Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Is True Love Real or Just an Illusion Research Paper
Is True Love Real or Just an Illusion - Research Paper Example scientifically rigorous in their characterization of the concept, however they disagree on what constitutes love and to what extent the traditional concept of true love is the same today as it was in past generations. This essay considers these perspectives in regards to Raymond Carver’s short story and offers its own unique perspective on the concept of ‘true love’. Raymond Carver’s short story ‘What We Talk About, When We Talk about Love’ examines the concept of love from a number of angles. One such formulation is presented by Mel’s wife Terri. Terri describes a relationship she had with her former husband Ed who used to abuse her because he couldn’t gain total control over her. Later in the story Mel posits a different version of love wherein a senior citizen couple gets in a traffic accident and the husband is in despair because he is unable to turn his head to view his wife. While the story presents these concepts a different types of love, they actually function very similar in logically supporting their claims. These are examples where ‘true love’ is understood by its intensity of expression. That love is not a medical or scientific example, but is an intensity of feeling that is surfaces in things such as the example described. Throughout the conversation Nick and Laura remain passive participants and are in great part dominated by Mel. The story notes that Mel is a cardiologist -- that is, a doctor used to formulating medical prescriptions and categorizing human functions. It follows that he would be the most confident in overtly defining what ‘love is’. In a sense, Mel believes that love can be understood and defined through reason: love is passionate intensity; love is deep devotion, etc. When Nick and Laura respond to the question they nudge each other under the table and then Nick takes Laura’s hand and kisses it. This is an understanding of love that is not defined but felt. Nick and Laura are not able to define their
Monday, October 28, 2019
Character and plot Essay Example for Free
Character and plot Essay Discuss the ways in which Arthur Miller uses the characters of Alfieri to highlight cultural differences and to develop the audiences understanding of theme, character and plot. Arthur Millers A View from The Bridge uses a character called Alfieri to introduce characters, the plot and theme of the story. Alfieri is an Italian American meaning he was born in Italy and immigrated to American to work. . He is a man of his 50s and in this story, not only does he play the role of a character, but also a narrator. He makes us aware of the cultural differences between American and Italian culture through his opinions. He works as a lawyer; from this we can immediately tell he is educated and very wise. The immigration law changed in 1921-1924. This law only allowed people from Britain, Ireland and Scandinavia to migrate to America. This resulted to illegal immigration. A view from the Bridge is about the movement of immigrants migrating from Italy to America. They moved because of the American Dreams which was people from other countries going to America to start a new life and earn a good living full of opportunities. The Italian migration happened mainly between 1820-1920. More than 4 million Italian people moved to America. Brooklyn Bridge and its surrounding areas are used as the setting of the play. The word Gullet is used by Alfieri to describe the place where they live. The word is a metaphor and it creates an atmosphere that is not very pleasant to live in. Alfieris first speech introduces the background information of Italians. Italians would hardly ask a lawyer for help because in Italian culture lawyers are not good news, they are considered to be connections to disasters. The honest and trustworthy Italians can be quite revengeful. They solve their own situations by taking matters into their own hands. Although Italians are settling into America their two cultures remain diverse. Repetition of the words Distrust, Law and Justice by Alfieri signifies them and the even suggests that the plot is based on these words. Alfieri understands both Italian and American culture and can conclude in his last speech how he feels about Eddie and what he has done. From the start Alfieri hinted that the ending of the play wasnt going to be a happy one. He says and sat there as powerless as I, and watched it run its bloody course. From that, we can sense doom and that is why this play is a Greek tragedy. Eddie, Catherine, Marco use a lot of slang type sentences where as Alfieri uses long, well punctuated and sophisticated sentences. This linguistic technique makes the audience understand what is happened if they do not follow what Catherine, Eddie, Beatrice, Marco and Rodolpho are saying. The use of short, simple sentences spoken by the other characters makes the situation more realistic, makes the audience awake because it is very fast and the characters speak more often. Arthur Miller also uses a lot of exclamation marks so that the sentences are more interesting and so that the actors know when to shout or act exaggerated, this is a very good technique. With the use of exclamation mark the sentence gets energy. There is more attention than if there were long sentences. In the play there are four main characters. Eddie (a protagonist), Catherine, Beatrice and Alfieri. Eddie, a protagonist, meaning that he commits an offence without knowing it; he then learns his fault and usually results in death or suffering. He gains Alfieris sympathy towards the end of the play. Eddie loves Catherine not only as a niece but also as a daughter and a friend and Alfieri knows this. Eddie was over protective and loved Catherine too much which proved to be fatal. Alfieri knows that Eddie does not want to any one to take her away from him, but on the other hand, she does not belong to him. He says And yet, it is better to settle for half, it must be! Marco kills Eddie in Act 2. We do not know if he intended to or if it was for self-protection but in a way, this is revenge. When he was talking to Alfieri, he says In my country he would be dead by no. He would not live this long. Alfieri understands how he feels but tells him not to kill. He is in America right now and such a deed can result to a life sentence. He says To promise not to kill is not dishonourable. Italians are not as civilised as Americans but this is one of the cultural differences between the two diverse cultures. Arthur Miller includes many stage directions leaving the director making up more of their own directions. Alfieri plays the part of a character and a narrator making him A view from the bridge because he is looking and dealing with the situation and also telling the story as if it happened yesterday, this helps him to tell the story and give opinions making the audience aware, have a better understanding of the play, the characters and the plot. The moral of this story suggested by Alfieri is we should be satisfied with half if not the whole amount.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Effects of Advertising Essay -- TV Media Television
