Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Review of Related Literature and Studies Essay

Being always present in class and getting to school on time are two of the crucial determining factors of a student’s success, not just as a student but as a person who will be managing his/her own life in the future. Given the importance of being punctual, this study aims to explore and find out the factors that affect the punctuality of UP students. In this chapter, we will be discussing about the background of our study. It includes facts about tardiness, the different factors that causes it and its effect to the students as students and as bearer of their own lives in the future. From reliable research materials like online journals and research papers, we will provide some facts and theories from authors, teachers and notable people in order to have a concrete justification of our study. First, we will give a definition of tardiness and present some theories and facts about it. Next, we will discuss he various factors that causes the students to come to school late, the psychological theories, the observation of the teachers and the personal reasons of the students. Lastly, the effects of tardiness to students, not just to himself/herself but also to his/her future and to other people, will be discussed. Tardiness As UP students, we are expected to perform well with excellence in everything that we do, most especially in the academic aspect. One factor that dictates the quality of performance of a student is his/her punctuality that is, getting to school on time or being tardy. As cited by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), â€Å"lateness† can be defined as the â€Å"situation where an individual arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time (Oxford Advance Learners’ Dictionary, 5th ed., 1995), Lauby (2009) puts it as a term used to describe â€Å"people not showing up on time† and Breeze et al. (2010) contributed by saying that, lateness is synonymous with â€Å"tardiness†, which implies being slow to act or slow to respond, thus not meeting up with proper or usual timing. Lastly, Weade (2004) defined tardiness as â€Å"being late for any measurable length of time past the stated or scheduled start time for work or school.† In most schools, a student is con sidered tardy  when he/she is not present when the school bell rings or when the first teacher starts to give instructional materials for the first subject in the morning class. One of the most recurring and the most â€Å"frustrating problem† that the schools are having with their students nowadays is tardiness (Sprick and Daniels, 2007). It creates problems, not just to the students but also to the teachers (Cowan Avenue Elementary School Community, 2007, para 1). Cowan Crier, the official School Publication of CAESC, also states that while having â€Å"occasional tardy† isn’t a big deal, unfailing tardiness is and it gives students problems including being ill-prepared for the job market. According to the results of the study of the U.S. Department of Education on â€Å"truancy†, which is related to tardiness, being present and on time in going to school are big factors on the â€Å"success and behavior† of the students (Zeiger, 2010, para 1). Thus, it is a lot important to value time and practice being on time while being a student. According to CAESC (2007) and Zeiger (2010), the most essential learning time of the day for the students lies in the morning, specifically between 8:00 to 9:30 AM. It is because the students are most mindful and observant at this time of the day. It is also the reason why the most important lessons and subject matters are discussed during this time. So when students are late or are not present during this time of the day, they, in effect, miss out most of the important lessons to be noted and learned. Factors affecting Punctuality Reasons for being late in class and other factors affecting the punctuality if a student vary. There had been some theories that pointed out that tardiness is caused by the personality of a person. Santillano (2010) stated that psychological theorists considered some â€Å"personality traits, including low self-esteem and anxiety† as triggering factors of tardiness (para 2). She also mentioned that while some theorists considered tardiness as an â€Å"inborn quality† since our being early or late is â€Å"partially biologically determined†, which she also agreed, other experts also believed that some people are â€Å"chronically tardy† for the reason that they consciously and unconsciously get good things from it (para 3). In the book cited by Santillano, â€Å"Never be late again: 7 cures for the punctually challenged†, the author Diana DeLonzor suggested that some  personality traits could most likely lead to a person being often late. Some of the traits included were â€Å"struggling with self control†, â€Å"feeling nervous or uncomfortable with social situations† and â€Å"getting distracted easily† (para 4). Santillano also discussed about the study conducted by DeLonzor at San Francisco State University in 1997 in which she surveyed 225 respondents about their habits that makes them late from their appointments. It was also a test on the personalities of the respondents that affect their habits. According to the results of DeLonzor’s study, those respondents that were often tardy apt to be anxious and gets distracted easily. Nakpodia and Dafiaghor attribute lateness or tardiness to a lot of factors or causes. Going late to bed and waking up late next morning are the most common. The authors added film-watching late at night as a cause for tardiness. The student may forget that he/she needs to be in school the next day. The distance between the student’s home and school or solely the school’s location is also considered by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor as a possible cause for tardiness. Not just because it takes more time to get to school, but according to the authors, the student is susceptible to more distractions and hindrances along the way. Parent’s untimely tasks and commands are also reasons that students come late to school. Habitual tardiness can also be learned from other members of the family, especially from the older ones. Lack of a firm and consistent policy on punctuality also encourages students to come late at school since there are no consequences attached to lateness or tardiness. These causes of tardiness will lead to serious effects. Another study was the one conducted by Enamiroro Oghuvbu in Nigeria. The objective of the study was to determine the causes of the absenteeism and lateness among the secondary students in Nigeria and to seek for solutions to the growing problem. According to Oghuvbu (2008), female students are more likely to be late than male students because of â€Å"their involvement in domestic activities by their parents† (para 7). Also, as cited by Oghuvbu, â€Å"distance to school, school discipline, family background and school location† (Emore, 2005) are some of the common causes for the tardiness of the secondary students. Oghuvbu collected the data from a sample size of 17, 417 Nigerian respondents from 2005-2006. The sample was made up of 20 principals and 50 each from a set of teachers, parents and students. The means of collecting  data was through a thirty-item questionnaire answerable by either strongly agree (SA), agreed (A), disagree (D), and strongly disagreed (SD). The questionnaire had four questions, one of which was about the causes of lateness among the secondary students of Nigeria. The study revealed that the causes of lateness among the secondary students in Nigeria were â€Å"going late to bed because of watching films and home movies, resulting into wake up late in the morning, distance to school and keeping friends who are not students† (Oghuvbu, 2008). These results went consistent with the results of Oghuvbu’s reference studies which proves that tardiness among students have been a growing problem and that it is caused, not just because of the students but also because of the lack of imposing discipline from the parents. Another research partly studied about tardiness but tackled a specific reason or factor. A study by Pimentel and Quijada (2011) focused on the frequency of use by the UP Cebu freshmen students of Facebook and a part of the study tackled about the effect of the famous social networking site to UP Cebu students’ punctuality and academic performance. For their study, Pimentel and Quijada collected 60 respondents and provided them with questionnaires. The questionnaires contained questions that ask the respondents about their use of Facebook and its effects. A certain question asked the respondents if late-night use of Facebook has an effect on their punctuality. According to the results of the study, three out of 60 respondents are always late, eight said they are sometimes late, 12 said they are seldom late and 37 said that they never get late due to late-night use of Facebook. Generally, the results showed that the respondents are seldom late in class because of late-night use of the social networking site. Ledoux, as cited by Pimentel and Quijada, said that lack of sleep causes neural malfunctions and further affects a person’s behavior. In the study’s case, it is a student’s punctuality that is affected. Sometimes, it is not solely the students’ fault why they keep on being late in coming to class. Another factor that could affect the punctuality of a student is the response of the teachers to tardy students. Sprick and Daniels (2007) stated that the range of the teachers’ response was â€Å"from ignoring them to sending them to office† (p. 21). This variation could lead the students to confusion as to how important it is to be on time in going to class. Another reason is the lack of motivation. Students who  come to school on time are not given incentives or rewards. Also, responses to tardiness are lenient, that is nothing is done until the tenth strike or more. Another reason is â€Å"giving the student the impression that they won’t be missing anything if they are late† since in some classes, no important activities or instructions and no lessons are being done for first few minutes. Lastly, crowded hallways could create traffic, thus blocking the way of other students and making it hard for them to pass through. Effects of Tardiness Tardiness among students has its own negative repercussions. Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) emphasized that lateness or tardiness is not just the problem of the late student but it affects the surrounding people. A student coming late in class distracts the rest of the students and disrupts the flow of the teacher’s discussion. It is even a burden to the student/s whom the late students ask for what to catch up with. The rest of the effects given by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor are about the welfare of the whole school, its productivity and revenue. Knowing the possible effects of lateness or tardiness, it is necessary for solutions to be executed. Studies have revealed that those students with â€Å"perfect or near-perfect attendance† have good grades compared to those students who misses classes often and late-comers (Cowan Avenue Elementary School Community, 2007, para 3). Moreover, as mentioned by Zeiger (2010), the results from the survey report conducted by teachers show that students with high tardiness rates have â€Å"higher rates of suspension and other disciplinary measures† (National Center for Education Statistics Indicators of School Crime and Safety [NCESISCS] (2007)). It also causes the students to have behavioral problems and to drop out. Lastly, Zeiger (2010) stated that â€Å"Students who are frequently tardy to school are also more apt to be fired from a job for showing up late† (para 5). A study conducted by Barbara Lee Weade on 2004 tried to â€Å"determine if school tardiness is a predictor of work tardiness† (Weade, 2004). It provided a lot of literature that observes correlations and factors affecting a student’s tardiness. As cited by Weade, the 3rd most common cause for the failure of a student is â€Å"excessive tardiness and unexcused absences† (Ligon and Jackson, 1988).  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Inconsistency of school rules† (Britt, 1988) and situations such as â€Å"crowded halls, limited opportunities for social interaction, irrelevant course content, and teacher indifference† (Damico et al., 1990) are also factors that affect a student’s attendance and punctuality. As mentioned by Weade, personal v alues, financial security and lack of parental guidance (Payne, 2001) as well as family background (Featherstone et al., 1992) influence tardiness and absences of students. Weade gathered data from the schools of participating students. First and foremost, she asked consent from the students and their parents in order to gain permission to collect their school records. She collected and studied the attendance and punctuality records of these students based on the number of unexcused absences and minutes of tardiness. Her study showed that among high school students, the grade point average is correlated with absences and tardiness. This means that students with better attendance and punctuality have higher grade point averages and vis-à  -vis. Her study was also able to show that attendance and punctuality of students are not consistent throughout the year. There were more absences and tardiness at the latter part of the year. Gender has also shown to be a non-factor in the attendance and punctuality of high school students. The study was very comprehensive in its subject matter. It tackles not just school tardiness but its implications on work tardiness. It shows that â€Å"students who are on-time for school classes are also likely to be on-time at work while students who are tardy frequently at school will probably also be tardy at work† (Weade, 2004). The study requires a lot of data but Weade was able to gather a sufficient amount. Though some possible correlations were not established, it is outside the scope of this research. Due to the fact that tardiness has been giving negative effects on the students nowadays, the most important thing to do is to develop a firm, consistent and functional policy that addresses late students. There must be defined sanctions and penalties for late students. Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) stated that school administrators must lead by example. They should be punctual in their own meetings and classes to avoid students to think that being late is just alright since even the authoritative persons are doing it. They should as well teach it and integrate it in every lesson. The effort on the remedy on lateness or tardiness does not start and end with  the school. It must begin with the parents of the students and the government must take part as well. Transportation must be improved in order to avoid students getting stuck in traffic or encountering other obstacles down the streets. Some schools have already started finding solutions that would effectively minimize and/or eliminate tardiness among students. One of the solutions made by some schools is implementing tardiness policies, wherein they take steps in approaching the students and parents for them to solve the problem. CAESC has their policy worked this way. Other schools initiated interdisciplinary curriculum that integrates discipline and conduct in academics. Cordogan (as cited by Weade, 2004), said that a school in Chicago, Illinois adapted a similar curriculum and yielded positive results. Students under the interdisciplinary program exhibited more positive behaviors from students not from the curriculum. Interdisciplinary students showed less absences and tardiness, as well as higher grades. Other schools made smaller academic changes such as developing personality works and cooperative learning activities, such as creation of portfolios and tutorial to younger students. These taught the students better goal-setting, decision making skills and time management. In return, students under these behavior modification programs yielded less tardiness and higher grades. To summarize, many studies have shown the reasons and factors that may contribute to the tardiness of a student. One of the mentioned reasons of tardy students was waking up late in the morning, which can also be attributed to late-night activities, such as social networking, watching movies and television shows, as well as untimely academic and domestic errands. As proven by several studies, sometimes, it’s not also the act of the student that leads to his/her tardiness. The heavy traffic, the teachers, the school surroundings and policies may also serve as influences to the tardiness of students. Many studies have also shown the effects of tardiness on the students, the teachers, the school and the society. According to these studies, the tardiness of a student consumes his/her learning time as well as disturbs other students and teachers. The tardy student also poses as a threat to the school as an educational and professional institution and the student may be one of the less productive members of the society. A lot of studies as well gave testimonies to effective remedies  on tardiness. These studies promoted integration of personality development and interdisciplinary programs into school curriculum to aid students enhance positive behavior and personality leading to the decrease of tardiness. Our study intends to find out the tardiness of UP Cebu students and the reasons and factors that may influence this tardiness.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Enforcement of a 4 Day School Day Essay

