn up. Location is a cardinal factor in service concern. It is the prerequisite status devising or breakage concern scheme. At HRC, location is considered one of the most indispensable OM determinations done by Oliver Munday HR s frailty President for cafe development. Before opening a new HRC, Mr. Oliver Munday travels a universe to pick up a state for HR s following coffeehouse, choose a metropolis, and happen the ideal site and so negotiates the trade. After that, he works with designers and contrivers and corsets with the undertaking through the gap and first twelvemonth s gross revenues. Normally, Mr. Oliver Munday looks at several factors with a planetary position when sing a location. Some of them are: political hazard, currency hazard, societal norms, trade name tantrum, societal costs, concern patterns. And, an extended research checklist is appl ied. They pay attending and do a tendency analysis of Demographics, Visitor Market, Transportation, Restaurants and Nightclubs ( a choice in cardinal mark market countries ) , Political Risk, Real Estate Market and Hard Rock Cafe Comparable Market Analysis. Depending on the consequence, HRC will finalize the concern theoretical account, joint-ventures, subordinates or franchise on the manner to put up a alone base. With 75 % invitees are tourers, most of HRC are located in cardinal countries holding congregated night life. The location determination is at least a 10-15 twelvemonth committedness. Besides, Break-Even Analysis is used to assist make up ones mind whether to construct the purchased land, or to reconstruct an bing installation. Currently, Munday is to a great extent looking into planetary enlargement in Europe, Latin America, and Asia. As estimated, there are 8 HRC that are coming into being in 2011, including Hanoi, Vietnam, assisting to increase the entire grosss to about 180. 5. Layout design: In service industry, layout is another of import component, lending to bettering merchandise A ; production. After turn uping, depending on world, HRC will make up ones mind the layout design. Sometimes, they purchase the land to the locale. Sometimes, they merely reconstruct on the base of rent land. HRC takes a great trade of clip for this work from exterior to interior. The lineation must be attractive while ornament is at the purpose of pulling the attending of invitees. The saloon, furniture, illuming system, sound and circulation are at the invitees comfort. Meanwhile, the working station every bit good as kitchen, nutrient country makes staff easy to run and function invitees at soonest. Furthermore, retail store together with memorabilia creates a deep feeling by a alone manner that can non be found anyplace else. All of them conveying the invitees a particular ambiance of life in RocknRoll universe. 6. Human resources and occupation design: Bing cognizant of the function of human resource which is critical in service, particularly in experience economic system, HRC is ever careful of enlisting every bit good as preparation. Applicants to HRC hold to run into the standards of visual aspect, positivity in attitude, high self-motivation and involvement in functioning and sharing experience. In add-on, they are required to be skilled at work and passionate approximately music every bit good. Bing a staff here, everybody passes Rock 101 a 2-day preparation class for basic service accomplishments and with a rock n roll spirit. Job-oriented synergistic Cadmiums covering kitchen, retail amp ; front-of-the-house service is the content of HRC s preparation programme. HRC tends to the scheme edifice a civilization leting for credence of significant diverseness and individualism , there is no favoritism at HRC. The publicity and employee policy are besides strongly focused and equal to all staffs. With value system to convey a merriment, healthy, nuturing environment into the HRC civilization , the staff is the component conveying the rock n roll psyche, doing atmosphere alive and bringing exceeding experience to the invitees. That is the ground why HRC is said to hold the competitory advantade through its human resources. Besides those determinations above, HRC besides pay attending to supply-chain, Inventory, programming and care direction. In order to hold nutrient served with freshness and high quality, HRC chooses the qualified providers and regularly work with them. At HRC, they set a agenda trusting on concern gross revenues, gross, events, seasonality, gross revenues forecast and concern tendency analysis to do certain they are ever at service. The most of import stock list direction is for memorabilia aggregations valueing over US $ 40 million with more than sixty 1000 pieces decorated at all HRC. No affair what the big figure of memorabilia, HRC efficaciously manage from a distance. They know good the name of every memorabilia, how many of them at each HRC and where to set. The care of memorabilia is done at Orlando every 5-7 old ages ; therefore, their valuable and largest RocknRoll aggregation is in good status all the clip. In add-on to OM determinations applied, HRC planetary scheme can be successful thanks to good prediction. Difficult Rock does nt restrict its usage of prediction tools to gross revenues. Depending on the application, Hard Rock makes long-range, intermediate-term or short-run gross revenues prognosiss conducted each month, by coffeehouse, and so aggregated for a central office position. The day-to-day prognosis is farther broken into hourly gross revenues. The point-of-sale system ( POS ) is at the Centre of the gross revenues calculating system. Computerized programming package is used and so they compare the existent gross revenues to calculate to cipher the discrepancies, find out the ground for bettering. A 3-year leaden moving norm is applied to cafe gross revenues, multiple arrested development is found in Hard Rock s bill of fare planningaˆÂ ¦Effective prediction helps HRC be at good service, lending to its successful Operations Management. In brief, selective application of 10 OM determinations with forecasting brings HRC with a competitory advantage, distinguishing HRC from other coffeehouse. This puts HRC steadfastly in the service industry, particularly in experience economic system which is so attractive but with a assortment of troubles and challenges every bit good. II. THE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTS CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR HARD ROCK WHEN CONSIDERING AN EXPANSION OF ITS BUSINESS INTO HANOI Continuing with the success in enlargement, HRC foremost appeared in Vietnam in 2009 by franchise done by Viet Thai International. That is HRC located in Kumho Plaza, right at the bosom of Saigon, the biggest and crowded metropolis of Vietnam. After over one twelvemonth of operation in Saigon, Vietnam HRC measure by measure gained some success with staying musical esthesia demonstrated through RocknRoll and valuable memorabilia aggregation. At the minute, there are a assortment of bars, eating houses, coffeehouse and even hotels in this metropolis ; however, HRC is still considered high spot. Of class, the topics of HRC is non monolithic, but selective. Their invitees are fundamentally hi-end, rich, sophisticated and with high musical gustatory sensation or aliens, tourers. They come to HRC non for a drink or a repast merely but for a mixture of experience, manner, amusement factor, sharing consciousness and finally memories storage.. On the manner to development, one more HRC is bei ng estimated to come into being in Hanoi capital of Vietnam. It is no uncertainty that HRC will confront many challenges. Hanoi is the Vietnam 2nd largest in population ( 6.5 million people ) with instability between urban and rural, urban and suburban. Hanoians are non so -going, and open-minded as the southern people. They live traditionally and slightly rigorous, conservative in accepting anything new or unusual. This is the obstruction to HRC with experience manner which seems still new to Vietnam. Besides, there are a batch of hotels, saloon, eating houses, amusement centres, shpping mallsaˆÂ ¦ , even modern locales invested by aliens that are regarded as rivals of HRC in experience economic system. The bound of Hanoi is at the deficiency of aiport. Until now, Noi Bai is the lone one airdrome and really far from Hanoi s centre ( 40 kilometers ) , the roads are non bad but non good synchronised yet, doing some obstructions to transit. A assortment of eating houses, saloon, cabarets are bing and working in this metropolis, which are rivals sharing the market in experience industry. The