Every time we open a newspaper or we turn on the TV, we see sellers of almost identical products spending huge amounts of money in order to convince us to buy their brands. Every year, each typical American watches 1550 hours of TV, listens 1160 hours on radio, and spends 290 hours reading newspapers and magazines. So every day, each American watches 100 TV advertisements, 100 to 300 ads through other mass media, and in one single year receives 216 pieces of direct mail advertising, and almost 50 phone calls from telemarketers (Pratkanis and Aronson 2). All these, because sellers of everything, from computers to detergents, believe that advertising is essential to the product. Ed Ney, ex-chairman of the Young and Rubicam American agency, refers to the mid seventies when many firms still had as a debatable issue if they should advertise or not. Those days have passed. As Ney says, that has happened, because it has been proved that advertising is beneficial to the firms (Clark 16). The critics state that advertising is really beneficial to the consumers: They believe that advertising â€Å"creates†consumers that are better informed about the characteristics of the commodities, and that it does not alter the way in which the companies evaluate their products. Also, they believe that advertising creates price sensitivity for the consumers that buy the best products for their value. Finally, they think that with advertisement, entries for new brands are much easier because of the communication with the potential consumers that commercials offer (Haefner and Rotzoll 87). Advertising, collective term for public announcements designed to promote the sale of specific commodities or services. Advertising is a form of mass selling, employed wh... ... the information that could probably be associated with. Although this problem is not very important in deciding which breakfast cereal to buy, it is very dangerous and sneaky in presidential elections, where the consequences are more conspicuous (O’Barr 205). That is because each candidate has created propaganda that might distort the beliefs of the voters. That is why advertising is appealing to the government. Making an advertising campaign against heroin use as the best way of spending money is debatable, but it enables the administration to be seen caring (Clark 31). So, I believe that advertisements exist only in order to return profits to the advertisers by many tricky ways. Some of these are the use of persuasion at the consumers, the faulty – logic messages, and the influence on children. All these acts, definitely, are not for the benefit of the consumers.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Samuel Gander
Samuel Gander Mr. Dunham English 102 April 25, 2012 Farming On a Whole New Level Although people have worked in agriculture for more than 10,000 years, advance in technology assisted with maintaining and protecting land, crops, and animals. The demand to keep food affordable encourages those working in the agriculture industry to operate as efficiently as possible (Newman & Ruiz, pp. 33-47). Almost all people and companies in the industry have many acres of land they must maintain, and it is not always feasible for farmers to take frequent trips around the property to perform basic tasks such as watering soil in the absence of rain.The number of people-hours required to water soil manually on several thousand acres of land might result in businesses spending thousands of dollars in labor and utility costs. If the irrigation process is automated, sensors detect how much rain has fallen recently, as well as whether the soil is in need of watering. The sensors then send this data to a c omputer that processes it and decides when and how much to water. In addition to keeping the soil moist and reducing maintenance costs, computer also can utilize sensor to analyze the condition of crops in the field and determine whether pests or diseases are affecting the crops.If sensor detects pests and/or diseases, computers send a notification to the appropriate individual to take corrective action. In some cases, according to Brewster, the discovery of pests might trigger a pesticide to discharge in the affected area automatically (Agriculture: Expanding and Growing). Many farmers use technology in a daily basis to regulate soil moisture and to keep their crop pest free. With technology, farming can be much more convenient and efficient. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Barton states the many automated home irrigation system also are programmable and use rain sensor (pp. 67-73)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Black Bourgeoisie Essay
E. Franklin Frazier’s Black Bourgeoisie was more prophetic than many realized. Frazier, who addressed the burgeoning black middle class, expressed concern about the intra-class conflict vis-a-vis socioeconomic status of black folks. Frazier notes that the black middle class was in a rush by the 1960s to assimilate. During the Harlem Renaissance, even W. E. B. Du Bois â€Å"strategically included white judges on panels for their black literary competitions, in hopes that white approval would add luster to black achievements. †This shift that occurred was not a mass or universal one. The black middle class was still small and would not be catapulted until after the advent of Affirmative Action. According to the perspective of E. Franklin Frazier, the â€Å"Black Bourgeoisie†played an important role among American Negros for decades. Frazier’s study led him to the significant of â€Å"Negro Business†and its impact on the black middle class. Education was a major social factor responsible for emergence of the Black bourgeoisie. By fact, the net total number of the free Negroes in the first generation topped out at 37,245 with an estimated accumulation of 50,000,000 in real and personal wealth before the civil war. Free Negroes in southern cities undertook businesses in skilled labor such as carpenters, tailors, shoemakers, wheelwrights, bricklayers, butchers, and painters. The failure of the Freedmen’s Bank contributed to the slow development of the black middle class when Blacks put all their money into the Black banks and when they went under only forty percent of deposits were returned. Occupational differentiation is the change in work field for the Black class. A small professional group making up three percent of all workers had gradually become differentiated from the majority of Blacks. Occupational differentiation had proceeded slowly because Blacks were accustomed to the agriculture field and not only until the migrations to the North were had had they introduced to the industrial centers. In addition the Depression played a role in slowing up the process. Black-owned businesses are primarily service establishments simply because of the refusal on the part of white establishments to provide personal services for Negroes. The debate over true liberalism among blacks still exists. I have found the upper black middle class to be far more conservative and less active towards civil rights and social policy of late. I am concerned that the black bourgeoisie is willing to shift its focus away from the liberalism that put them in their position for racial acceptance. I believe integration is vital to a liberal society as noted by my neighborhood, friends, and place of employment; however, I do not think the black middle class should play the conservative card that carries with it values, attitudes, and behaviors that do not represent progress for all minority groups. Sure 90% of blacks vote in a solid block for the Democratic Party, but that block is not as tight as it used to be.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Write a Description Essay on Business Communication