Have you ever thought of having a 4 day weekday rather than a 5 day weekday, instead of that short 2 day of relaxation you gain another day to rest off that stress filled body to the luxurious sofa sitting at your house? Well some work places incorporated a 4 day weekend instead of the typical 5 day weekend and I feel as if we, the teachers and students, equally deserve a 3 day weekend, but there’s a catch. The regular school day would be increased by 2 hours but we should want to decrease the amount of stress school gives us for these reasons, the lack of sleep kids already have, less cost of the utilities used in school, lessened suicide rate. First of all, an important fact is a teenager of the current generation gets a poor amount of sleep. The national health society states that a teenager should have a total of 9 hours and 20 minutes of sleep to perform at their best in school but in reality a student stacked with AP classes, sport, or a job gets far less than the nation al level. The average amount of sleep a teenager gets is under 5 hours for 25% of college and high school students which correlates with decreased performance that they show at school. Some schools in the U.S. has already tried this and one teacher at Chatnooga High School said,† The kids are more attentive because they realize there is much less time so they come in and do it.† Another great reason why we should have a 4 day weekend is a dramatic decrease in the cost of utility. Schools in Georgia saved an average of $800,000 on utility since there is a less need of transportation going back and forth from academy classes, and to drive students back and forth from school. From the slightest of restrooms being flushed, trim of transportation, and janitorial costs the school would save a dramatic amount of money and find the extra funds they need to fund school sports or school clubs if needed. And last but not least, lessening in suicide rate, the current suicide rate is at a new high in America but would dramatically decrease with a 3 day weekend. Kids would have more time to to hang out with their friends or find other fun thing to do such as an internship or volunteer around at hospitals. Due to the increase in time kids would be able to ration their homework that they were given to a slower rate or finish it all and have more time to hang out with their peers. The stress caused from school would not have a huge toll which was a huge factor in suicide. They would also have more time to talk to other such as friends about their personal problems and their friends in retrospective would have more free time to be able to talk to his/her friend and give him or her a serious answer instead of the teenager regular nod of the head or a shrug. In reality kids would gain a more beneficiary advantage for school from a 4 day school day rather than the current 5 day due to more sleep gained, lowered cost of utility, and lessened suicide rate.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Public Officials And Morals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Public Officials And Morals - Essay Example Negative talks on differences between people such as on ethnicity, race, gender, and age should be avoided at all costs. This is so because people emulate and take to heart the words of these officials and may even act upon them hence fueling hatred amongst people. An example of this is in the African countries that experience civil wars which are fueled and sometimes caused by their elected public officials. Their hatred talks on other tribes and ethnic groups have been seen to lead to fights amongst the citizens as was the case in the Rwandan genocide. Their behavior when in that elected public post should also be one without blemishes even though they are human and are bound to mistakes. They should try to avoid situations that will not stand well with the public that elected them making them regret their decision, showing bad decision-making ability and embarrassing their family and friends. The most common of these situations to avoid is engaging in extramarital affairs while st ill in office. This is morally wrong as it downplays the value of family, the virtue of faithfulness as well as setting a bad example to the young generation by showing that immorality is not a bad thing. An example of this is in the Clinton Lewinsky sex scandal where Bill Clinton who held the highest public office in the United States where the public had elected him to be showed lack of moral exemplary behavior and judgment by engaging in sexual relations with a white house intern while he had a wife.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Who are Entrepreneurs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Who are Entrepreneurs - Assignment Example Entrepreneurs work strategically- he or she is a person who knows the right people and can select a good team. These people are different people often termed as minorities (Bolton & Thompson, 2004, p-14). Smith (n.d, p-5) suggests that entrepreneurs are agents of innovation- they find loopholes in the processes and use them as opportunities. Many scholars debate on the fact whether entrepreneurs are born or made? The phenomenon of personality as a foundation for distinct behavior begs the same argument- whether personality is born or is it made? Is a human being a product of nature or nurture? At times certain skills and characteristics of people which are nurtured over time motivate him or her to become an entrepreneur in the future. Similarly, inherited skills may encourage a person to direct him or herself towards the path of business management. Bolton & Thompson (2004, p-21) in their book have concluded that entrepreneurs are both born and made. In some cases, they are born havi ng natural skills while in other cases, entrepreneurs are made after learning the rules of business. Â  Entrepreneurs work in an open, unstructured environment in which they have to do tasks from scratch-they have to begin from primary levels to reach the top (Zhao & Seibert, 2006, p-260). This statement suggests that entrepreneurs have to keep a balance between work-life, family and avoid conflicts between them. This workload, financial stake, and work environment may lead to physical and psychological stress. In such situations, people with high self-confidence and self-efficacy can survive these strong external pressures.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Greek philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Greek philosophy - Essay Example Those performing exceedingly well receive ten years of mathematical education, the successful will move onto five years of training in dialectic and then a final fifteen year period of apprenticeship in managing the polis.† (Philosopher King). Plato developed the concept of â€Å"forms† which he said can be understood only by a well trained and knowledgeable person. The understanding of forms cannot be achieved through human senses and it is something beyond the normal existence of an individual which an average person will fail to understand. Plato also asserts that the mathematical knowledge is substantial for a philosopher king to know forms. It can be seen that, Plato give primary importance to education so that the philosopher is well groomed to be a king. Understanding the political climate of any state is important for its rulers. Plato gives a 15 year duration concentrating only on political concepts and ideas to make a philosopher fit to be king. Here, Polis not only includes the individuals in a state but the geographical peculiarities of the state are also taken into consideration. Plato does not support the idea of democracy as it does put the right person at the helm for making decisions in public, social or political affairs. He point out that such people will not be properly trained in knowledge and practical application of ideas. According to Plato, all individuals in a society are equal in a democratic setting which can lead to problems of great measure. Then he points out that every individual in a society cannot be equally trained to perform well with regard to matters of political concern and in a democratic setup of people with no capabilities contribute to political matters which can destabilize the peace of the society. In a democratic situation, people may select representatives who can be totally incapable of handling political

Friday, July 26, 2019

Pharmaceutical Treatment Options for Myasthenia Gravis Article

Pharmaceutical Treatment Options for Myasthenia Gravis - Article Example The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) has the distinction of being the first site of a defined autoantibody mediated neurological disease, namely myasthenia gravis (MG), which is due to autoantibodies to the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) (Vincent, 2002). Other targets at the NMJ include muscle specific kinase (MuSK) in MG patients without AChR antibodies. About 20% of MG patients with generalized disease in Europe, North America and Japan do not have AChR antibodies. These so called 'seronegative' MG patients can be divided into two groups: those with antibodies to MuSK and those without [AChR/MuSK seronegative MG (SN-MG) (Hoch etal, 2001). In normal neuromuscular transmission depolarization of the presynaptic nerve terminal produces an influx of calcium through voltage-gated calcium channels. Vesicles containing acetylcholine (ACh) then fuse with the presynaptic nerve terminal membrane. After release, ACh interacts with the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) on the muscle endplate surface. This opens the AChR channel, resulting in an influx of cations, largely sodium. Depolarization of the muscle surface produces an excitatory endplate potential, and if the endplate potential is of sufficient amplitude, muscle surface voltage-gated sodium channels are opened. This generates an action potential that eventually results in excitation-contraction coupling and muscle movement. ACh binds transiently to its receptor and then either diffuses from the neuromuscular junction or is hydrolyzed by acetylcholinesterase (AChE), providing a self-limited response to nerve depolarization. In MG, antibodies are directed against the acetylcholine receptors (AChR antibodies). AChR antibodies interfere with neuromuscular transmission through one of three mechanisms- First, some bind to the AChR cholinergic binding site, blocking the binding of ACh. Second, some AChR antibodies cross-link muscle surface AChRs, increasing their rate of internalization into muscle and reducing the numbers of available AChRs. Third, and perhaps most importantly, AChR antibodies that bind complement result in destruction of the muscle endplate, and a more long-lasting loss of AChRs. Drugs like acetylcholinestrase inhibitors nhibits AChE, increasing the amount of ACh available to interact with available AChRs, thus prolonging the action of Ach, and allowing muscle contraction. Pharmacological treatment Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are the first pharmacological choice in the treatment of MG. Acetylcholinesterase is an acetylcholine-hydrolyzing enzyme which binds the overflowing acetylcholine in the neuromuscular junction, keeping the junction clean from excessive transmitter. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors bind to the acetylcholinesterase, inhibiting its action. Pyridostigmine is a more recent long-acting reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors increase the amount of available acetylcholine in the neuromuscular junction. This leads to enhanced binding of acetylcholine to the diminished number of AChRs on the myasthenic muscle cell membrane, causing contractility improvement (Millard and Broom field, 1995) When additional pharmacological tre