competiti on is more and more intense. About the Real Estate Market, it shows a bad fluctuation with unreasonably high monetary value. Hanoi s land is grouped into highest market in the universe, conveying the trouble in investing. Besides, the aftereffect of planetary crisis taking the lessening in hi-end people, including tourers with high affordability. Harmonizing to official staticstic, in 2010, the figure of hi-end tourers coming to VN toss off around 15-20 % . Some foreign offices temporarily near or cut down staff. The local people tend to cut the bugdet for amusement. Therefore, a luxury environment like HRC will be much damaged in measure, to some extent. However, it is evident to entree many chance for HRC when make up ones minding to spread out into Hanoi. The first chance is the demographics. The population of Hanoi is large at 6.5 million, the figure of people with high affordability are younger and younger. They will be easy at having the new characteristics like an experience. A figure of Hanoians earnestly and like to take the signifier of a infinite so epicurean and alone can be a pick to show position, their degree. Hanoi is the capital, the fix figure of aliens ling and working here is great. Many eating houses, hotels, bars, convention centersaˆÂ ¦that are good qualified to function a figure of riders. Embassies, foreign companies, NGOsaˆÂ ¦are majorly located here. And the large figure of tourers and business communities come here. And, many events, MICE activities are foremost chosen to organised here. With 75 % of HRC is tourers as statistic, Hanoi is at this advantage. Besides, the economic indexs are non excessively bad, even during the economic downswing, assuring a benefit for HRC when populating criterion is enhanced and more invitees coming to this coffeehouse. The following chance is created by the distinction scheme. Although there are a large figure of hotels, eating houses, saloon, shopping promenades or entertainmnet centres, nil is outstanding and highlighted. HRC with the alone characteristics by concatenation tradition will really pull clients. In add-on, the transit in Hanoi is more and more improved. Hanoi is the hub of northern part, the nexus of metropoliss, states in North. Except from the deficiency of synchronism in roads and a bigger airdrome with bigger capacity, the transit system is comparatively good. Noi Bai an international aiport with a history of 33 old ages and a capacity of 10 million riders per twelvemonth with many air hoses ( VNA, China Airline, Singapore Airlines, JetstaraˆÂ ¦ ) and direct flights to abroad. Hanoi besides has celebrated river right at the center of metropolis and a railroad station that is non far from the centre. These are comfortss! Hanoi besides brings HRC another chance of safety. Vietnam is considered one of 10 safe finishs. Everyone can be certain about the political hazard in our state. A stable and incorporate political government together with a high security can decidedly convey the bright prospective of concern. Hanoi with high populating criterion, a great figure of local people are able to extremely afford, holding high demands in musical gustatory sensation and quality. Here is the cradle of stone with a big figure of fans. As a consequence, HRC with RocknRoll esthesia can to the full run into their demands and front-runner. Furthermore, HRC foremost came to Vietnam by Franchised done by Viet Thai International in 2009. Viet Thai International is a successful corporation in Highlands coffeehouse concatenation. It is apparent that HRC can go on experience in making operations in coffeehouse in peculiar and in experience industry in general. HRC has been holding strong trade name and repute. In brief, with a batch of chances analysed above, it is clear that HRC makes a determination of enlargement to Hanoi is sensible. And, it is no uncertainty that HRC will go on their success if they remain faithful to system s spirit The RocknRoll esthesia so that invitees come here non for merely a repast or a drink, but a mixture of experience, manner, amusement factor, sharing consciousness and finally memories storage. This is the feeling that can non be found anyplace except HRC concatenation, until now. = gt ; Choose cardinal territory ( Hoan Kiem ) at Vincom Plaza
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Personal Statement for international relations course - 1
For international relations course - Personal Statement Example It is my considered opinion that Russia has to perforce work with the comity of nations as a team member. The world is now more or less globalised, and no nation can afford to ignore the claims of international relations. It has been acknowledged that the people of my generation have to come forth and shoulder the onerous task of improving international relations. This is a sine qua non, and failure to do so will ensure the isolation of Russia within a short span of 10 years. The unswerving objective to embark upon this course is my primary motivator in life. In school, I became an acknowledged leader, as evidenced by my being offered the post of a prefect, within a year of my joining school. This served to render me more responsible, reliable and patient. I assiduously studied Economics, History, Mathematics and Politics, which enhanced my analytical and writing skills substantially. This enabled me to participate in the Royal Economic Society Competition of 2014, which demands superlative analytical and writing skills. My essay was titled â€Å"Is Independence Consistent with Scotland Keeping the Pound?†Moreover, I am experienced in international relations due to my tenure in a law firm located in China. This firm is one of the best in China, in the area of international conflicts. Consequently, I became an adept in international relations. Thus, I have become familiar with Chinese law, international law, and the reasons behind the emergence of disputes between nations. My Russian origin and employment in China made me proficient in several languages. As a result, I can research and analyse information from diverse sources and in different languages. Furthermore, this expertise has significantly improved my capacity to solve problems, evaluate arguments and separate facts from redundant and irrelevant information. My fairly considerable written and verbal skills have made me competent in presenting and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
An ethical analysis of the September 11 attacks Essay
An ethical analysis of the September 11 attacks - Essay Example These attacks were however carried out by Muslim extremists whose ideals were not representative of the Muslim sentiment as a whole. Nevertheless, this attack created a significant rift between the US and the Muslim community. There are various explanations which have been suggested in order to make sense of this attack. These explanations always return to the core issues of terrorism and Muslim extremism. This analysis shall now consider two approaches (Marxism and Realism) to the incident, evaluating the ethics of the situation. The US policy in relation to the developing world soon after the 9/11 attacks shall be the main focus of this analysis, utilizing Marxist and Realist approaches to ethical assessment. The 9/11 terrorist attack and the subsequent War on Terror and the Iraqi War led to instances of western bigotry against the east (Bai). Based on the need to react to the atrocities perpetrated by the Muslim followers, the attacks might be understandable, however, such racism is often carried over to designate Marxism (MacGregor and Zarembka). Some analysts have mentioned, without any sufficient reason for religious fundamentalism in the East, they labeled such religions and practices as the source of crazy fundamentalism, labeling Marxism with the same negative connotation (MacGregor and Zarembka). The 9/11 report on the attacks also established similar connotations, and blamed all the problems on the underachievement and jealousy issues of eastern working class citizens. There are arguments which hold Marxism to task for being too western a philosophy (MacGregor and Zarembka). Edward Said (p. 153) claims that Marxism views Asia as a group entity, not as a plurality of individuals with varying and diverse identities. He does not acknowledge that Marx seems to apply the same ideals to England and India (Said, p. 154). Such criticism may also be based on Marx’s perception of the working class and the bourgeoisie of England where they are grouped to gether based on class. While Said might justifiably accuse Marx with an overall view of class struggle, Marx would likely agree to these same precepts (Said, p. 153). The Marxist theory often supports leftist ideals and has always acknowledged that states operate to protect the interest of the economic working class (Owusu, p. 3). Marxist commentators agree to the outcomes of the 9/11 attacks, most of them are not willing to agree that 9/11 in a manner which was not validated by the US officials; in effect, they discount the possibility of conspiracy of capitalists (Owusu, p. 3). Although the attack established a means for the US to undertake military action, no thought was given to the fact that the attack may have been based on state actions (Owusu, p. 3). However, in general, the Marxist connotations do not support a planned and convoluted action by the US. Marxism is based on economic and sociopolitical ideals which highlight the materialist evaluation of history, and a critique on the development of capitalism (Callinicos, p. 5). In reviewing the 9/11 attacks, terrorism was built on economic hardships, mostly exacerbated by the dominance of capitalism and Western capitalism in the developing countries (Carmody, p. 85). These terrorists believe that their economic