How to Write a Description Essay on Business Communication When you write a description essay you want to recognize that the piece of writing you are tackling is something intended to describe a person or thing, something that appeals to all five senses. You want to first pick your subject. Then you want to look for the most dominant details involved in that subject. You want to make sure that you select supporting details that can help you review for the reader that one key idea. Once this is done you want to organize the details in whatever organizational method seems most appropriate to you. You might want to focus on details from specific to general, from general to specific, or in a chronological order. The choice is yours. You want to incorporate description words that help you to be specific and to explore the senses. You never want to just say that something was beautiful. Beautiful is a word that might conjure different ideas in the minds of different readers. In order for your final work to be most effective, you need to be able to describe things with such specific senses and details that every reader who stumbles upon your work will read it and have the exact same image pop into their head. This is the real goal. The Five Senses When you sit down to write a description, you should aim to utilize all five senses. By using all given senses you can guarantee that your reader will be put into the exact place you want. If you are writing about a specific location, use all five senses to place the reader’s imagination in that location. If you are writing about a specific food, plant, person, or landscape, use all five senses to place the reader exactly where you want them. Remember that people have vivid imaginations and what someone else images may not be what you imagine. The more details you include, the better it will be for the reader and their experience. Your goal here is to incorporate as many of the sensory details as you can to give your reader a comprehensive mental image. How to List Information If you are unsure whether or not you’ve included enough sensory details, you can use an outline. If you are not sure whether or not you adequately covered the different senses you need to include for your writing assignment, you can also rely on an organizational planning method. To do this, begin by listing the senses you want to cover in your paper. Pick either a Roman numeral, letter, bullet point, or number and then make a list for each of the senses with that. Beneath the different senses, you should use a lower case Roman numeral, lower case letter, different bullet point, or different number to denote each of your supporting details, the insight you want to include, or the adjectives you will highlight in your paper. **Note: There is not necessarily a right or wrong way to organize your paper. This means that you should feel free to use the outline as a tool to move around the organization, to play with various styles, and to work with different orders of information until you find the one which best suits the purpose of your paper. You want the organizational method which helps you best present your thoughts. ** Isn’t this guide fantastic? Hope it will provide sufficient help for you to complete your assignment. Don’t forget to check our 10 facts on business communication for a description essay as well as 20 topics and 1 sample for paper of this kind of an essay.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Role of Education in Women Empowerment with Special Reference to the Economy of Assam Essay Example
Role of Education in Women Empowerment with Special Reference to the Economy of Assam Essay Example Role of Education in Women Empowerment with Special Reference to the Economy of Assam Essay Role of Education in Women Empowerment with Special Reference to the Economy of Assam Essay Women’s contribution to the economy of Assam cannot be ignored. From household activities to economic activities out of the household have been performed successfully by the women of Assam. Women constitute almost half of the population in the state; though a large womenfolk of state are still illiterate, the weak, backward and exploited.Thus, the term Women empowerment comes into existance. If we plan for a economically developed country, we must think for the better status of women. This is possible only through the attainment of the higher level of literacy as well as education for women. It has been already proved that educated women can play a very important role in the economic development of the country. Women education promote women empowerment, which in turn leads to the economic empowerment of women themselves as well as the society as a whole with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence.Now, It is high time to devote more attention on the women education in our st ate to realise the women’s contributions at large to the economy of the state . KEYWORDS: Women Education, Women Empowerment, Economic Development. Introduction – ‘Economy of Assam can be described as underdevelopment one. ’ This is because of its intact poverty, underutilised manpower untapped natural resources. 1 The researchers and authors have never given importance of the contribution of women in the economy of Assam.Whereas, women’s contribution to the economy of Assam cannot be ignored. From household activities to economic activities out of the household have been performed successfully by the women of Assam. Despite they are almost fifty in hundred and bearing all the positive aspects, it is a matter of fact that women in this world are living with an insignificant status, both in the family and society. Out of all poverty-stricken people living in this world, 70 percent are women.For those women, poverty does not just mean scarcity and wan t; it means rights denied, opportunities curtailed and voices silenced. If we consider the some facts, we find women work two-thirds of the world’s working, whereas women (i) earn only 10 percent of the world’s income, (ii) own less than 1 percent of the world’s property, (iii) make up two-thirds of the total adults worldwide who cannot read or write. 2 All these hold good in case of Assam economy also. This is the background, the world community thought over the entity of empowerment of women, its need and significance.Empowerment recognizes the inner power of individuals; our understanding of women empowerment reminds us that change- improvement in the physical, economic, political or social well-being of women. Question arises what is the mosly cited factor responsible for bringing about the women empowerment. It is education, which is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to participate f ully in the development process. Education is important for everyone, but it is especially significant for girls and women.This is true not only because education is an entry point to other opportunities, but also because the educational achievements of women can have ripple effects within the family and across generations. It is not possible for an economy to be developed, without giving due importance on women (which constitute the half of total) and their activities. The empowered women only are shared with that status. In the similar way, this is possible only with women education, both with quality as well as quantity. Objectives – 1.To see the status and trend of women empowerment in the study area in terms of various indicators. 