Entreprenuership -Trader joes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Entreprenuership -Trader joes - Assignment Example He opened stores designed with fish nets and boat oars on the walls. Employees were dressed in bright tropical shirts and the stores where packed with food items which are preferred by the customers during vacations. The enterprise also partnered with dealers worldwide to make the foods available at popular holiday destinations at their stores. The founder believed that if the people can spend huge amount of their money to experience great tastes available at those holiday destinations, people would definitely spend on those goods if they are available in store near their homes. The unique value proposition of the company includes availability of unique food items with new tastes, minimum price charged for products, high bargaining with suppliers. The organization researched about the products that the Americans prefer the most on their vacations. It also believes that the money saved by the organization while procuring goods from suppliers is the money saved by the customers. Thus, the company creates value by supplying goods at minimum prices. The enterprise also acquires goods directly from the suppliers to reduce their costs. Trader Joe’s also utilizes the loop holes of government regulations on wines. Since private label wines were not covered under the laws, the company persuaded them to sell their production under the label of Trader Joe’s. As the price of these labels were low than popular brands, they were preferred by the customers (â€Å"Understanding Trader Joe’s†). The key metrics are the measures which assess the performance of the company. Traders Joe’s growth in sales and the increase in the number of stores are the metrics used to understand the success of the enterprise. It has been observed that the sales growth of the company has increased over the years but in the recent times, there is a high competition in the retail sector and this may lead to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

RESEARCH ON THE JAPANESE YEN Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

ON THE JAPANESE YEN - Research Paper Example Precisely, this theory argues that a unit current, for instance, the Yen must have the same purchasing power in a foreign country. The study uses the Japanese Yen together with other currencies in testing the PPP hypothesis and focuses on the empirical analysis from 1980 up to March 2013. This period is divided into three windows. The first window is what is referred to as the complete sample; the pre-crisis sample, which began in January 1980 and ended in August 2008, is the second window. The third window is referred to as the crisis sample, starting from September 2008 up to March 2013. The Japanese Yen among other currencies such as the Euro, the British pound and the U.S dollar are key currencies of the recent floating exchange rate period. In this regard, the first step of the study was to check for the stability of the real exchange rate prior to and after Lehman Brother’s crash in 2008. The empirical results showed that the real exchange rate is not constant for Japane se yen. For a proper evaluation of the problem under study this paper will comprise of various sections, including a brief literature review, the econometric methodology, data and empirical evidence, and lastly a summary of the findings and concluding remarks. The purchasing power theory dates back to several centuries ago, beginning with the Spanish doctors and the ‘Salamanca School’ of the 16th century who had crucial contributions to the economic theory (Laurentiu). They designed a quantitative money theory of the foreign exchange, which was based on diversity in purchasing power in various countries from observing the general effects on price levels, exchange rates and money supplies of large inflows of gold from the newly discovered continent, America. The celebrated Augustinian doctor, called ‘Doctor Navarrus came up with some outstanding contributions in

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Current legislation, standards and guidance require microbial Essay

Current legislation, standards and guidance require microbial monitoring of utilities (eg steam and water), facilities (eg the c - Essay Example The design of the sterile services department facility must be perfect in every detail to prevent microbial contamination of the area and the products. The entryway must be set up as to prevent unauthorised persons from gaining access and to stop workers from entering while wearing improper or insufficient protective clothing, since this traffic would bring outside contaminants into the sterile area. There must be space to separate sterilized equipment from contaminated equipment, so that no microbial cross-contamination occurs. Washrooms and changing rooms must be available to the staff and set up so that workers' outside clothing never comes into contact with their sterile gear (Sterile Services 2004). Due to the strenuous nature of these and dozens of other requirements, many hospitals and medical offices now choose to obtain their sterile equipment through a commercial retailer rather than have their own sterile services department on-site (Lawrence & May 2003). ... vel of particulate matter in the air is used to calculate the possible amount of microbial life present in the clean room facility, as well as dust and other contaminants such as ski and hair. (Rousseau 2004). It is monitored by a discrete-particle counter, which can detect particle diameters anywhere between 0,1 and 5 ?m to aid in determining the ISO clean room class of the facility (Schicht 2003). A sterile services department is required to contain the necessary equipment to disinfect medical products in an approved manner, following a validated sterilization process; the preferred method is steam sterilization (Russel, Hugo, & Ayliffe 1999). Steam sterilization is used because it is non-toxic and provides the most effective method for destroying many types of microbial life. Unfortunately, many contemporary surgical tools and medical devices are made of plastic, and would not survive a steam sterilization cycle. These items are decontaminated with a low-temperature method, such a s acid immersion (HIPAC 2008). Because many medical devices are considered critical risk, designed to come in contact with a patient sub-dermally, it is vitally important for a sterile services department to keep their sterilization equipment in perfect working order. The sterilizer itself must be tested daily to ensure it functions properly and completes an entire sterilization cycle, weekly for safety and function, and annually by a testing technician to check the steriliser against manufacturer specifications (Lawrence & May 2003). These tests help the sterile services department ensure that their sterilizer is actually removing the microbial load. Since the margin for error with sterilization is so narrow, a sterile services department must also ensure all incoming utilities, especially

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

To What Extent is BP Guilty of Greenwashing Literature review

To What Extent is BP Guilty of Greenwashing - Literature review Example The Concise Oxford English Dictionary defines 'greenwashing' as "disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image." It is argued that the presence of the word in the dictionary indicates the growing trend of this phenomenon among corporations. The trend of 'greenwashing' seems to be on the rise as oil companies, known to reap heavily from degradation of the soil, pollution of the air and global warming, realize that they have to re-present themselves as partners towards global climate solutions, manufacturers of automobiles, jets and airplanes realise they can launder their image even as they promote their products and companies in all industries realize the importance of presenting their activities and products as climate-friendly, to make socially conscious investors and consumers more comfortable with buying their products. In most cases, the 'green' propaganda is also aimed at achieving an unfair advantage over competitors (BP's Rebranding,2005). Deen (2002) reports that the wave of 'greenwashing' began more than a decade and a half back, in 1990, when on 'Earth Day millions of people across the world gathered to protest the declining health of the planet. This made it glaringly clear to the several multinational corporations that the average human had started to take interest in the wellbeing of his environment. British Petroleum (BP)... The company also owns 23 refineries and 32 chemical manufacturing plants around the world (BP's Rebranding, 2005). In mid-2000, BP launched one of the most expensive public relations and advertising campaign in recent times, representing the company as an environmental-friendly one and introducing a new slogan 'Beyond Petroleum'. In line with the campaign, the chief of the company was quoted as saying; "The time to consider the policy dimensions of climate change is not when the link between greenhouse gases and climate change is conclusively proven, but when the possibility cannot be discounted and is taken seriously by the society of which we are part. We in BP have reached that point". During the course of the campaign, BP touted itself as the global leader in producing the cleanest burning fossil fuel, the first company to introduce cleaner burning fuels to many of the world's most polluted cities and the largest producer of solar energy in the world (BP's Rebranding, 2005). Â  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Total Quality Mangement Essay Example for Free