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Research Operations Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Research Operations Report - Essay Example As found, modern way of managing people does not only require dealing with complexities, but should complement with coping with change. Therefore, it is clear especially in the case of Apple Incorporated that managing people in the age of tough competition should employ leadership skills to gain competitive advantage. As leadership deals with change, managing people in the context of leading the human resource to the right direction should ensure emancipation of change. After all, there is a need for the whole team to walk on the same direction for the achievement of corporate goals and objectives. The complex level of management especially in dealing with people should be made easy through integrating leadership by coping with change. Therefore, modern organisations should integrate this contemporary idea just as how Apple Incorporated has made it possible to differentiate the way it manages its human resource. ... Due to tough competition, organisations learn the importance of managing people as the key to achieving competitive advantage. Apple Incorporated has learned this idea through its adaptation of a highly innovative culture as it continuously seeks its competitive advantage. Thus, operational and strategic tasks and objectives move Apple to put its foot forward to managing the people as its key resources, prior to the accomplishment of its vision. That is why human resource management has become so important today especially among highly sophisticated organisations like Apple that are seeking to create a significant market share and competitive edge. Due to its innovative organisational structure, managing people at Apple is about influence. So there is a strong point about Steven Jobs’ leadership from the past and even on Apple’s future leaders. It is crucial on the part of Apple to maintain a high value of leadership in order to emancipate effective management of people , while ensuring the achievement of its vision. However, the complex nature of human behavior and its dynamic response towards change makes managing people a multifaceted activity in an organisation. One could not contest the fact that some organisations might resist change, but this should not stop managers to understand clearly more about people and issues (Johnson-Cramer et al., 2007, p.85). Managing people should at some point require strong level of leadership skills in order to magnify influence as a significant source of change. According to Kotter (1998), leadership copes with change while management deals with complexity. Therefore, managing change in an organisation should effectively fall on process and people
Friday, November 15, 2019
Impact Of Eastern European Immigration On United Kingdom Economics Essay
Impact Of Eastern European Immigration On United Kingdom Economics Essay Is the sentiment against immigration in the United Kingdom well-founded or is immigration used merely as a scapegoat for the economic failings of liberal democratic society? In a recent survey by Populus involving more than 5,000 respondents, two out of three white Britons thought that immigration was bad for UK, a view echoed by nearly 43% of Asians and 17% black Britons. [1] Recently, headlines have capitalised on the death of multiculturalism and how the whole policy on immigration has lost its allure. [2] Clearly, the immigration debate is a contentious one. The economic downturn is Europes central political and policy preoccupation. In such a climate, it is unsurprising that the value of economic migration has come under scrutiny. Concerns are hardly limited in the UK. [3] Rising immigration is also common to many industrialised countries, where the average share of immigrants in the labor force has increased from 4.3% to 7.2% between 1995 and 2005. [4] In the wake of the global war on terror and the economic recession, the prevalent feeling today is anti-immigrant and unfortunately, according to some rights groups, bordering on racism. [5] Lest we rely allow speculation and emotion to take precedence on the issue, it is best to investigate empirical evidence on the impact of immigration on the UK. Critics of immigration policy have contended that the presence of immigrants have created more negative than positive consequences for the UK economy, that the unpreceden ted rise of immigrant populations have caused downward pressure on wages, taken employment off native Britons, with immigrants going for a free-ride off UKs welfare system and the need for greater integration. [6] Most of these criticisms are based on speculations; empirical studies on the impact of immigration on the UK are relatively young and have mixed findings. Some studies support the contention that the immigration balloon has reduced wages for Britons [7] but several studies have also supported the positive contributions of immigrants in the UK economy [8] and whatever effects immigration may have on labour, are minimal. [9] One of the largest immigrant groups that have made their mark on UK society are Eastern Europeans those who were absorbed in the labour forces as a result of the accession of eight countries the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia to the European Union. [10] The geographical references Eastern Europe is used interchangeably with East Central Europe, the former Soviet Union, the Balkans, or the Baltic region. In the context of immigration and in the analysis being conducted in this thesis, Eastern Europe will refer to the so-called Accession 8 countries earlier mentioned. The influx of Eastern European migrants is due to several factors. Politically, EU policy is attributed to be the most significant driver of immigration in the UK. The free flow of migrant workers from Eastern Europe was fuelled by the EU Four Freedoms codified in a 2004 Directive. [11] While most of EU member countries came up with immigration restrictions, UK along with Sweden and Ireland did not. Migrant labourers from the A8 countries have come and gone freely in the UK since 2004. Aside from policy drivers, economic drivers also influenced migration patterns. So-called economic push and pull factors determine the expansion and retraction of migrant labour supply in the UK. Among the push factors include increasing poverty in the countries of origin, overpopulation, and excess blue-collar labour. Countries from the former Communist bloc suffered economically and had large segments of unemployed workers in their population coupled with dwindling social services. These diffic ulties are aggravated by a consistent growth in population, low levels of education, and lack of training. [12] Pull factors are those arising from labour demand in receiving countries such as the UK. Particular demographic characteristics could explain the pull in migrant labour from Eastern Europe. For instance, UK has seen declining fertility rates, an ageing population, and a rising level of highly educated professionals which is increasingly wary of undesirable menial jobs. [13] Undesirable jobs are characterised by low wages, long hours, and lack of job security those that appeal less to native Britons and more to immigrants. Jobs that fit into this category have been growing at a steady pace. Between 1979 and 1999, jobs belonging