2. To see the contribution of women in the economy of Assam and to see how empowerment of women is helpful for the development of an economy. 3. To see the role of women education in the realisation of women empowerment and thereby growth of th e economy. 4. To overcome the constraints faced by the women in the study area and to forward some meaningful inferences and suggestions on the findings of the study. Key Questions – Assam economy has a great contribution of women folk.The amount of contribution can be enhanced considerably by getting the empowered women; which is finally realised only by creating environment for qualitative as well as quantitative women education. Data source and Methodology- The Study Area- Assam, a constituent State of India, is located in North Eastern part of the country and situated within the longitude 90o E to 96o E and latitude 24o N to 28o N. The area of the state is 78,438 sq. kms. The economy of Assam is mainly agrarian in nature. The population of the state is Total 31. 7 million according to 2011 census of which 1,52,14,345 are female. As regards sex ratio, it is 954 females per 1000 males as per report of 2011 census. Basic data on the position of women in the state vis-a-vis m en reveals that there is a glaring inequality between them. Methodology – The study is basically analytical and descriptive. Moreover, it is prepared mostly with secondary data, also depending on observation. The techniques of synthesis have been applied to analyze the data and as such, the findings and suggestions have been sorted out. Results and Discussion-Women in Economy There is an important co-relation between women and economy in the context of Assam economy. The activities for women in soil conservation, social forestry, dairy development and other occupations allied to agriculture like horticulture, livestock including small animal husbandry, poultry, fisheries etc are being expanded to benefit women workers in the agriculture sector. Economic Development may be rgarded as a woman’s path to self-mastery. Women get the opportunity to gain social, political and economic skills, which opens a greater field of action.Women who received credit and who sustained s ocial, political and business-development training for more than three years displayed greater independence, increased household decision-making, more control of resources, and more equality within the home. Education The female literacy level among the women in Assam have been growing up in the podt- independence era. Table: 1 Female Literacy at a glance in Assam Particulars Unit 2001 Census 2011 Census (P) LiteracyTotalPer cent 63. 2573. 18 a) MalePer cent 71. 8 78. 81 b) Female Per cent 54. 61 67. 27 Source: Gov of Assam, Economic Survey, Assam, 2010-11 The table shows that the female literacy inceased to 67. 27 per cent in the 2011 census, which was 54. 61 per cent in 2001 census. For a state, 12. 66 percent increment in a decade is not said to be a less amount. But there is a lot of works to be done by the policymakers of the state. Although during 1991-2001, annual average growth rate of female literacy (1. 3 per cent) was more than that of male literacy rate (0. 997 per cen t). Women Empowerment -Empowerment recognizes the inner power of individuals; women empowerment reminds us that change- improvement in the physical, economic, political or social well-being of women. When poor or weak women become actors for change, able to analyze their own lives, make awareness, skills, knowledge, confidence and experience and structures their own decisions and take their own actions. Many scholars have provided suitable definitions of women empowerment. â€Å"Empowerment is the process by which the powerless gain greater control over the circumstances of their lives.It includes both controls over resources and over ideology †¦. a growing intrinsic capability- greater self confidence, and an inner transformation of one’s consciousness that enables one to overcome external barriers †¦. 3 Women Education leads Women Empowerment We have already discussed that education acts as the best tool to be helpful in women in difficult circumstances. Adding value of education to their lives, the disadvantaged groups, women in extreme poverty, destitute women, omen in conflict situations, women affected by natural calamities, women in less developed regions, the disabled widows, elderly women, single women in difficult circumstances, women heading households, those displaced from employment, migrants, women who are victims of marital violence, deserted women and prostitutes etc can have their solution to be free extensively from the constrains faced by them. It is known to all that female education has a long-term effects. Educated women have fewer, healthier children, and they have them when they are older.The result is children who are more successful in school, largely because they benefit from their mothers’ education. Educating girls and integrating them into the labor force is one way to break an intergenerational cycle of poverty. In contrast to all odds, education is the most important means of empowering women with the k nowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process. Education is important for everyone, but it is especially significant for girls and women.This is true not only because education is an entry point to other opportunities, but also because the educational achievements of women can have ripple effects within the family and across generations. Investing in girls education is one of the most effective ways to reduce poverty. Investments in higher education for girls yields especially high dividends. Girls who have been educated are likely to marry later and to have smaller and healthier families. Educated women can recognize the importance of health care and know how to seek it for themselves and their children.Education helps girls and women to know their rights and to gain confidence to claim them. Education has far-reaching effects. The education of parents is linked to their childrens educational attainment, and the mothers education is usually more influential than the fathers. An educated mothers greater influence in household negotiations may allow her to secure more resources for her children. Educated mothers are more likely to be in the labour force, allowing them to pay some of the costs of schooling, and may be more aware of returns to schooling.And educated mothers, averaging fewer children, can concentrate more attention on each child. Closing the gender gap in education is a development priority. The 1994 Cairo Consensus recognized education, especially for women, as a force for social and economic development. Universal completion of primary education was set as a 20-year goal, as was wider access to secondary and higher education among girls and women. Closing the gender gap in education by 2015 is also one of the benchmarks for the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). 