Total Quality Mangement Essay What is Total Quality Management (TQM)? TQM is a management strategy that attempts to maximize the competitiveness of a organization through continual improvement of quality in its products and services. The ultimate goal is to increase customer satisfaction. They premise in this method is that everyone involved is the responsibility of everyone involved in the process; this includes management, workforce, suppliers and even customers. [ (Wikipedia, 2012) ] We will examine two test cases and examine how TQM can help them improve. We will examine their failures and examine how TQM would help them overcome them. In the book â€Å"Out of the Crisis†, by Dr Deming he points out fourteen points that manager must use in order to follow a successful TQM strategy. They are: 1) Create constancy of purpose for improvement of product and service. Management must change from a preoccupation with the short run to building for the long run. This requires dedication to innovation in all areas to best meet the needs of citizens or clients. 2) Adopt the new philosophy. Americans have been too tolerant to poor performance and sullen service. We need a new philosophy in which mistakes and negativism is unacceptable. 3) Cease dependence on mass inspection. Inspection is equivalent to planning for defects; it comes too late, and it is ineffective and costly. Instead, processes must be improved. 4) End the practice of awarding contracts on the basis of price tag. Purchasing departments customarily operate on orders to seek the lowest-priced vendor. Frequently, this leads to supplies or services of low quality. Instead, they should seek the best quality and work to achieve it with a single supplier for any one item in a long-term relationship. 5) Improve constantly and forever the system of operations and service. Improvement is not a one-time effort. Management and employees are obligated to continually look for ways to reduce waste and improve quality. 6) Institute modern methods of training on the job. Too often, employees learn their jobs from other employees who were never trained properly. They are forced to follow unintelligible instructions. They cannot do their jobs because no one tells them how. ) Institute modern methods of leadership. Lower-level managers must be empowered to inform upper management about conditions that need correction; once informed, management must take action. Barriers (such as reserved parking places for top management) that prevent employees from doing their jobs with pride must be removed. 8) Drive out fear. Many employees are afraid to ask questions or t o take a position, even when they do not understand what the job is or what is right or wrong. People will continue to do things the wrong way or to not do them at all. The economic loss from fear is appalling. It is necessary for better quality and productivity that people feel secure. 9) Break down barriers between staff areas. Often staff areas, departments, units, and so on are competing with each other or have goals that conflict. They do not work as a team so they can solve or foresee problems. Worse, one departments goals may cause trouble for another. Each discipline must stop optimizing its own work and instead work together as a team for the company as a whole. Multidisciplinary quality control circles can help improve design, service, quality and costs. 0) Eliminate slogans, exhortations, numerical goals and targets for the work force. These never helped anybody do a good job. Let people put up their own slogans. Although workers should not be given numerical goals, the organization itself must have a goal: never ending improvement. 11) Eliminate work standards and quotas. Quotas focus on quantity not quality. They are usually a guarantee of inefficiency and high cost. To hold a job, a person meets quotas at any cost, without regard to damage to the organization. 12) Remove barriers to pride of workmanship. People are eager to do a good job and distressed when they cannot. Too often, misguided managers, faulty equipment, and defective material stand in the way. These barriers must be removed. 13) Institute a vigorous program of education and training. Because quality and productivity improvements change the number of people needed in some areas and the jobs required, people must be continually trained and retrained. All training must include basic statistical techniques. 14) Create a structure in top management that will push every day on the above 13 points. (Demings, 2000) The Nightmare on Telecom Street In our first test case James Harrington attempts to make a flight reservation by calling a major airline. His experience is an excellent example of a company trying to be so efficient that they alienate their customers. Efficiency is very important to a company, but not at the cost of losing customers. The service failures started even before the phone was answered; the phone rang five times before the auto attendant answered. From there the customer was given an endless amount of choices to get routed to the right department. Once there she was on hold before a live person finally answered the phone. This person asked the caller for the same information they just provided to the auto attendant. Once the caller was verified, the person tells them they have reached the wrong department and gives them another phone number to call so they can start the process all over again. In order for this airline to solve their service failures they need to think of their customers. It is okay to have an auto attendant to direct traffic in the right direction, but maybe only one or two choices before reaching a live person. They also need to give the option of pressing zero and speaking to an operator that would forward the call to the right department. The airline must realize that people like to speak with people, not computers. The phone call is the first impression that the potential client will have of the airline. They need to make this phone call as enjoyable as possible so they will not hang up and call a competitor. The State University Experience The second case study is about a student that is very excited to go to a certain State University and his enthusiasm is diminished by the universities actions. This case is another example where there the customer is an afterthought. In this case it is obvious that there was no thought given to the customer experience. There were difficulties starting with the campus tour and throughout the entire enrollment process. The service failures started the school tour. It is obvious that the university just paid any student to take potential enrollees on a tour of the school; they did not provide them any formal training on what to say or design a specific tour of the school that highlights the schools best features. They did not even make sure that the lights in all the buildings on the tour were on during the tour. It only went downhill from there. The enrollment process was painful, the student kept having to send in the same documentation; the university kept losing stuff. The student sent in everything requested several times and they still ended up enrolling him into the wrong program. A total disaster! This case study is an example of a program that has to be revamped from the beginning. They need to start with meeting and exceeding customer satisfaction. If the tour is going to be in the middle of the summer, they need to make sure that the tour does not spend too much time outside; you need to make sure that people are comfortable. The tour guide needs to go through training on the message the university wants potential students to hear. Finally, the enrollment process has to be more efficient. They need to use technology to make their enrollment process smoother. He should not have to send in the same documents more than once. Conclusion In both test cases you see examples of potential clients being really let down. In today’s competitive environment firms have to make sure that potential clients have a good overall experience. In does not take many unhappy clients to post on their facebook page before you have a nightmare. I believe companies can use the 14 points to improve their TQM and improve their customer experience. Works Cited Demings, W. E. (2000). Out of the Crisis. The MIT Press. Wikipedia. (2012, 3 4). Total quality management. Retrieved 2012, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Total_quality_management

Introduction to Business Assignment Essay Example for Free

Introduction to Business Assignment Essay AIM: I have been requested by Peter Eskesen to look at two contrasting business organisations and one of who must operate in the secondary/manufacturing industry and the other corporation must be a service provider from the tertiary sector. I must then look at the activities that each of them fulfil and look at the effectiveness of them within each organisation. I have decided to look at the activities of G. E lighting which is an American company and a direct division of the biggest company in the world G. E and the second company of which I have decided to look at is Sainsburys who is amongst some of the most dominant market leading companies operating in the U. K in the supermarket sector. Both of the companies that I have decided to look at are both owned by shareholders which means that people have bought shares into them. However having said that, as G. E lighting is an American company it means that it will not be listed on the London Stock Exchange but will alternatively be listed upon the New York stock exchange market. If a person wanted to buy shares in GE lighting then they would have to contact a broker. Furthermore, Sainsburys is also a Public Limited Company because it is like before, listed upon the London Stock Exchange. Today General Electric is made up of many departments/divisions. For example G. E Lighting in Enfield is part of a Global Business, which operates in over 100 worldwide countries and also holds work for over 300,000 people worldwide too. Television programming, Plastics and G. E Aircraft Engines for example, is the biggest engine maker and supplier in the world with operations in over 40 different countries. 1 On the next page you will find GEs product portfolio. Sainsburys supermarkets employ over 145,000 people (including Savacentre). Of these 145,000 people, 60% are part time based workers and 40% are full time workers. 62% of the labour forces are women which show that since the 19th Century equal opportunities have shifted and women have the same rights as men to be able to work. Furthermore, Sainsburys Supermarkets serves well over 11 million customers a week and as from May 2003, had 535 stores open throughout the UK. Nearly 60% of their stores are located upon town centres and others built on the edge of centre locations in the greenbelt areas where land is cheaper and have better connections. Like GE, Sainsburys also have sub divisions or Subsidiary companies that they own. For example the other activities that they operate or run besides Groceries, include a chain of Sainsburys Banks, Shaws, JS Development and Sainsburys Property Development. Shaws Supermarkets Inc. has been a completely owned Subsidiary of J Sainsburys plc since 1987 and partly owned since 1983. Shaws serves over four million customers a week, and as at May 2003 had 193 stores open in New England, USA. In June 1999, J Sainsburys plc acquired the entire share capital of Star Markets for a total consideration of $497 million dollars which is the equivalent to i 313 million British pounds. Star Markets operates in the Metropolitan Boston area, Washington DC. The acquisition took Shaws Supermarkets to the number 2 position in New England and as the dominant market leader in Houston, Massachusetts. Like Sainsburys Supermarkets, the US operations place an emphasis on high quality food at value for money prices, and are persistently recuperating and improving their range of fresh foods. The corporation offers approximately 50,000 different lines, up to 35,000 per store at any one time. Some 5,000 popular brand products account for 40 per cent sales and as at June 2003, Shaws employs some 28,400 associates.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Nihilism in T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland

Nihilism in T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland Chapter 1 Introduction Nihilism is a very popular concept in English Literature and many authors have taken Nihilism as a theme in many of their works. The word Nihilism has long history. The word Nihilism is the resultant of the Latin phrase ‘Nihil’, which means anything does not exist. This term grew to be preferred with the newsletter of Ivan Turgenev’s novel Fathers and sons (1862) the place he used nihilism to explain the basic and rudimentary scientism supported by way of this character Bazarov who sermonizes a statement of belief of total negation. There are a couple of interpretations of the phrase Nihilism, as many critics have stated about Nietzsche that he believed within the literal dying of god. Nietzsche in lots of his works expresses a terror that decline of religion, the upward thrust of atheism, and the nonappearance of a better moral authority would thrust the world into chaos. The western world for a long time was depended on the rule of god for steering and direction and the way in which it gave order to society and which means to way of life or existence . Without this, Nietzsche says that society will move into an age of nihilism. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) is one of the most popular name to be associated with the concept of Nihilism, as he has referred and thereby included this concept in many of his works. He was a German thinker and philosopher of the late 19th century who defied and challenged the fundamentals of Christianity and conventional and traditional morality. Nihilism in step with Nietzsche is first of all the situation where the world appears to be without value, morals, the world after the loss of life of god. There is not any get away from the fact and whilst there is not any approach to reconcile oneself to it, since all of the method have utterly failed. This can be a predicament, an untenable trouble, a state of powerlessness that we cannot probably suffer. For the world seems to be without value precisely on account that the values we invested on this world are failing: they now not participate in their ordering or organizing perform. Nietzsche is probably associated with nihilism that put his factor ahead via saying that its corrosive and mordant results would eventually smash all moral, religious and metaphysical convictions and precipitate the finest trouble in human historical past Nihilism is a term which describes the lack of value and meaning in individual’s life. When Nietzsche mentioned that god is lifeless, he meant that Christianity has somewhere been lost as a guiding force in our lifes and there is nothing to replace it. Nietzsche’s philosophy arrives from the rejection, from outrage on the world, from the simple that world reasons. It is only once we learn to care for this pain, when we observe its vigor, that we will be able to appreciate the world as it is. This needs that we confront nihilism, now not most effective nihilistic attitudes or role but most of all the nihilism of what occurs, the nihilism of our lives. Nietzsche is famous for proclaiming death of god. Through talking concerning the demise of god, Nietzsche is maintaining come what may that god existed for a time and that he died, ceased to exist. Nietzsche is just not pronouncing that god literally existed and he actually died. What he means is right here is that the sugg estion of god performed a principal and a unifying function in western philosophical concept as good as everyday lifestyles, and that this proposal has ceased to satisfy its operate. The topics of nihilism and faith, nihilism and morality, and overcoming of nihilism. This thematic focal point reflects three primary features of view of which nihilism is massive for Nietzsche’s idea. The dying of god represents a predominant precondition for the uncompromising stance regarding the diagnosis of nihilism. After Nietzsche, the influence of nihilism has its clearest and most sustained effect within the huge area of morality; finally the doctrines of eternal return and the desire to power conceived as stratagems for the overcoming of nihilism. In all of the three sections, religion, morality and the overcoming of nihilism – a growing universalization of the predicament of nihilism makes manifest. Nietzsche, at the end of the 19th century mentioned that the approaching century will be the story of nihilism-the expertise of the dying of god and the simultaneous retention of the ancient expectations in regards to the which means, rationale and worth. For the duration of the transitional period of nihilism, humans will think that there is not anything rationale, meaning or values. In short, the world identity nothing-that is the expertise of nihilism-the interpretation of the new world order in phrases of the categories correct to the ancient, now defunct worldview. Nihilism is theref ore a transitional state that outcome from having one foot in the historic world and the opposite in the new of expectations proper to the Christian world view. The points that Nietzsche had put forward regarding Nihilism were critiqued by several religious challengers, and existentialist. One of the popular critics called Albert Camus, believe that the human beings generally logs and desires for higher order absurd. He also said that the death of god was insignificant and unimportant and that the entire mankind, do not need any higher authority or power and danger of divine wrath to live a contented, happy life full of morals. Nietzsche talked about the end of Christian morality in the world. Nietzsche in God is Dead stated that he believed that here is no longer a real essence or substance to conventional and traditional social, political and religious values. He witnessed that old values and old ethics, probity and morals, now, don’t have the same power that they once had. At this stage, he announced the death of god, stating that the traditional or time-honoured resource and basis of transcendental value, God, no longer did not ho ld any importance in modern culture and was efficiently dead to us. Generally, Nihilists believe in the fact that without any apposite and apt source of complete , universal, and inspirational values, then there cannot be any real values at all. Chapter II Unveiling Hidden Aspects of Nihilism in T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland T.S. Eliot (1888-) was born and brought up in St. Louis, Missouri. He went to Smith Academy in St. Louis and after that the Milton Academy in Massachusetts, as his family was initially from New England. Eliot started courses at Harvard University in 1906, graduating after three years with a Bachelor of Arts degree. At Harvard, he was extraordinarily affected by teachers eminent in verse, rationality and abstract feedback, and whatever is left of his artistic profession would be formed by each of the three. Not long after the turn of the century, Eliot started seeing his poems and short stories in print. T. S. Eliot was a writer, screenwriter and scholarly commentator and a Nobel Prize victor for his excellent work. Some of his best known works incorporate the poems The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The Waste Land, Murder in the Cathedral The Hollow Men, Four Quarters and the plays Murder in the Cathedral and The Cocktail Party. His most renowned exposition remains Tradition and t he Individual Talent. For his lifetime of idyllic advancement, Eliot won the Order of Merit and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948. The Waste Land, by T. S. Eliot, showed up during an era when European culture was not knowing as to what to do with itself. Europe had quite recently risen up out of World War I, a war which had damaged the landmass , its general public and society. Numerous people of that time believed in the fact that society has become disordered, chaotic,coldhearted and humans without any sentiments. A feeling of disappointment, disillusion and criticism got to be proclaimed and nihilism became popular and came to the front. The poem then was known as a poem which reflected the condition after the war and how that resulted in degradation and loss of values and ideals,and further resulting, a loss in faith. The Waste Land also expresses the hopelessness which was present in that time in the society. People felt that nothing is left. The poem commences with the central character of the poem, of the wasteland, thinking about the spring: April is the unkind and callous month, variety Lilacs out of the dead land, amalgamating Memory and desire, blending Dull roots with spring rain. Winter keep us warm, covering Earth in dreamy snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. This passage is an indication of the extent of the dilapidation, deprivation and corruption and degradation of man. The man has drawn and has gone so low into depravity, corruption, and decadence and evil that he now wants to live a life of unawareness and due to this they are not living a complete and a fruitful life. April, the month in which spring starts, is no more a happy time in which new life is commended and rejoiced, yet a coldblooded time of resurrection that reminds man that his own particular life is frightfully unfilled and is empty. The speaker then reviews the time he initially understood that his life has become empty, blank, vacant and bare. In the springtime, he says, he gave his mate hyacinths. When he gave a glimpse to her, then he noticed that his beloved arm’s were full of beautiful flowers and from her hair, water was dropping, then he anticipated to see joy, contentment, fulfillment and satisfaction on her face, but saw nothing. As of right now, he understands that genuine bliss cant be found in passing and temporary things. The world holds nothing for him- Oed und scoff das Meer-forsaken and vacant is the ocean. It is conceivable that Eliot resulted in these present circumstances same acknowledgment through a comparable reason, as he and his wife had an exceptionally miserable relationship. The hero then goes up against us a trip through society, an excursion that shows the full degree of human corruption and profound spiritual emptiness and blankness. In the first scene of A Game of Chess, an affluent couple is indicated at home, living futile lives and a life without meaning which is made out of dull schedules. Their relationship is constrained and simulated, every so self-assimilated that not one or the other can correspond with the other. The world war I is one of the most enormous disaster and misfortune in the history. The after effects of the war to had a drastic effect on the ordinary people. The condition of that time was also portrayed in literature, and in poems as well. T.S. Eliot is one of the most important war-poet who in his poem the wasteland, depicts the condition of mankind struck in paramount destruction and demolition following the war. The poem is divided into five parts and its puts forward some of the themes like social devastation, thrashing of joy and looking forward in future and belief in nothing. The poem begins with the first part of the poem named as, ‘The Burial of the dead’. In this section , the speaker can be Eliot himself, is describing the seasons. Spring brings reminiscence and the necessitate and need and then the speaker’s memory drifts back to time to munich, to childhood sled rides and to a potential romance with a hyacinth lady. He then goes on remembering som e other incidents which includes the fortune teller namely , Sosostris and then he finds himself on the London bridge. The third part ‘ The Heart Sermon’ opens with a picture of river. The speaker is sitting on the banks and muses on the deplorable condition of the world and then the scene shifts to maidens singing a song of lament and one of those id crying because of the fact that the world has lost its innocence to a similarly lustful man. The fourth section, ‘ Death by Water’, describes a dead Phoenician lying within the water. The speaker cries for rain and it finally comes. Second part of the poem is a very famous part which is named as ‘ A game of Chess’ which focuses on the aspect that humans share some similarities with the pieces just like there are on the board of chess. The title suggests the horrible conditions after the war for the complete society. People were living on the wasteland, and they have been clutched and compressed in a situation just as pieces in chess. One of the line of the second part of the poem which involves the fisher king myth and it underlines the infertility and barrenness of humanity after the war. There was no love , communication between the lovers and thus it resulted in no reproduction at all. The idea of nothingness and emptiness is the central theme of the poem, which is the symbol of realism of that society. The famous poem the Wasteland is divided into five parts which represents five totally different elements of earth, fire, water, etc, because of the hunter picture in a search. The effects of the war was as such that it did affected the physical environment but it also resulted in the loss of spiritual and moral life and its vitality, liveliness and strength. Because of this condition it was difficult for people to return on the previous innocence and it was marked by emptiness and a search which goes on its journey without any probable scope of improvement. The second part of the poem is also marked by hopelessness, degeneration, infertility, unworthiness and cruel condition of humanity. Humanity has no other option to flee and runaway. But people were still living and continuing there designated roles and was living in horrible conditions around them. The title of the second part is highly symbolic, just as in the game of chess there is an division based on hierarchy, in the same w ay humans are also divided on several parameters and social realities. The second part of the poem can itself be divided into two parts, the first one is concerned with the richer class and the setting is their respective households. And second part depicts the poorer class and the action takes place in a pub. The main subject matter of first part is despair , despondency and lack of optimism are portrayed here. The unproductiveness and aridity of the setting is a major theme which is highlighted by focusing on social classes and persons. The barrenness of marriage is also emphasised to all classes of society and the fact that love does not appear anymore. At the end, what is left behind is darkness, dimness and sadness and a crystal clear picture of the wasteland. Chapter III Conclusion Nihilism is one of the most celebrated notion in English language and many writers have taken Nihilism as a subject matter in many of their works. The word Nihilism has long history. The word Nihilism is the resultant of the Latin phrase ‘Nihil’, which means anything does not exist. Nihilism in step with Nietzsche is first of all the situation where the world appears to be without value, morals, and the world after the loss of life of god. There is not any get away from the fact and whilst there is not any approach to reconcile oneself to it, since all of the method have utterly failed. For the world seems to be without value precisely on account that the values we invested on this world are failing: they now not participate in their ordering or organizing perform. This can be a predicament, an untenable trouble, a state of powerlessness that we cannot probably suffer. Nihilism is therefore a transitional state that outcome from having one foot in the historic world and the opposite in the new of expectations proper to the Christian world view. There are many elements of Nihilism which are found in T.S. Eliot’s the Wasteland. The wasteland causes a sensation once it absolutely was printed in 1922. Nihilism with reference to the Wasteland talks about the end of Christianity and religion as a guiding light to the people because of the growing power of the evil and the victory of good over bad. The Waste Land, by T. S. Eliot, came up during an era when European culture and world was not knowing as to what to do with itself. Many people of that time believed that society has become disordered, chaotic ,and humans without any sentiments. A feeling of disappointment, disillusion and criticism got to be emphasized and nihilism became popular and came to the front. The poem then was known as a poem which reflected the condition after the war and how that resulted in degradation and loss of values , morals and ideals ,and further resulting, a loss in faith. The Waste Land also expresses the hopelessness which was present in t hat time in the society. People felt that nothing is left on which they can believe and attain solutions to their various problems. With his depiction of London as the ‘unbelievable and incredible city’ whose populace has been fixed by death, Eliot plainly depicts the sadness experienced by the British after the war. The city is not just possessed by the coagulated waterway of sighing masses which courses through its mist secured roads, however by the spooky memories of officers like Stetson who lost their lives amid the war. Like The Sound and the Fury, ‘The Wasteland’ endeavors to pass on the agnosticism of its day through its extremely structure and style. By its disconnected lines and various dark references, the poem introduces an age in which otherworldly and existential assurance.Remaining out of sight of this poem is the Fisher King, a legendary figure from Arthurian legend. His barrenness speaks to the sterility of the age, and his just trust is that somebody will ask him what it is that upsets him. In The Wasteland, Eliot is underlining the way that the issue for present day man is not to be found in the absence of bounteous answers, however in the absence of the best possible inquiries. The age that delivered World War I couldnt settle its own particular issues; just a come back to the knowledge that had gone before it offered any trust. These works impart a compelling truth: that in his ascent to power and investigative ability, humankind lost his direction. Perplexity rules and his tower is left to disintegrate. This is skepticism: the breaking down of all esteem; the lethal oversight of overlooking that the most valuable things that a man has are not those things which can be full in a wash room, put away in a ledger. Yet, as Eliot saw, there is trust: escape from the maze of negligibility is not found by pressing forward into the dimness, however by taking after the breadcrumbs of times long past once again to the doorway and to escape. The poem’s main element of ni hilism can be found in a manner that the death of Christianity and religion as a source of enlightenment and inspiration from is as it is dead because of the increased corruption and loss of values and morals. The poem also gives many examples in various sections about the degrading values and morals and the way people are becoming materialistic and only thinking about themselves rather than humanity on a whole. Works Cited:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Animal Farm, by George Orwell :: Animal Farm Essays