to the ten lowest paid occupations increased by 12 percent. [14] A small percentage of these workers receive social benefits; 3 out of 5 of them are not eligible for maternity or paternity leave; half of them do not get raises; and more than 50 percent did not receive sick pay. Studies have shown how around 90 percent of the lowest paid jobs in the UK are taken up by migrant workers. [15] Aside from the economic push and pull which motivate migration for most Eastern European workers, social and political factors also significant influence these decisions. Migration is also fuelled by the desire to reunite with family or build social networks. A study shows that the important of social networks and family cohesion cannot be discounted as significant factors influencing migration decisions. [16] New migrants are usually those who already have family members working as migrants in the UK and the decision to move is largely due to initial family migration. A report shows that the migration of Eastern Europeans to England is mainly through word-of-mouth and family networks. Family referrals are the most common routes to obtaining employment. [17] The importance of family networks is often seen as a boon or a bane by receiving communities. To the migrant communities, migration facilitated through family networks serve as foundation of community solidarity and f ormation. To receiving communities, such community formations may lead to the ghettoisation of migrant communities, giving worries that migrants do not assimilate enough with the mainstream society. [18] This, in effect, fuels suspicion and othering of migrant workers, and laying the basis for security concerns. As far as Eastern European immigrants are concerned, the common fear is the unregulated entry of migrants and asylum seekers may lead to increasing involvement with organised crime. [19] The most forceful argument made by immigration critics so far is to emphasise the negative consequences of Easter European immigration on labour. Saying that the influx of cheap labour from Central and Eastern Europe causes a downward pressure on wages has been asserted as early as 2004 by economists. In 1999, a study conducted by the Department of Education and Employment came up with conclusions supporting this fear: it found that if higher levels of unskilled workers came in, native Britons would be on the losing end and that if the opposite were true and migration instead attracted highly-skilled workers, native Britons would get the long end of the stick. [20] In addition, recent studies have also echoed the finding that the recent immigration levels have significantly reduced wages of British workers. [21] The disadvantages of immigration on job security of British workers have been largely hyped in the media [22] despite empirical studies generally contradict ing this claim. In fact, several economic papers have found that the migration flows prior to 2000 until 2005 have shown very little evidence of a negative impact. Specific studies on the impact of Eastern Europe immigrants have also stated that the general fear associated with migrant labour does not have empirical basis. [23] Econometric studies have also contradicted hypotheses that the increasing number of immigrants from the A8 countries have led to rising unemployment among British workers. [24] What is known about the impact of Eastern European immigration is little compared to U.S. studies examining migration consequences. Nevertheless, a substantial amount of scholarly literature is present. This present work reviews scholarly material and econometric studies related to the impacts of migration from A8 countries on the outcomes of native Britons in three spheres (1) labour, (2) culture, and (3) security. This paper uses the term immigrants and immigration to refer to people originated from any of the A8 countries to stay temporarily or permanently in the UK. For the purpose of this study, the term immigrants is used as a category under which labour migrants, asylum seekers, and political refugees all fall under. Research Questions The study focused on answering the following questions: What is the historical context of Eastern European immigration to the UK? What are the current migration trends in Eastern European immigration? What is the impact of Eastern European immigration on a) labour, b) culture, and c) security? Structure of the Paper This paper is structured into four main sections. The first section includes a brief description of the historical setting of migration in Europe. Moreover, the history of migration in Britain is particularly examined. The second chapter deals with the most recent migration patterns and migration trends of Eastern Europeans to the UK. It examined the rise and fall of migration numbers and account for possible factors that led to these trends. The third section presented a brief discussion on the major policies that have affected migration trends of Eastern Europeans toward the UK. The fourth section made a thorough review of the findings of scholarly studies particularly econometric studies that have dealt with the issue of immigration impacts. First, the impact on labour is examined whether or not immigration is negatively associated to outcomes of native workers. Second, the impact of Eastern European immigration in the context of assimilation, integration, and community cohesion is discussed. Third, security concerns on the so-called irregular workers and their ties to organised crime are examined. Historical Context of East European Immigration The United Kingdom is a region where immigration and emigration co-exist, and its British citizens have always been accommodating to the migrant inflow. There has been no clear evidence as to when migrants first came into the region. However, the post-war effect was the migration of the people from the New Commonwealth which was viewed as an influx of non-white races, such as Caribbeans, Indians and those from Bangladesh. The high migration was from 1950 to 1970 slowly made the UK a significant player in the European labour market. The migration has always been considered long-term or temporary. [25] Immigration to the UK began to increase when the government from the EU Accession countries, also referred to as the A8, have provided a policy that allowed migration from the A8 countries to the UK. The A8 countries are the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. Migrants from these regions have considered economic factors as one of the main reasons to move out of their respective nations into the United Kingdom, which has a relatively attractive economic status over the past years. [26] Migration from Eastern Europe began during the 1900s because of the Russian communist sovereign. This era was marked by a high flow of migrants from Russian territories, all determined to escape the difficulties brought about by a communist republic. It was recorded that migration was from Eastern to Western Europe, with few people returning to their original residence. [27] The primary estimate of migrants conducted by the Labour government was between 5,000 to 13,000, but the actual resultant population of migrants was far more than what was expected. [28] One such group is the Polish. The United Kingdom opened its doors to the Polish community to help Polish soldiers and support the British labour market. In 1939, migration from Poland to its neighbouring countries was due to the Soviet brutality and deportation. Polish soldiers were forced to reside outside the borders of their country to reform, and at the end of the war, some have decided to settle in the United Kingdom and even brought with them their families. The twentieth century marked the increased flow of Eastern European migrants in different nations in Europe, and even outside Europe, particularly United States and Australia. The free movement after the war resulted in the reconfiguration of the political structure in Europe, and 2004 has been marked as the turning point for the Polish migration to the United Kingdom. [29] In 2004, the UK has experienced a fast inflow of migrant workers from the A8 countries, and these workers have been given the freedom to migrate and work in the UK even without any employment permit. This was a political strategy to get workers for low-paying jobs and empty slots for skilled workers. [30] Prior to the May 1st accession of the A8 workers, the Workers Registration Scheme [WRS] was created to modulate the access of the A8 workers to different welfare benefits and gather data that will aid in regulating the inflows and