4 Present Status -The status of women and their empowerment in terms of various indicators such as access to education, employment, hous ehold decision making power, financial autonomy, freedom of movement, exposure to media, political participation, experience of domestic violence etc can not be daid to be satisfactory in the state of Assam. We have miles to go for having positive indicators, like, decision making, poverty eradication, micro credit, education, health, nutrition, drinking water and sanitation, housing and shelter, environment, science and technology, support services, violence against women, rights of the girl child, mass media.The female work participation rate in Assam which was 4. 66 per cent in 1971 increased to 21. 61 per cent in 1991 and declined to 20. 71 per cent in 20016 The Girls’ Educational Index (GEI) in early 80s was 0. 499 in Assam (G. O. I. , 2002). During 1990s the GEI for India was increased to 0. 575 in Assam. Assam was ranked in 29th position among 32 States and Union Territories according to GEI measure and was ranked below Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland (Assam H uman Development Report, 2003). In Assam women may be visible at public places and institutions, as there is freedom of movement, but her visibility does not give her power, she is very unlikely to be a member in the decision making bodies of these institutions. Data on managerial bodies of schools and colleges, public institutions, religious institutions reveal the invisibility of women in power. Key Findings The female literacy level among the women in Assam have been growing up in the podt- independence era. The female literacy inceased to 67. 27 per cent in the 2011 census, which was 54. 61 per cent in 2001 census.For a state, 12. 66 percent increment in a decade is not said to be a less amount. But there is a lot of works to be done by the policymakers of the state. Occupational structure of women of Assam reflects that a major part of the total women are engaged in agriculture sector and generated a considerable amount of income for their livelihood. In these days, the young generation are showing tendency in service and business sector , which is an indicators of the movement of the society towards development. Women engaged in service are not satisfactory but there is tremendous improvement.Like service sector an identical picture is also seen in case of business sector. A substantial amount of educated young women are attracted towards different types of business activities, small scale and cottage industries based on locally available natural resources, shopkeeper etc. Various types of income sources are adopted by the women in tribal communities of Assam, such as, agriculture, weaving, poultry, piggery business, service, traditional industries and wage labour. Among these activities traditional industries like handicraft, weaving, preparation of traditional wine, piggery and poultry are mentionworthy.Women of Assam enjoy somewhat a disadvantageous position both in absolute sense and relative to men in the area of access to education, employment,exp osure to media, household decision making capacity, workforce participation rate, control over resources etc. Micro-finance – including micro-credits – is often considered as an instrument that promotes empowerment. Whilst it can stabilise livelihoods, broaden choices, provide start-up funds for productive investment, help poor people to smooth consumption flows and send children to school, it can also lead to indebtedness and increased exclusion unless programmes are well-designed.Suggestions – It is stablished fact that education is the key role player for empowerment of women, which is, in turn, responsible for economic development as a whole. So, for creating the goal an empowered women for economic development, the following strategies need to be taken into action by the Govt. in partnership with NGO and Community- 1. Creating community demand for girls education not only elementary level but also all the level of education. 2. The Technical and Vocational education should be made available for girls. 3.Nos of such school need to extent up to all village of the community. 4. The adult education programme in rural area is essential. 5. Efforts should made to solve the drop out problem of girls education in rural area 6. Participation of women in the high income generating activities like fashion designing, tailoring, food processing beautician, need to increase. For which following means should be adopted: a. Training facilities should be there in rural area through which the women of the community will get better chance to be specialized in this field. b.Knowledge and information on Global changing business environment like marketing in formation, the change of test, habit, preference of the consumer should be provided regularly through government and Non-government efforts like NGO, SHGs, Mahila Sangathan. c. Gender and poverty sensation programme should be developed to create an environment where by all will work together to remove all the disparities physical, social and economic. Conclusion – Achieving women’s economic empowerment is not a â€Å"quick fix†. It will take sound public policies, a holistic approach and long-term commitment from all development actors.Providing supplementary services – such as training, working through groups rather than individuals, or alongside other investments in awareness raising – has been shown to increase women’s direct control over resources. 5 In the United Nation’s 2005 report on the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations, writes: â€Å"The full participation of women to all levels of decision-making is a basic human right. †The central argument is that women play a fundamental role in development.Accordingly, in the same report, Kofi Annan argues that gender equality is in fact a â€Å"prerequisite†to achieving the other MDGs. 6 Former World Bank Pr esident, James Wolfensohn, addressing the Fourth UN Conference on Women, said: Education for girls has a catalytic effect on every dimension of development: lower child and maternal mortality rates; increased educational attainment by daughters and sons; higher productivity; and improved environmental management. Together, these can mean faster economic growth and, equally important, wider distribution of the fruits of growth in economy.More education for girls will also enable more and more women to attain leadership positions at all levels of society: from health clinics in the villages to parliaments in the capitals. This, in turn, will change the way societies will deal with problems and raise the quality of global decision-making. 6 References – 1. Dhar, P. K. , ‘The Economy of Assam- Including Economy of North East India’,( 2009), Kalyani Publishers, Guwahati 2. Islam, N. , ‘Economic Empowerment of Women in the District of Goalpara: A Case Study with Special Reference to Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana’, National Seminar Volume, (Ed. ) Kshyap, S. K. Goswami, N. and Dutta, A. , ‘Economic Empowerment of Women in the North East Region: Issues and Challenges’, Barbhag College, Kalag, Nalbari (Assam) September, 2012 (ISBN 978-81-910818-3-7) 3. Mahanta, B. (Supervisor: Prof. P. Nayak),‘Women Empowerment in Assam: A Human development Approach’(M. Phil Synopsis), Department of Economics, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong (2008). 