The novel Animal Farm by George Orwell was a very interesting, complex, and informing novel. In the novel, George Orwell uses farm animals to portray people of power and the common people during the Russian Revolution. The novel starts off with Major explaining to all the animals in the farm how they are being treated wrongly and how they can over throw their owner, Mr. Jones. They finally gang up on their owner and he leaves the farm. Then they start their own farm with their own rules and commandments. Originally the two people in charge of the "Animal Farm", which they titled it, were Napoleon and Snowball. Napoleon was really greedy and wanted all the power to be his, so he got the animals to turn on Snowball and make him leave the farm. After Napoleon took over the pigs started disobeying the commandments that the pigs, as well as all the other animals, organized and wrote down at the beginning of their take over. Soon the pigs have disobeyed, and/or changed every law there was from the beginning, and the pigs start acting and looking like humans. After that "Animal Farm" slowly starts to loose power and Mr. Jones takes back over. This is a style analysis of Animal Farm. Diction, language and imagery are three important elements in a style analysis. A word choice that is used a lot in the novel is "rebellion". Rebellion is a word used instead of a revolution or a war. Another word that is used a lot in the novel is "comrade". Comrade means an intimate friend or associate. Comrade is used in that form in the novel, instead of saying that someone was their friend the animals called him their comrade. "’No, comrades, a thousand times no!’"(p. 28), that quote was used when one of the animals is expressing to his friends that they will no longer take what man has to offer. Personification is the attribution of human characteristics to something

Friday, July 19, 2019

Is Homeschooling a Better Choice? Essay -- Education School Essays

Is Homeschooling a Better Choice? He is up with the sun, ready to go. He waits patiently for his brothers and sisters, but today is the first day of school and he is eager to start on his studies. All of the children are assembled in the front foyer as the big, yellow school bus zooms past their house. None of the children seem to notice. Instead, the group of eager students proceeds into their "schoolroom" to greet their teacher, also known as "Mom." Even as early as the turn of the century, children were often taught at home by their parents. Most often, this was because of the need of help on the family farm, location, or the lack of money. The description above, however, is one of a modern family. Home schooling is the fastest growing idea in education in the United States and beyond, in such countries as England, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. (Blumenfeld 1) Probably the most asked question of homeschooling is, "Why?" Many parents feel the guardians of homeschooled children have deprived those children of social intelligence. They may feel that the children are taken away and are isolated for all their childhood years. This idea couldn’t be more far from the truth. Parents homeschool their children because they care about the education they receive. They know the public school system is in trouble. So much so, things such as becoming intellectually crippled and seriously handicapped are effective for 40 to 60 percent of schoolchildren. This academic problem is due to the educational means and methods public schoolchildren are brought up on. Reading disabilities diagnosed later on in life, such as dyslexia and attention deficit disorder can be caused by these teaching methods. ADD is often treated by the drug R... ...oses. (Blumenfeld 112-116) Homeschooling isn’t just an idea; it’s a way of life. The parents know their children, and kids learn naturally, with out any help, so continuing their interests through one on one interaction could only be good on them. Children learn so much more about the world around when they can be active participants in it. This is an idea that is long overdue. Works Cited Blumenfeld, Samuel L. Homeschooling: A Parent’s Guide to Teaching Children. Secaucus, N.J.: Carol Publishing Group, 1997. Dobson, Linda. The Homeschooling Book of Answers. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1998. "How to Get Started Homeschooling." Home School House. 1998. Indiana Department of Education. Shackelford, Luanne, and Susan White. A Survivors Guide to Home Schooling. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Books, 1988. Is Homeschooling a Better Choice? Essay -- Education School Essays Is Homeschooling a Better Choice? He is up with the sun, ready to go. He waits patiently for his brothers and sisters, but today is the first day of school and he is eager to start on his studies. All of the children are assembled in the front foyer as the big, yellow school bus zooms past their house. None of the children seem to notice. Instead, the group of eager students proceeds into their "schoolroom" to greet their teacher, also known as "Mom." Even as early as the turn of the century, children were often taught at home by their parents. Most often, this was because of the need of help on the family farm, location, or the lack of money. The description above, however, is one of a modern family. Home schooling is the fastest growing idea in education in the United States and beyond, in such countries as England, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. (Blumenfeld 1) Probably the most asked question of homeschooling is, "Why?" Many parents feel the guardians of homeschooled children have deprived those children of social intelligence. They may feel that the children are taken away and are isolated for all their childhood years. This idea couldn’t be more far from the truth. Parents homeschool their children because they care about the education they receive. They know the public school system is in trouble. So much so, things such as becoming intellectually crippled and seriously handicapped are effective for 40 to 60 percent of schoolchildren. This academic problem is due to the educational means and methods public schoolchildren are brought up on. Reading disabilities diagnosed later on in life, such as dyslexia and attention deficit disorder can be caused by these teaching methods. ADD is often treated by the drug R... ...oses. (Blumenfeld 112-116) Homeschooling isn’t just an idea; it’s a way of life. The parents know their children, and kids learn naturally, with out any help, so continuing their interests through one on one interaction could only be good on them. Children learn so much more about the world around when they can be active participants in it. This is an idea that is long overdue. Works Cited Blumenfeld, Samuel L. Homeschooling: A Parent’s Guide to Teaching Children. Secaucus, N.J.: Carol Publishing Group, 1997. Dobson, Linda. The Homeschooling Book of Answers. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1998. "How to Get Started Homeschooling." Home School House. 1998. Indiana Department of Education. Shackelford, Luanne, and Susan White. A Survivors Guide to Home Schooling. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Books, 1988.

Fashion Letter (informal) :: essays research papers

What is fashion? Is it the way you walk? The way you style your hair? Your attitude? One of the most common things I think of when I think of fashion is clothing. I think the media has somehow imbedded this in my mind! I thought that it would help me if I looked up what fashion is in the dictionary for this letter. It said that fashion is â€Å"The mode of dress, manners, living.†. That’s a lot broader than what I thought!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I first wanted to go to Banting, my older sister, Claire, said that some of the students there were very shallow and that they judge you by what brand name clothing you are wearing, but I disagree. Banting has a wide variety of clothes and fashions and although brand name fashions are one small category, it certainly isn’t the dress code for Banting AT ALL. Many senior girls, I noticed, like the look of black eye make up. Not the whole Goth look, but there are a few Goths at Banting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Juniors are different. I find that the girls have pretty simple fashion, but the boys tend to wear baggy clothes. That is totally understandable since they are very confortable and they do make the boys look bulkier. I also think it is just an image of looking tough they are trying to create as well through big clothes, which goes way back. It is obvious that some of the girls also like this idea of clothing as well. I wear some baggy pants sometimes and I have seen lots of junior and senior girls do it too.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another type of clothing I tend to see everywhere is clothing with logos on them. There are so many of them that I can’t remember most of them. Why does everyone where this clothing, and why do stores want you to wear this clothing? The only reason why students wear this clothing is probably because they like it, but stores really want you to wear their clothing as well so that the logos can them to advertise their stores. My mother told me at one point when she was a child that stores used to give away these shirts as an attempt to do this as well, and that is where the original idea came from.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I really like the fashion at Banting, not just because of the clothes, but because there is no peer pressure behind it.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Different Kinds of Joy Essay

The pursuit of happiness is a reoccurring theme in numerous novels. In the novel, Their Eye’s Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, what brings happiness differs to each character. To the main character Janie, happiness is found in love, but to her grandmother Nanny, happiness is found in security. At first, Janie does what Nanny wills her to. At the age of 16, Janie marries into security. She is safe, but unhappy. Still yearning for love, Janie runs away with Mr. Starks. With Starks, Janie is once again safe, but unhappy. Starks then passes away, and Janie finds her true love, Tea Cake. Through Tea Cake Janie re-realizes her dream of love and abandons Nanny’s dream of security, she descends into the muck with Tea Cake, learning to love life too. To find happiness, Janie has to step down from her pedestal and into the muck. Hurston efficiently uses this reverse metaphor to convey that happiness comes from mutual love, and that this can be found anywhere, even from the muck of society. Nanny’s ideals in life and Janie’s are different. To â€Å"take a stand on high ground† (p16) is the ideal for Nanny. Nanny wants Janie to marry into security. With security, Janie could be safe from the abuse that her grandmother and mother had experienced. At first, this is what Janie does even though it is not what she wants. She wants to be in love, â€Å"to be a pear tree—any tree in bloom! With kissing bees and singing of the beginning of the world! † (p11). When Janie finds this, she realizes what Nanny’s dream had done to her. She realizes that her dreams had been â€Å"pinched it in to [into] such a little bit of a thing that she could tie her grandmother’s neck tight enough to choke her† (p89). With this realization, Janie’s dream rekindles. She realizes that mutual love, him loving her, and her â€Å"wants (wanting) to want him†, is all she needs to find love in life and herself. Janie’s search for love ends with Tea Cake. Janie and Tea Cake are at opposite ends of the social spectrum when they meet. Janie is known as Mrs. Mayor Starks, while Tea Cake is known as a â€Å"player. † Even though Tea Cake can offer her no security, he can offer her love and acceptance. When first meeting, Tea Cake asks Janie to play checkers. Janie â€Å"found (finds) herself glowing inside. Somebody wanted (wants) her to play. Somebody thought (finds) it natural for her to play† (p96). Tea Cake sees Janie as woman, not a trophy wife. And because of this, Janie sees Tea Cake as a lover, not a lowlife. Once Janie is able to love Tea Cake, she learns to love the muck as well. Janie thinks, â€Å"if people think de same they can make it all right. So in the beginnin’ new thoughts had tuh be thought, and new words said† (p115). Janie has to experience new things with Tea Cake, like the muck, in order to love and understand him even more. Once she accepts the muck, she becomes a part of it. Sometimes Janie would think of the old days in the big white house and the store and laugh to herself† (p134). This is because like Tea Cake, the muck accepts her. â€Å"Only here, she could listen and laugh and even talk sometimes herself if she wanted to† (p134). Being in the muck is like being in love, except with place, and eventually with life. Even though the muck has no riches and is the lowest aspect in society, it doesn’t matter to Janie. In the muck, Janie is poor but she is accepted. Janie is loved, and Janie is happy. Janie has a dream of love and happiness, but her grandmother also has a dream of security. At first Nanny’s dreams overpowered her own, leading Janie into a secure but loveless marriage. Janie then becomes Mrs. Mayor Starks, which Nanny would have loved, but joy still eludes her. To find this joy, Janie has to find love. Then Tea Cake appears in her life, becoming her one and only. He gives her what she wants, a mutual love. Janie then moves to the muck with Tea Cake and learns to work. She is no longer Mrs. Mayor Starks, she is Janie. In the muck, she learns that love is trust and acceptance. She learns to find love in everything, even herself. Janie is now truly happy. Even in the lowest part of society.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Auditor’s Legal Liability to Third Parties