creation of policies. The WRS has mandated that A8 workers who have acquired jobs in the UK in a period of one month must register with the Home Office. [31] Asylum seekers have also been consistently being monitored by the UK government, Roma from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania have entered the UK borders by placing themselves under the Eurostar train or by hiding themselves in enormous containers being delivered to the UK. [32] In the early 1980s, 150,000 asylum seekers migrate per year, sharply increased in 1992 to 850,000 and went down again to 380,000 in 1997. The sharp increase in the number of asylum seekers in 1992 was brought about by the collapse of Soviet Union and other issues related to the split of Yugoslavia. [33] In general, the East to West migration of Eastern Europeans was brought about by the change from communism to a socialist type of government, the removal of the restrictions to travel across the region and the re-delineation of individual rights. [34] Aside from the political changes, the accession of the ten new countries, including the A8 countries, to the European Union on May 2004 and expansion of the EU further increased the number of immigrants to the UK, Sweden and Ireland. The three mentioned countries are the only regions which have freely opened its labour market to the A8 migrant workers upon accession in 2004. They have been able to get jobs without restrictions and were provided the right to live like UK citizens. Moreover, these migrant workers can be joined by their dependants. [35] Factors affecting the Immigration of European to the UK Economic factors have been regarded as the most significant motivating factor for individuals to migrate. It is a fact that the economic status in Central and Eastern European countries have changed from the communist period. The communist period was marked by a low employment rate and low wages for the working population. This has led to an unstable economy and low per capita income during that era. These factors have led individuals to consider migrating to other regions to improve their lifestyle and economic status, and minimise the effect of being deprived economically in their own countries. [36] Globalisation is a significant aspect in the migration trends as the improvement and economic growth of London, as paralleled to that of New York City, has made the migrants more mobile because the transportation cost has been reduced and people have become more appreciative of the employment opportunities that are available in the region. The decrease in the cost for transportation has encouraged the movement of migrant workers into the UK and has enforced its labour market. [37] The high employment rate and high per capita income are the main reasons why A8 countries migrate to the UK. Improvement in the GDP and employment rates in the A8 countries may eventually result to lower migrations to the UK. Similar to situations in other countries, the individual assesses the economic state of the country and compares the benefits and disadvantages of possible migration. If there is more to gain compared to that of staying in their own countries, these individuals have greater probability to migrate. [38] Two general factors affecting professionals and skilled people to migrate have been shown to be correlated, namely the goal to leave and the realisation of finding what they want somewhere else. The external force which serves as the driving mechanism makes individuals think of leaving their home country. These external forces are commonly in the form of job dissatisfaction resulting from low salaries or less benefits in their work area; unemployment or underemployment and uncontrollable social and political disturbances that disrupts the economic state of the individual. The realisation of finding what these individuals want is also economic in aspect, just the same as most of the reasons why they migrate. Being able to find a better-paying job, as well as getting a more specialised exposure to the field of work are appealing to those workers who are currently unsatisfied. Several factors will then be considered in terms of the location for migration. Some of these factors are job o pportunity, liberalised immigration policies, language barriers, salary, standard and cost of living, better job experience and fulfillment, environmental factors and government policies with regards to the acceptance of family members for petition. All these factors are inter-related, but different cultures and individual perspectives also affects the decisions being made by the professionals when migration is being considered. [39] Based on the same survey conducted by the Home Office, the UK was chosen by only 42% of their respondents as the most probable location to migrate, aside from United States, New Zealand, Australia or Europe. The UK culture and location as well as the language in the region has also been considered as significant factors for migration. The main advantage of the UK against USA was that the UK was the first to open its gates to migrant workers, providing equal job opportunities, was then seen as a provider of a less stressful work environment and that the provided jobs were better in terms of the job satisfaction and fulfillment of the migrant workers. Factors such as the intense climate, problems in procurement of work permits and distance from loved ones have been identified to reduce migration to the UK. [40] Political factors that caused migration have been common to both the Central and Eastern Europe. The migration policies that have been implemented in the early 1990s have significantly affected migration flow. Some of these policies are the liberalisation for visas within countries in Europe and legal entry of the working immigrants. These policies have dramatically encouraged citizens from other European regions, as well as the non-EU migrants to try to migrate to the first world countries in Europe, including the UK. Humanitarian factors such as in the case of refugees have been considered one of the reasons for immigration. The number of refugees greatly depends on the violence in the events taking place in their respective national residence. Some of these events are Coup detat [41] , government crises, guerrilla warfare and civil war; among which, civil war generated the most number of refugees with an estimate of 35 refugees for every one thousand of the population. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees [UNHCR] in the Geneva Convention for Refugees has referred to a refugee as someone who can no longer return to the country that he or she normally resides in because of possible persecution. The UNHCR have identified that most of these refugees are in Third World countries. [42] The refugees, in the course of their nations history, have moved farther away from their home where there is economic and political conflict, as well as threats to their safety, heading to the closest neighbouring country where they seek for temporary escape. However, most refugees go back to their homes as soon as the war ends because of the difficulties that they encounter in the refugee camps. The most appealing escape from the refugee camps is to cross borders of the neighbouring countries, wherein the refugees are provided only temporary resettlement and restricted rights in the countries that they have escaped to. These temporary privileges are the refugees reasons for both the migration from and return to their respective homes. [43] The long process required for refugees to seek protection in neighbouring countries takes a very long time and this has also been a problem because in most cases, smuggling and illegal entry into the neighbouring regions occur. [44] It has been estimated that 50% of the asylum seekers have been reported to enter UK, Germany and France by smuggling operations; and these refugees needed to pay at least $4000 to be able to get smuggled through Europe. [45] Data gathered about the asylum seekers show the uncertainties that are being encountered by these people who really have no idea of how and where their destination will be as the route that the smuggling operations take are dependent on the tightness of the security in the regions they are about to cross. [46] A 13-year pooled regression study [47] on 20 countries showed that factors such as employment rate, number of foreign nationals and the destination countrys liberalised perspective on immigration and acce ptance of asylum seekers are the key determinants for immigration. The increased influx of working migrants and