4. Assam Human Development Report, 2003 and Govt. of Assam). 5. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) (2011), The state of food and agriculture, 2010-2011: women in agriculture, closing the gender gap for development, FAO, Rome. . Duflo, E. , â€Å"Women Empowerment and Economic Development’’, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Journal of Economic Literature 2012, 50(4), 1051–1079, http://dx. doi. org/10. 1257/jel. 50. 4 . 1051 ++++++ From: Name: NAZRUL ISLAM Designation: Asstt. Professor ; HoD, Economics. Sex: Male Name of the Institution: Dalgoma Anchalik College, Matia, Goalpara -783125. Address for Correspondance: Nayapara, Krishnai, Goalpara -783126. Email ID: nazrul. [emailprotected] com Participation: With Paper Title of the paper: Role of Education in Women Empowerment with special reference to the Economy of Assam. Date: Signature
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Hyphens Are Chains Linking Phrasal Adjectives
Hyphens Are Chains Linking Phrasal Adjectives Hyphens Are Chains Linking Phrasal Adjectives Hyphens Are Chains Linking Phrasal Adjectives By Mark Nichol Writers frequently neglect to connect two words that together constitute a single grammatical unit modifying a noun that follows them. This error of omission is even more likely when the phrasal adjective consists of more than two words. The following sentences demonstrate such errors, and a discussion and a revision follow each example. 1. Leaders should be demanding reports that provide relevant stakeholders with near real time information. The phrase â€Å"near real time†consists of three terms that combined to describe a type of information, so the phrase should be linked with hyphens: â€Å"Leaders should be demanding reports that provide relevant stakeholders with near-real-time information.†2. He found himself immersed in an in the trenches position. The position is in the trenches, so those last three words must be hyphenated when preceding the noun: â€Å"He found himself immersed in an in-the-trenches position.†3. The student had a six-month long affair with his English teacher. Here, the phrasal adjective is incompletely hyphenated, leaving the reader with the impression that a long affair was of a six-month nature. But long is part of the phrasal adjective: â€Å"The student had a six-month-long affair with his English teacher.†4. Police investigated the much talked about incident. When much precedes an adjective such as needed and the two words precede a noun, much is connected to the next word with a hyphen. The same rule applies when much intensifies an existing phrasal adjective such as â€Å"talked about†: â€Å"Police investigated the much-talked-about incident.†5. Next, the firm undergoes a revenue recognition transition process. Here, the number of words in the phrasal adjective is the same as the number in each of the preceding examples, but the use of jargon makes the phrasing more dense. The sentence can be corrected to â€Å"Next, the firm undergoes a revenue-recognition-transition process,†but in this case, is better to relax the sentence by starting with the noun and progressing from there: â€Å"Next, the firm undergoes a process of transitioning revenue recognition.†(Take care, however, that the correct meaning of the terminology is preserved in the revision.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:60 Synonyms for â€Å"Walk†The Parts of a WordSentence Adverbs
Saturday, October 19, 2019
London Stock Exchange in the Development of Financial Services Essay
London Stock Exchange in the Development of Financial Services Business in the UK - Essay Example There are two major trading procedures used at LSE including Stock Exchange Automated Quotation System (SEAQ) and Stock Exchange Electronic Trading Service (SETS). With the help of these procedures trading between the companies, brokers and people is managed. Though LSE is international share market but mainly the UK equities are traded here and different products are introduced for financial services business like gild edges, corporate and local authority bonds, derivatives, Eurobonds, warrants and covered warrants etc. These services have allowed the development and expansion of financial services business across the UK. The London exchange has evolved as the heart of financial markets and the most important, prestigious and influential financial center of UK. It has introduced and promoting several market products that facilitate the financial service business in IK like the Alternative investment market AIM that was established in 1995 for allowing investment in the smaller compa nies. The electronic system was also introduced in the stock exchange in 1997 whereas techMart was also introduced in order to meet the demands and requirements of the rapidly growing technology sector. LSE also supplied high quality prices, news and information about the financial communities in UK allowing the businesses across UK to keep eye upon the changing trends of the financial market and make informed decisions about their investments. LSE works with the aim to ensure winning business for the UK financial markets. The portfolio has been developed in a way that it meets the international and UK financial market’s needs. LSE also supports the businesses related with credit union, stock brokerage, investment funds, insurance companies and consumer finance companies because almost all the important companies of UK operating in these sector have been listed in LSE and support is provided to these companies to facilitate the expansion of financial services business across UK. In order to play important role in the development of investment funds being part of the financial services business, the London Stock exchange supports the close-ended investment funds. The main market of LSE offers the funds access that act as the widest possible investor base for the institutional to the general retail investors. This service facilitates the closed ended investment to the investors across the UK by defining certain rules about the admission and ongoing levels of the shareholders engagement in the process of investment. LSE acts as the facilitator of non-bank finance to the UK companies and provide them access to the equity finance provided by the marker. In this way, it works for the economic stability for the UK companies even in the era of crisis and support the expansion of financial services business across UK by acting as facilitator of investment funds, insurance companies and other banking services. In order to support the financial service businesses, LSE has also created the specialist fund market that is basically a peer market design especially established to appeal the alternative funds and the sophisticated investors involved with these funds. This market has been governed in line with the EU directive minimum standards where the investors
Friday, October 18, 2019
Expanding a Multinational Company Research Paper - 2