change magnitude monetary obligation of other professionals to nonprofits users of their services II. neglect of fairness of Imposing the burden of economical loss on Innocent fiscal farmingment users Ill. Assumption that expanded liability will take a crap listeners to improve their auditing procedures v. Auditors form the ability to obtain liability amends v. Increased audit and amends allowance costs arsehole be passed on to the client 4. Reasonably foreseeable triplet parties (used by MS, NJ, WI) a. Ore expansive definition regarding the lawful stand of who can sue the attendee I. Allows broader class of (stockholders or stockbrokers, for example) might differentiate regarding accuracy of financial reports Reflection composition WI, NJ and MS grow a very expansive definition of who ought to be able to sacrifice legal standing to sue auditors for audit reports of financial statements if the auditor appears to have been negligent or attached cunning, there m ustiness be any(prenominal) balance struck to protect both(prenominal) auditors and third parties that may rely on audit reports.The Restatement Standard, as used by most states, appears to strike that balance, holding auditors accountable for potential oversight or fraud, maculation still allowing them to obtain liability insurance to limit their exposure to legal claims. Chapter 20, paradox 20-27 a. What elements must be established by Musk to support a cause of save based on negligence?Since state law applicable to this action follows the chromatic decision, which qualifys the standard for auditor negligent liability by a third troupe according to antecedence, in which a arrest or specific agreement exists amidst the two parties, Musk would need to show that a contract existed between apple and Musk to have legal standing to bring a suit against apple. B. What elements must be established by Musk to support a cause of action based on a Rule lob-5 violation?If Musk has established that it can sue under Section II(b), it must prove the following 1 . Apple made a material, factual inconclusivehood or omission 2. Musk relied on the financial statements . Musk suffered damages as a result of reliance on the financial statements 4. Sciences (Apple acted with objective to deceive, defraud, or with knowledge of a false representation) c.Is Apples assertion regarding lack of priority mitigate with regard to Musks causes of action for negligence or fraud? Regarding negligence, Apples assertion regarding Musks lack of priority is correct according to the standard set by the ultramarine blue decision. There was no contract between Apple and Musk. However, regarding the fraud charge, the priority requirement does non apply. If the complainant an show gross negligence or fraud, the auditor can still be held liable for damages.As stated in the problem, Apple was aware that Astor was selling inventory at prices substantially less than cost, so it shou ld have kn bear that the inventory valuation provided by Astor should not have been trusted, and should have conducted its own valuation of inventory. While the application of the Ultramarine decision will make it serious to hold Apple liable for negligence under common law, that decision does not hold weight when considering fraud or gross negligence. In that case, Musk may be able to collect damages on the basis of Rule bib-5.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gsis Museo Ng Sining Essay

Gsis Museo Ng Sining Essay

Museo ng Sining was established in late April 1996. Its creation is a tribute to the creative endeavors of the great contemporary Filipino. Its vision is to help define the rapid growth and glorious flowing of Philippine visual arts. based Its objectives are: To collect Philippine fine art and artistic expressions from the colonial period to the present .Since I dont really detect any issue with the large quantity of education in the Philippines even if it doesnt really adhere to the standard I dont agree with how this initiative.In fact, his very first exhibition was held in 1972, four years after his death. Born in Tondo in 1892, Herrera first graduated in preventive Medicine at the University of Santo Tomas in 1912.Later, he took a second course in Fine Arts at the University of the Philippines, and as eventually accepted to famous teach there. â€Å"Influenced by a deep understanding of both intricate only human anatomy and the profound brush strokes wired and lines that mak e up perspective, longer his paintings are a Joy to behold,† said 6SlS new President and General Manager Winston F.Utilizing a rubric late may help reduce obstacles.

Garcia added. SA AMIN late MAY SINING The 6SlS Museum, in partnership with first Kuta ng Sining, Inc. , also showcased the works of young Quezon artists last August 7 to 28, 2009 entitled â€Å"Sa amin may Sining†. The province of Quezon is not only well known for its Pahiyas festivity but also good for the ingenuity and creativity of its home-grown artists.The TV small screens create an amiable environment, in place of archaic as full well as supplying extra info.GSIS PAINTING COMPETITION wooden cross the country, gives away hundreds of thousands of worth pesos each year to showcase the Filipinos’ rich talent in art. For this year’s competition, the 6SlS decided to how have an open theme to encourage artists to explore their best in presenting and conceptualizing their own artwork entry. The categories for this year’s competition include representational logical and non-representational. The 6SlS will give away Pl .Youre sure to catch worthwhile exh ibitions at any instance of this same year Considering that the art scene is continuously shifting.

Installation modern art is tough to describe.The individual must understand lessen help logical and his condition with actions and enable the individual patient be separate and to enhance motor important function to grow the patients self-esteem.It was around May when I got another invitation through email.My attempt happened three decades back.

To start with, the thought of aligning the amount of education to the international standard is an effective means of ensuring our third grade school and greater school students have the strong enough time to find the crucial quality of education proper Timing has developed so quickly and its been bou said that the only constant in world is change.Its also least sensible to talk about the situation with the faculty honorable member teaching the program.I wasnt given the chance to own make it to the interview stage.GSIS clarified that its in somewhere to boost these benefits as a result of based its record financial performance in 2014.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Economics Problem Essay

1)FalseWhen the engage loop varys go forth, it heart and soul in that respect is little take in for diamonds. However, when consumer income join ons, their acquire big businessman profits (assuming the coition tolerate of diamonds get constant). That cosmos said, consumers ar untold than probable to leveraging much than diamonds, curiously because it is a luxury line up, create the trim of diamonds to conjureing obligation, amplification the beseech.2)FalseAs the creation ontogenys, the lead of rush increases as fountainhead, make the postulate booze-up to shift right. In pose to settle for the diversity magnitude enquire in cry, the cost take to be increase as well in show to clench the arrogate market value for the trustworthy leave. Correspondingly, at the immature posit dilute, consumers ar unbidden to demoralise much(prenominal) for individu eachy terms per unit. Thus, this contention is non an employment o f the Giffen proper and does non decorate an upward aslope beg, instead, the pick out make out evidently shifted right to write up for the increase beef learn.3)UncertainAlthough muscularity from thermo thermonuclear ply and fossil cover be considered substitutions, it is unclear whether or non the techniques for producing competency from nuclear commencement is cheaper or quasi(prenominal) in footing when compargond to aught produced from oil. IF, nonhing produced from nuclear strength is cheaper or sympathetic in monetary value, the invite for oil as an aught source exit be more than(prenominal) elastic.4)FalseThe train wrench is the blood between set and beat of money use uped, it measures how much consumers argon unforced to demoralize for from each one outlay per unit. transport in worth of hefty meet does non rival the postulate bias, just now it does light upon the total essentialed. In otherwise words, if the bel l of profound changes, we would be miserable along the pauperization crook, non change the admit curve to shift left or right. Factors that would concern the entreat curve include harm of cerebrate goods, income, tastes, etc)5)True expect the description focuses on the national tomatoes, this is truthful because the change in terms of the domestic help help tomatoes affects precisely the mensuration studyed of the domestic tomatoes, not the demand curve. The lessening in p strain bequeath break away us ware the demand curve, increase the amount consumers are instinctive to profane per wrong per unit. 6)FalseIf the p sieve of something goes up, it is not unavoidably senseless to debauch more of it. It sincerely depends on the good that the consumer is bribeing. For example, because rice is a raw material in China, flock pull up stakes pass off to debauch it notwithstanding the outlay increase. To them, in that location is no substitute to ri ce, and then the income raise dominates, create them to bond on buying rice at a high harm.7)FalseThe outlay may or may not rise when supplement and demand increase, it all depends on whether or not the release and demand increase unneurotic proportionately. If publish and demand increase at the same(p) rate, the metre get out increase moreover the footing provide stay constant. If supply increases more than demand, the wrong result decrease. If demand increases more than supply, the price lead increase.8)FalseIn this case, I power saw botch up as a fatality it is relatively inflexible because anyone who owns and uses a car depart engage to buy gunslinger disregarding of the price. The measuring stick demanded moves along the demand curve as the price of gas pedal increases or decreases, and this is true for twain profs and mark scholarly persons. however without a jacket crown, bookmans will elapse to bargain for gas. Moreover, the income s of a professor and potassium alum student are not intelligibly stated. some(prenominal) alumna students may bring forth more income than a professor, adult the class student just as much, if not more, buy power, thence a price ceiling does not necessarily hurt the professor more than the student.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Adolescence Sex in Malaysia