asylum seekers to the UK have led to the formation of a point-based system to properly control the movement of immigrants into the UK. This type of system aimed at giving more restrictions to those who intend to apply for legal immigration in the UK, and this system also minimises the number of possible refugees that will enter the UK illegally. [48] The main goal of this point system is to slow down the population of UK, with the aim of controlling the pace of immigration. Types and Number of European Immigrants in the UK Immigration in the UK has been reported to be half of the total British population growth from 1991 to 2001. Some surveys have evaluated that most of the immigrants have settled in London, and Wembley has even reached half the population in its region. Three areas have also been identified in which there was a marked rise in the number of immigrants, namely Scotland, South-West and North-East England. [49] The number of working migrants in the UK has increased from 30,000 in the 1990s to about 80,000 in the early 2000. The labour market of the UK varies from EU nationals to non-EU nationals, but the most of which belong to the A8 countries. Professionals from other regions with the aim of improving their economic situation in first world regions also make up the immigrant population in the UK, but 90% of the aspiring immigrants are students and asylum-seekers. [50] The movement of foreign workers in the UK have shown that about 20% are IT professionals and about 8% work for financial services. [51] In 2006, the estimated number of refugees all over the world is about 12 million. This is a 400% increase compared to the estimated number during the 1970s, and is still expected to increase further based on the trends in the past decades. Furthermore, approximately 50,000 to 500,000 asylum seekers have resettled in developed countries from 1970 to 2006 (Hatton, 2004). Polish nationalities have been considered as one of the most significant ethnic population of the migrants in the UK. Being approximated at about 540,000 migrants, the Polish community is expected to grow even more in terms of the movement of the population from their country to the UK. [52] However, in 2007, despite the 237,000 increase in immigrants in the UK, there was a recorded decline in the number of Polish migrant workers going into the UK. The same trend is also observed with that of Latvia. [53] In 2009, a decrease in migration was observed, from 160,000 to 142,000, however, the data gathered did not include the number of asylum seekers, as well as the mobility of migrants in the Northern Ireland. A 59% increase was observed in the number of people that have become UK citizens, amounting to 203,790 individuals. [54] The increase in the number of migrants has not been only on the asylum seekers, but almost all categories of the immigrants currently living in the UK. The influx of migrants has been associated with the improvement of the economy in terms of employment opportunities, and rise in GDP. Asylum seekers, illegal aliens and overstayers were shown to be related to economic and political issues. The entry of illegal migrants is not feasible to be empirically measured but with the strong connection between migration and economic status, the number of illegal migrants is assumed to be increasing. [55]Â
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Az Pride :: essays research papers
AZ PRIDE STREET CLOSURE: Central Avenue from Osborn to Thomas Road will be completely closed to traffic at 7:00am on Saturday, April 21. This will allow us to mark off the street for entries. STAGING BEGINS: Entries may begin entering the staging area at 7:30am. If you have a vehicle there prior to 7:30am, please stay on a side street or parking lot before checking with the volunteers up near Osborn & receiving your POSITION CARD. ALL ENTRIES CHECK-IN: 7:30am to 9:30am on the corner of Earll & Central. Please make arrangements to check-in, and have your entire entry on-site and ready to march by 9:30am.Step Off will be promptly at 10:00am. We will not have time for check-in after 9:30am. OFFICIAL ENTRY NUMBERS: We are NOT assigning entry numbers in advance this year. You will receive your official entry number at "Parade Check-In" that morning. There will be a large (poster-size) line-up list and diagram posted at the corner of Earll & Central (the street entrance into Park Central). Walking participants can check there to see where their group is lined up. You MUST display your OFFICIAL ENTRY NUMBER to the judges as you pass By them. So have someone display it on the left side of your entry. ALL VEHICLES/FLOATS: (PRE-STAGING & STAGING) (Unless you have been specifically instructed otherwise.) Enter parade PRE-STAGING from Osborn, turning south onto Central Avenue. Stop there to check with the parade volunteers (in bright ORANGE t-shirts) stationed in that vicinity, to receive your position in the staging area & to receive your POSITION CARD. Then look for other volunteers further down Central in your particular staging areas For more detailed directions. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT ENTER STAGING AREA WITHOUT A POSITION CARD! JUDGING: Will take place again this year along the parade route. Winners will be announced at the Festival Main Stage at approximately 1:00pm. TICKET SALES: Will be available near the check-in table on Saturday morning for $10.00 per ticket. Have any of your participants that don't already have a ticket buy them there & they will save some time & standing in line at the Festival admission gates. Information to pass on to your friends & family who will be watching along the parade route: There will be personnel along the parade route (probably towards McDowell) selling Festival admission tickets for $10.00. Hopefully this may alleviate some of the bottleneck that immediately follows the parade for admissions.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
An Evaluation of Pip, and His Great Expectations Essay
In the year 1860, author Charles Dicken’s began his thirteenth novel, Great Expectations. The work is a coming-of-age novel, which tells the life story of an orphan boy named Pip, who much like Dickens’ in his earlier years is unhappy with his current life. A number of Charles Dickens’ personal life events are mirrored in the novel, leaving Great Expectations to be one of his most autobiographical works. Young Pip, the protagonist of the novel is stuck living in the marsh country, he is working a job that he hates, and considers himself to be too good for his current surroundings, much like Dickens’ did when he was younger. While working on Great Expectations, Dickens’ made weekly installments to the novel, leading it to be one of his most well structured works. Great Expectations is a novel which develops a number of different themes as the story progresses, with the primary theme being personal growth and ambition. The story tells us that morals s uch as affection, loyalty and conscience are much more important in reality than social-class, social advancement, and wealth. The protagonist, Pip, is destined to learn this lesson through his ‘great expectations’, as he explores different ideas of ambition and self-improvement. Great Expectations is a convincing tale told in the perspective of an orphan named Pip, who tells his realistic life story from the very beginning of his ‘great expectations’, which all began one evening when he had a strange encounter with an escaped convict in a cemetery, while he was looking at the tombstones of his parents. This mysterious stranger ordered young Pip to bring him food and a file to break loose the shackle on his leg. If Pip does not comply, the strangers promises to murder him. After bringing the convict food and an iron the next day, Pip finds out that the convict has been arrested, and the mysterious criminal has protected Pip by telling the authorities that he stole the food himself. Some time after this event took place, a lawyer by the name of Jaggers appears in the marsh country that Pip lives in, and he comes with strange news: a strange benefactor has given young Pip a large fortune, and Pip must leave his life of being a blacksmith at the for ge behind in order to go to London with Jaggers and become a gentleman, and get his education. During his time in London, Pip discovers many truths about his life, the mysterious benefactor, and his past. A man from the country marsh named Orlick who is the polar-opposite of Pip reappears in his life, and is dead set on ruining it, as well as hopefully killing him. The reader is kept guessing