Expanding a Multinational Company - Research Paper Example The company was founded in the year 1982. The company started its growth as well as operations in the other countries very impressively and presently it operates in Australia & South Africa as well. The present revenue of the company is $ 4.22 billion and the present operating income of the company is $0.92 billion. The company is making an attempt for its expansion in some more countries. The three emerging market countries based on their potential chosen for the expansion and the growth of the company are China, Singapore and Qatar. China itself being a port area ranks second as a trading nation all over the world; it is chosen because it has a huge scope for the growth of the chosen company (Pollmann, 2012). Singapore is chosen because of its investment potential. Singapore being a port area ranks first in its investment strength (Singapore Economic Development Board, 2012). Qatar is the third country which is one of the richest countries among all the Muslim countries in the world. Now based on certain factors a comparative analysis of these three countries is shown in the next portion of the project. The political structure of the country puts the president at the top followed by the Cabinet. The political environment of the country is very strong and it follows the system of monopoly on its import as well as export activities in various sectors. The political structure of the country is having at its top the president who is the head of the state, and then the prime minister who is the head of the government and in the executive position lays the cabinet that are also under the full control of the president. It is a democratic country The political structure of Qatar is having Emir of Qatar as the head of the state as well as the government. There are also other ministries under his control and a consultative assembly being appointed only for consultative activities consisting of 35 members. There are
The Broadway Cafe Part II Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Broadway Cafe Part II - Case Study Example These coupons are sent through SMS, MMS, Bluetooth and other mobile media. The consumer can redeem coupon at store or through internet. The mobile coupons are better than the traditional paper coupon in such a way because the coupons are reliable means of encouraging bulk purchases. Whether the product or service is traditional or not the coupon promotes experiment among new target customers. It can promote sales. Once the product is sold through proper distribution channel, the coupon ensures that they sell through to the end user. Through mobile coupon, companies can make a database of customers, because to ‘receive their check’ the customers must provide their number and address. These databases help the company to track purchasers (Mobile Market Association, 2007). There are other benefits of using mobile coupon which include: Customers always keep mobile with them, so they can never leave mobile coupon at home Customer can use mobile coupon system whenever they pref er to buy or eat anything from shop. All they have to do is to send the coupons before lunch time Customer can forward these coupons to their friends and relatives and they will not have to pay any extra charges for forwarding coupons Young people and teenagers prefer mobile coupon system to traditional printed coupon system Uses of mobile coupon can save trees because it doesn’t need any paper unlike the tradition coupon system (Advanced Mobile Solutions, 2010). Question 2 What Are The Risks Involved With Mobile Marketing And M-Coupons? Many customers are disturbed by receiving any type of marketing messages into mobile because mobile is a personal thing (Marketing Minefield, 2007). Mobile is good for marketing, but there are many mobiles which support only 160 characters per SMS and that is not enough to display all information about any special offer (Marketing Minefield, 2007). Privacy is a big issue in mobile phone. At times, customers provide instruction to mobile subsc riber to opt out any unnecessary messages. Because of troubles related with opt-in SMS lists, this marketing technique has its own restrictions towards the customers (Marketing Minefield, 2007). Standardization is also a drawback of mobile coupon system, because each phone has their operating system, different screen size and different browsers. Marketers have to optimize their phone to the customers’ phone for delivering any kind of advertisements or WebPages (Business Link, n.d.). Customers are cautious nowadays to respond to SMS messages because of increase in fraudulent and spam SMSs. They respond negatively to unwanted messages (Business Link, n.d.). Question 3 What Are The Privacy Issues Involved With Mobile Marketing And M-Coupons? In mobile marketing system, securing privacy is a ‘commercially valuable benefit’ which protect customer’s privacy in online environment. Customers always value their privacy. They are always cautious whether a wireless s ite is tracking and receiving any private information about them. It is common that every company needs demographic and behavioral information about their customers for business purposes, but customer feel that no company has the right to sell their information to other organization. The ultimate solution to this conflict is to make a partnership with customers where company can control the ownership of customer’
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Effect of social network in today mass communication Research Paper
Effect of social network in today mass communication - Research Paper Example By using social networks as mass communication marketing tools, companies around the world are able to interact with their customers and advertise their products like never before. To understand how social media marketing works as a mass communication marketing tool, the importance of the Internet must be realized. â€Å"With nearly 260 million people using the Web on a regular basis in the United States alone, using the Internet has become a mainstream social activity. Consumers approach purchasing online differently, too, and as a result, you need to approach your marketing online differently as well,†(Singh, 2010). What Singh describes here is important to note. The number of users on the internet is astronomically high, and getting higher each day. As a result, the internet is seen as a perfect place to advertise products and utilize marketing practices, since such an audience is present. Social networks are crucial to this. According to a study conducted in June 2010, ne arly 80% of the United States internet population uses social networks (Heras, 2010). The top 10 social networks used as of March 2010 are Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Linkedin, Classmates, MyLife, Ning, LiveJournal, Tagged, and, with Facebook receiving 133,623,529 unique visits daily and receiving 3,473,978 unique visits daily (Nations, 2010). With the amount of time and the amount of people on social networks today, it has become not only important, but nearly necessary for companies to reach out to their online audience and extend their marketing plans to include them. Advertising to the online audience of a given company or brand is not the same as traditional advertising. â€Å"†¦advertising has traditionally