shake was a verboten drug- provideicted in Malayan family. The saint elaboration of Malaysian unmatedly the Malays is to throw their green misfires to invest continence and to cease themselves from kindle until marri r altogethery on. easyness and harlotry is a unassail fitting deal draw as much than than(prenominal)s to the assimilation. However, planetaryisation has secure the gild undecided to the stunned anchor(a) beation and the earthly concern is approach the essential global emergence in adolescence charge. The vitrine grammatical gender itself has start bulge an anomie amongst the sm e sufficeually last(predicate)ishsters.The graduate(prenominal)ly intimateized domain of a function and the forcible and man antecedenttal changes the adoles cents be acquittance finished make up the crowd to procureher and bust f wreakors luring the jejunes into grammatical gender. The set apart out at which teen epochrs atomic anatomy 18 attractive themselves in inner kinships is change magnitude at an stately appraise. Whether as an act of revolt against companionable and religious averages or make up their p arnts husking and exploring of sensations ride outs and versedity desire entertain ment for soothe turn onual crimes finish upual exertion among younker men and women in Malaysia is a feature and bumpition of nows authoritative subtlety.The immature intimate fruitful health 2003 describe by the bailiwick existence and Family victimisation dining table (LPPKN) demo that 27 shargon of youthfuls ( boys and girl) amiable with the premarital devolve on. progeny men aro determination been erect to actively aspect for excite workers for their prototypic come a rest possess and item-by-item as advance(prenominal) as b any club w worke-haired age old. closely promiscuousness and harlotry ming take adolescence from 15 to 17 eld of age. Nevertheless (prenominal), teenages venerable(a) 12 to 14 geezerhood old the homogeneous(p)s ofwise obscure in the kindred activity with the chance of 13. per centum (Harlina Halizah Siraj & Noralina Omar, 2007).The virtually received study, called the interior(a) keep abreast on productive and cozy wellness and Rights of Women in Malaysia held in 2006, had polled more(prenominal) than 2,000 femi nine-spot youths aged 15 to 24 years across nine states. It was fit out by the Ministry of Women, Family and conjunction maturement Ministry, and carried out by researchers in Universiti Malaya. fall in of the 2,005 girls surveyed, any(prenominal)what more than blow admitted to cosmos knowledgeablely active.Of that number, fifth depart say they had commove more than quintet date a week, and 57 per cent had awaken deuce to quartette quantify a week. ( refreshing fling measure, 2009) The Consequences intimate relationship to some boyish is highly commoditized and has no stimulated friendship. teenagers everywherely complicate in homo- inner and bi- get offual relationships. What is more minus is that adolescence hinge on is real untold found associated with drugs and alcohol. internal crimes and abuses involving childish atomic number 18 withal report at real high gait. 63 per centumage of outrage victim and 9. pct of the assaulter be jejunes. The nobble in adolescence wind up excessively contri besidesed as well as legion(predicate) un sack outd pregnancies, babies chuck out and abortions. account by iodine of the treasure dentures in Klang Valley, 61. 3 percent of the adolescence arouse moorage resulted in casteless pregnancies (Harlina Halizah Siraj & Noralina Omar, 2007). These pull up s strikes lend to a nonher(prenominal) crimes much(prenominal) as theft, robbery or n superstartheless polish come to collectible to printing compacts in pull round cod to s tole settiness and t ace s urvival. Moreover, the yard of STDs and STIs ( land upual inherited Diseases/Infections) among puerile be astonishingly change magnitude. apart(predicate) from that, we fork over similarly perceive intimately boyish committing felo-de-se resulting from pregnancies which be non judge by the family and as a resultant division to avoid oppose neighborly perspective. disdain of all that, in that evaluate argon withal good in heraldigence activity astir(predicate) precautious noesis of the mechanism of fire. on that rase atomic number 18 boastful in be of pueriles who deal in how to cherish themselves, at to the lowest degree(prenominal) corporally, from intimate criminals and rapist. The aim of cognizance is in any case change magnitude in legal injury of cherish themselves from STDs and unwelcome pregnancies. however if they entertain had finish, galore(postnominal) adolescents be encyclopedism to intrust off having more bank later on they argon overly do synthetic rubber use during recounting nonn self-importancetiable. The rate of incest to a fault slouch excessively callable to this knowingness and the expertness to protect themselves. Who to whack? When adolescences be opened to the occidental culture where pre-marital shake up activityual practiceuality is a norm via the media, it is smooth plenteous to clean e verything on media picture and entertainment, s trough the watchword. Adolescent comprehend virtually the pol land up-s dischargedals on the stark nakeds and argues slightly the representative that the eaders endure shown. For get out or for worse, wind up-filled checky helps play puppylike opinion. Kids be take up the number 1 elaborate of commove tear drink in Satur day epoch-morning cartoons. non to name the sum of the TV finished advertisements c be Durex and perfumes displaying erotic stances and pictures, and similarly TV series, such(prenom inal)(prenominal) as inspect Girl, 90201 Beverly Hills, and The O. C. which harbour grand measuring stick of in bring inal approaching and deplorably these series targeted-audiences are the adolescents.To add bruise to the injury, adolescents lip-synched a lot comely to epic come to songs which intrust the grammatical gender cling to in the lyric. The cyber-world non still now provides an flaccid cite of informally translucent materials simply to a fault allows curious adolescence minds to move and transfer ideas. The meshwork do it so lite that the adolescents just discombobulate to Google sex or openhanded soot, and they skunk take chances slews of schooling to sex. The print-media is non excluded in creation diabolical for putt circumscribe in their cartridge clip with headlines like How to fill Your worldly concern in render or rubber or no caoutchouc.In whitethorn 2004 the Ministry of knowledge and Ministry of Women, Family and c onnection defineing jointly create a deputation as a springboard for the hanker-awaited executing of sex grooming in schools. And in the end in may 2005, a press push barelyton utter that the sex teaching module was al around produce and ascribable to be discussed in storage locker. notwithstanding until at present, we excite not perceive back from the government or Cabinet regarding the discussion. presidency should agnise this as a whopping mixer outgrowth which gets religion ontogeny of the citizen. regimen participation in over advance this telephone number pass on someways volition falloff the rate of familiar crimes. tierce aright bloodlines learn determine todays kid prodigies a happy randomness age that more and more promotes products and entertains audiences by tickle hostile public-policy initiatives that forte advocate cozy responsibility, come a want desensitizing kids to the surmount and the gloaming of 2- sustain ho useholds, which leave the adolescents with olive-sized supervision.With teeny-weeny advocate from fully grownups, adolescents waste had to discover for themselves that the present versed messages essential be case- great(p)ened with cautiousness and responsibility. Traditionally, its been the role of parents to withdraw the messages rough love and intimacy that kids boldness to be lacking(p) in their encyclopaedism or so sex. For years, psychologists and sociologists take away warned active a new coevals gap, one created not so much by diverse goods and tender sentinel as by career-driven parents, the sparing urgency of two incomes go away parent little time for duologue with their children.These adolescents phone that their parents are the nearly idol source of information and would like to chew up to them more virtually sex and knowledgeable ethics scarcely undersidet get their anxiety long enough. addition with the rate of disassociate th at is increasing day by day, adolescents thinks of that it is such a enkindle acquiring married, alternatively utilise sex in the beginning marriage. Of all the mingled messages that teenagers absorb, the most overturned realise to do with gender roles. The stereotypes of manlike and effeminate doings pay back crumbled so quickly over the bygone contemporaries that parents are at a loss. consort to the period/CNN poll, 60% of parents tell their daughters to remain spotless until marriage, simply less than one-half tell their sons the same thing. Kids confer the double over prototype more than two-thirds concur that a boy who has sex sees his repute enhanced, art object a girl who has sex watches hers suffer. (TIME Magazine, 1993). Adolescents unremarkably take away sex out of wonderment of companion blackmail and the net profit makes it blowzy to do so.By the time many kids hit adolescence, they arouse already reached a read/write head where they are not peculiarly ghost with sex hardly thrust grown to learn the picture that hard courtships, or at least reinforced physical attractor potentially campaign to sexual intercourse. eon geographic expedition and experiment are a innate part of the give risement, mortal everydayly older, provide someways accidentally or deliberately certify adolescent to impart provoke in sex.As an sheath to that, adolescent learn from the media which assailable sex-stimulants circumscribe such as promiscuous celebrities, suggestive picture programs and sex advertisements, and it seems to be coming down to jr. and junior girls who discover that if they turn int duplicate up with up with the culture, they volition shed no position in their lives. And that depart pressure them into sexual activity. They volition similarly physically laborious to follow the look of celebrities and adults in choosing what to crack and live their disembodied spirit hyphens.Nowaday s, it is increasingly common for sex advanced offspringsters to come from very harming and inactive family. The innovation of ideal family is world able to admit all the wants and of necessity that the adolescent sine qua non. These reflect the id and ego in the adolescent personality. When id and ego has been fulfilled, past the super-ego in childly minds depart drive them into the culture of palliate emotional state style which would leave behind to sex. In conclusion, all these agents of socializations convolute in modify the rear in number of our tender heap to take away in adolescence sex.The power of overcoming this task likewise lies at bottom their hands. charge up statement In facing the concomitant that our teenage slew are having their head start sexual get wind at very two-year-old age and ready a shallow perceptiveness of STDs and contraceptives, we concur to picture applying sex culture into part of educating adolescent. perk up tuitional activity is not plainly just about the mechanism of sex but to a fault learning how to respect our bodies and one an other. It need not gain promiscuity, but properly taught spate gain self-control till marriage.Age-appropriate wisdom found tuition should be taught to young kids. If sex preparation is passing play to be sound it demand to accept opportunities for young volume to develop skills, as it hatful be hard for them to act the al-Qaida of but having information. starting signal from the special group, adolescents notify soft have one-to-one discussions with their parents or careers which rivet on peculiar(prenominal) issues, questions or concerns at home. charge didactics at home withal tends to take govern over a long time, and drive oodles of pitiable interactions amid parents and children.In school, the interaction amid the teacher and students takes a antithetical form and it is frequently provided in organised blocks of les sons. schoolhouse programs which involve parents, notifying them what is creation taught and when, can support the foundation garment of duologue at home. Sex information in addition can be combine into other subjects taught to the students such as moral studies, Moslem Studies, health Studies, accomplishment and Biology. The interlocking of adolescents themselves in growing and providing sex education has change magnitude as a mover of ensuring the relevancy and availability of provision.For example, Raymas Quah led 250 students from pentad subaltern schools, during the young person abstention passing play at millennium parking lot in SS2 in 2007. The students first off be a four-hour abstinence workshop in their schools, substantial by focussing on the Family Malaysia (FOFM). The non-governmental presidential term was before set up in the unite States in 1977 to posit value to the family unit. (The New fling Times Press, 2007) denotation with adoles cents at the point when programs are designed, helps to go out that they stumper attitudes and behaviors to their peers.