what will happen with Orlick and Pip as the story progresses, as well as who Pip’s mysterious benefactor is. Dickens’ managed to make Great Expectations and interesting read, but a rather dull journey lacking any sort of excitement. Instead of having any sort of surprise throughout Great Expectations, the author simply gives answers to questions asked and created throughout the story, none in which intrigue the readers. The end holds no real surprise, and the novel ultimately ends up being just a message to the readers, saying that money and living in a good social class is not important in comparison to family, friends, and happiness. There are a number of events throughout that story that are irrelevant to everything, such as Pip and his friend Herbert end up being in debt. The debt has absolutely no negative or positive effect on the story, but is only a bit of filler throughout one of the chapters. The main character of Great Expectations, Pip, is the most guilt-ridden character in the novel, he has no prejudice. His most noticeable and crucial characteristics are his naturally good conscience, and his immature glory of romance. Pip eventually faces an internal conflict once he better understands the reality behind poverty and immorality, he decides that he wants to achieve as much as possible. Because of this, Pip puts his life at the marsh country behind him, he abandons the people who care for him the most, and goes to London where he becomes a gentleman. In London, Pip views his past actions very negatively, and very seldom does he ever give himself credit for good deeds he has done in the past. As a gentleman, Pip starts to act as he always imagined a gentleman would, this adds to him treating his family poorly. Many of the characters throughout the story do not seem to be very realistic, it is almost as if they were meant to come across as being quite fictional. Estella is an unrealistically ‘cold’ character, who has zero feelings for anybody or any living thing. She has absolutely no ability to express emotions to the extent that it seems completely unreal.Despite this, Estella almost does come across as being quite sympathetic for her being the way she is. She warns Pip regularly that she has â€Å"no heart†, and strongly urges him to love somebody else, for she is not good for his wellbeing and happiness. At the end of the novel, however, Estella finally begins to feel like as though she is out of Miss Havisham’s control, and is finally her own person, as she tells Pip, â€Å"Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching. . . I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.†Miss Havisham is the most unrealistic character in Great Expectations, she lives in a rotted mansion, and has not removed her wedding dress in over ten years. Miss Havisham has stopped every clock i n her mansion at twenty minutes to nine, and refuses to ever know what time it is, whether it be day or night. Great Expectations takes place in the 19th century, the main character, Pip, is born in England in the 1800’s and is telling his story in the year 1860. The novel is set around the life of Pip, who is on a mission to meet his â€Å"great expectations†, whatever those may be, and to become a gentleman. His life story takes place both in the southeast marsh country of England, and eventually in London, England, where Pip lives as a gentleman. Great Expectations takes place during a very busy time for England, with the Industrial Revolution occurring, as well as the voidance of slavery in the British colonies during 1834. To the people, London is considered to be a prospering capital, and England is a powerful giant on the globe. However, the way Dickens’ depicts is quite the opposite of that. Pip’s hometown Kent, which resides near the marshlands is twenty miles away from the ocean, and the townsfolk can see the Thames River flow through it. Off in the distance of the marshland and ocean is where the convict ships dock, causing many criminals to lurk about the area. The setting is important because of the time period the story takes place, the economy is thriving and there is plenty of opportunity for money. The mood throughout the story feels rather empty, there is never much tension, never much pain, and never much happiness throughout Great Expectations. There are times throughout the novel when some places Pip travels to bring the mood to different levels, for example, Miss Havisham’s rotting mansion sets a darker mood on the tale, but shortly after when Pip is back in London, the story is back to the usual calm mood of Great Expectations. The story often goes through mood swings because of this. When certain characters come into the picture, they do hav e a slight effect on the atmosphere, though the atmosphere of the novel is usually made clear through Pip’s thoughts, as well as his actions. The year is 1860, Charles Dickens’ has just begun his thirteenth novel, the irritating tale of a young man named Pip, who has come across a large fortune of money, and decides to selfishly leave his family and loved ones behind in order to go to London, and be rich. As the novel progresses, Pip develops as a human being and learns many things, as well as beats himself up for his past. Throughout the ride, Pip comes across a great deal of many different people,such as a heartbroken old timer who grieves every day in her own self pity, a stone cold young lady who holds no love for any living thing, a criminal who has a strong sense of high values, and a lawyer who takes Pip under his wing to becoming a gentleman. Each character is unique in their own way, yet each continue to be uninteresting throughout the novel. Dickens’ not only presented the readers with a number of dull characters, but gave his audience a boring tale which ultimately holds no sort of significance in the end. While the novel is generally quite uninteresting, the setting of the novel is rather exciting as it takes place during the Industrial Revolution of England, however this is hardly noted in the novel, therefore putting readers in front of a rather empty, â€Å"too much like home†world, where the men work hard and the women stay at inside all day, the rich are greedy and the poor are struggling. Charles Dickens had a great idea with Great Expectations, but focused too much on other things as well throughout the story which ultimately helped lead it to become uninteresting and irritating to get through, at times there was too much going on in the novel, while at other times unnecessary events were taking place, which did not progress the story in any way whatsoever. Though the theme of Great Expectations exists, the end gives readers more of a relief that the book is finished, rather than leaving them in an intrigued state which Dickens seemed to have originally intended.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on The Battle For Chattanooga
Outline I. Introduction II. Events contributing to the Battle of Chattanooga. A. The Union Army 1. President Lincoln 2. General Ulysses S. Grant B. The Confederate Army 1. The Battle of Chickamauga 2. General Braxton Bragg III. The Battle of Chattanooga A. Brown’s Ferry 1. Strategic Value 2. Longstreet Retreats B. Orchard Knob 1. Reconnaissance 2. Grant Controls Orchard Knob C. Lookout Mountain 1. General Hooker 2. Battle at Lookout Mountain D. Missionary Ridge 1. Confederate Headquarters 2. Battle at Missionary Ridge IV. Aftermath of the battle A. Casualties B. Promotions and Demotions V. Conclusion The Civil War was the bloodiest war in United States history. This war tested the values and courage of all early Americans. The Battle of Chattanooga was one of the most important battles fought in the war. The victor would control Chattanooga and its surrounding territory and would have an upper hand in the war. General Ulysses S. Grant was at the Battle of Vicksburg and did an outstanding job with his troops in the Union victory. President Lincoln was impressed with Grant and promoted him to Commander. Grant was given orders to gather his troops and lead them into Chattanooga at once. â€Å"He gathered a little over 60,000 men†(Chattanooga Campaign, 179). Included in this amount, were troops from Generals Hooker, Sherman, and Thomas. Grant marched the troops to Chattanooga to keep the east-west passageway functioning. This was important in deploying men and supplies being shipped or railed to their battles and headquarters. After the battles of Vicksburg and Chickamauga, Bragg was deployed to gather troops and surround Chattanooga. The Confederates also needed Chattanooga because it was one of the last places able to transport men and supplies railroad. The Union troops were surrounded by the Confederate troops. Grant knew the Confederates had an advant... Free Essays on The Battle For Chattanooga Free Essays on The Battle For Chattanooga Outline I. Introduction II. Events contributing to the Battle of Chattanooga. A. The Union Army 1. President Lincoln 2. General Ulysses S. Grant B. The Confederate Army 1. The Battle of Chickamauga 2. General Braxton Bragg III. The Battle of Chattanooga A. Brown’s Ferry 1. Strategic Value 2. Longstreet Retreats B. Orchard Knob 1. Reconnaissance 2. Grant Controls Orchard Knob C. Lookout Mountain 1. General Hooker 2. Battle at Lookout Mountain D. Missionary Ridge 1. Confederate Headquarters 2. Battle at Missionary Ridge IV. Aftermath of the battle A. Casualties B. Promotions and Demotions V. Conclusion The Civil War was the bloodiest war in United States history. This war tested the values and courage of all early Americans. The Battle of Chattanooga was one of the most important battles fought in the war. The victor would control Chattanooga and its surrounding territory and would have an upper hand in the war. General Ulysses S. Grant was at the Battle of Vicksburg and did an outstanding job with his troops in the Union victory. President Lincoln was impressed with Grant and promoted him to Commander. Grant was given orders to gather his troops and lead them into Chattanooga at once. â€Å"He gathered a little over 60,000 men†(Chattanooga Campaign, 179). Included in this amount, were troops from Generals Hooker, Sherman, and Thomas. Grant marched the troops to Chattanooga to keep the east-west passageway functioning. This was important in deploying men and supplies being shipped or railed to their battles and headquarters. After the battles of Vicksburg and Chickamauga, Bragg was deployed to gather troops and surround Chattanooga. The Confederates also needed Chattanooga because it was one of the last places able to transport men and supplies railroad. The Union troops were surrounded by the Confederate troops. Grant knew the Confederates had an advant...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Cezanne essays
Cezanne essays Cezanne beyond Impressionism. Another artist who drew his inspiration from outdoors was Cezanne, who also had a distinct style of painting. To move away from the style of the broken colour of the impressionists, Cezanne devised a system of modulating the colours from a volume of cool to warm or light to dark. It seems to me that Cezanne seldom made a line around his paintings. Instead, the lines would virtually disappear off the edge of the work creating a sense of more volume. He also used the same weight of colour in both foreground and background, which created an anti-illusionistic effect. This technique, for example, can be seen in Cezannes Still Life with Apples, a Bottle and a Milk Pot. In this painting we are able to see how Cezanne literally escapes the use of encompassing lines. The artist loses the edges in this painting, producing an image that passes into the background, achieving a sense of colour balance and harmony. Unlike the impressionists, Cezanne did not aim to capture a glimpse of light. Instead, light itself becomes part of the colour harmony and decorative contrast. Cezannes composition of colours reminds me of a tapestry. I also think that it is prototypical for abstract art, which would follow later. ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Nueva Yol Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nueva Yol - Movie Review Example A Dominican widower who visits the New York City in order to have a taste of a ‘paradise’ as most people had put it. However, when in New York, the so called paradise was not to be. The movie also points out a man, Balbuena who mortgages his house in order to get a visa, is ignored and also exploited. He cannot get any type of a job because of discrimination and exploitations from the natives. 2. At the cemetery, Balbuena meets with someone (Fellito) who turns to be a friend to him. Fellito was close to the kid and was someone like a guardian to him. Fellito had, therefore, attended the burial at the cemetery too. 3. Balbuena, in the struggle to search for a job, finally sets foot at consul’s house. However, the reception and how he treated was not all that good. Being mistaken by the drug dealers due to her everyday appearance at the same place was a big blow to him since he was mistaken for the wrong person. Balbuena could not find a job in New York City. The fact that he did not had a green card and the inability to speak English made it worse and added the burden of looking for a job (Stephen 96). His cousin was not of any help to him. People of the Dominican Republic were discriminated by the natives. Having met people of the same origin or people with the same problems, Balbuena and the rest decided to form a circle of all the friends. This comprised of the people with Dominican Republic citizen. 4. At the airport, Felli meets with Pedro and turns out to be another friend just like Balbuena. However, Balbuena was a special and important person to be with. His character and style of doing things made him is a person who could be trusted as a good friend. 5. Through the network of friends formed, Balbuena meets with Pedro, who was a bit stable in his life. Pedro is able to see how Balbuena suffered a lot in the hands of his cousin who instead of
Friday, November 1, 2019
MGT3190 Assigment for August 2008 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
MGT3190 Assigment for August 2008 - Essay Example Cultural values, status issues, general living conditions, climate, healthcare facilities, everyday customs, food, transport, living costs, religious or spiritual opportunities, openness to change, conservation and self-transcendence were the variables taken into consideration in the study. (Van Vianen, De Pater and Kristof-Brown) A survey questionnaire was given to the test subject expatriates over an interval of three months. Surface-level differences only affect the attitude towards living conditions and changes like living, eating, and climate etc. deep-level differences are the ones that actually affect interaction with locals and adjusting to the new working environment over time. Deep-level differences affect an expatriate's adjustment to work, more. The study gave a detailed account of previous findings. If people are trained and prepared better for cross regional assignments, it will be easier for them to adjust and perform well. The research should have also concentrated on the new outsourcing trend and how the adjustment process takes place in a web based business world. The research question basically asked if the practical school of thought was justified. ... The study gave a detailed account of previous findings. If people are trained and prepared better for cross regional assignments, it will be easier for them to adjust and perform well. The research should have also concentrated on the new outsourcing trend and how the adjustment process takes place in a web based business world. Article-2: Managerial behaviors and job performance: a successful manager in Los Angeles may not succeed in Hong Kong Introduction The article studies whether the behavior that affects work performance of American managers, also affects the performance of American managers in Hong Kong. This study further compared the two schools of thought and did an in depth analysis of the practical school of thought and how it's not the ideal one, even if it is most widely used. The research question basically asked if the practical school of thought was justified. And if American managers' behavior in the US would have a positive affect on performance in Hong Kong The hypotheses were: 1. "American expatriate managers will have a similar behavior overseas, to American managers in the US." (Black) 2. "Managerial behaviors which are related to performance in the US will be related to performance overseas." (Black) Method LBDQ subscale variables were representation, demand reconciliation, tolerance of uncertainty, persuasiveness, and initiation of structure, tolerance of freedom, role assumption, consideration, production emphasis, predictive accuracy, integration and superior orientation. Also, friendliness, openness to communication and defining roles etc. were included. (Black) Questionnaire surveys were given to American managers in the US and Hong Kong, as well has Hong Kong based local managers. Results The findings mainly showed that
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