been viewed as one way communication, delivered from the marketer using ads through some media vehicle to a receiver, the target audience. Thinking of advertising as one-way communication limits what is possible, particularly online,†(Tuten, 200 8). Social networks are all about communication: people getting in touch with long lost friends and family members, keeping in touch with the friends you already have, and in some cases, making new friends. From a business perspective, businesses must find a way to make themselves part of the communication. â€Å"Online, advertising becomes more about conversations, connections, and shared control and less about passive consumption of packaged content,†(Tuten, 2008). Brands join in on the communication by interacting with their customers using these social networks. On Facebook, brands create fan pages, where their brand can be â€Å"liked†by their customers. These fan pages have various ways in which they can engage customers to communicate. Many fans simply comment the fan pages, talking about a favorite product or an experience with the product. From there, the brand is responsible to monitor these comments and respond to them, with at least a simple thank you. Th e more they elaborate on their responses to comments, the more they can engage customers in conversation and develop a relationship between the customer and the brand. This can also be done by creating engaging status updates, where they encourage customers to share with them. This allows the customers to feel like they are contributing to a brand and that their voice is being heard. From there, it is largely in the customer’
Discuss whether supermarket are benefical to the society they operate Essay
Discuss whether supermarket are benefical to the society they operate within in the united kingdom - Essay Example The three-quarters of food shopping are made through just four firms. Supermarkets’ claims on fulfilling their corporate social responsibility can not be measured in the absence of relevant benchmarks. There is greater need to bring the civil society organisations to the table with supermarkets to hold a discussion on social, environmental and ethical issues but supermarkets are not coming forward in good numbers to follow an approach where transparency and stakeholder interests are protected with the participation of civil society organisations. A number of reasons can be attributed to the supermarkets’ withdrawal from such initiatives the like of Race to the Top (RTTT) project whose objective was to set benchmarks taking into confidence the civil society organisations (RTTT Final Report). Government intention to develop major performance indicators for the food sector created fear in the supermarket lobby of a new governance structure by selecting a successful RTTT. Supermarkets had not been forthcoming in providing data, which was crucial for partnering with society stakeholders. External data is costly because of expensive labour and methodological issues although crucial in showing change in comparison to supermarkets’ data showing company policies only (RTTT Final Report). There was lack of staff time and technical know-how. The timing of pressurising the supermarket companies to bring transparency in data on environmental and social effects mismatched because of their disinterest in providing the information due to cost cutting measures to remain in competition with leading market giants (RTTT Final Report) Another problem is the heterogeneous nature of the UK supermarket in terms of scale, ownership and customer base. Companies are wary of running such business initiatives that map the customer rather than the companies on sustainability of high animal-welfare food items (RTTT Final Report). The high
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Effect of social network in today mass communication Research Paper
Effect of social network in today mass communication - Research Paper Example By using social networks as mass communication marketing tools, companies around the world are able to interact with their customers and advertise their products like never before. To understand how social media marketing works as a mass communication marketing tool, the importance of the Internet must be realized. â€Å"With nearly 260 million people using the Web on a regular basis in the United States alone, using the Internet has become a mainstream social activity. Consumers approach purchasing online differently, too, and as a result, you need to approach your marketing online differently as well,†(Singh, 2010). What Singh describes here is important to note. The number of users on the internet is astronomically high, and getting higher each day. As a result, the internet is seen as a perfect place to advertise products and utilize marketing practices, since such an audience is present. Social networks are crucial to this. According to a study conducted in June 2010, ne arly 80% of the United States internet population uses social networks (Heras, 2010). The top 10 social networks used as of March 2010 are Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Linkedin, Classmates, MyLife, Ning, LiveJournal, Tagged, and, with Facebook receiving 133,623,529 unique visits daily and receiving 3,473,978 unique visits daily (Nations, 2010). With the amount of time and the amount of people on social networks today, it has become not only important, but nearly necessary for companies to reach out to their online audience and extend their marketing plans to include them. Advertising to the online audience of a given company or brand is not the same as traditional advertising. â€Å"†¦advertising has traditionally been viewed as one way communication, delivered from the marketer using ads through some media vehicle to a receiver, the target audience. Thinking of advertising as one-way communication limits what is possible, particularly online,†(Tuten, 200 8). Social networks are all about communication: people getting in touch with long lost friends and family members, keeping in touch with the friends you already have, and in some cases, making new friends. From a business perspective, businesses must find a way to make themselves part of the communication. â€Å"Online, advertising becomes more about conversations, connections, and shared control and less about passive consumption of packaged content,†(Tuten, 2008). Brands join in on the communication by interacting with their customers using these social networks. On Facebook, brands create fan pages, where their brand can be â€Å"liked†by their customers. These fan pages have various ways in which they can engage customers to communicate. Many fans simply comment the fan pages, talking about a favorite product or an experience with the product. From there, the brand is responsible to monitor these comments and respond to them, with at least a simple thank you. Th e more they elaborate on their responses to comments, the more they can engage customers in conversation and develop a relationship between the customer and the brand. This can also be done by creating engaging status updates, where they encourage customers to share with them. This allows the customers to feel like they are contributing to a brand and that their voice is being heard. From there, it is largely in the customer’
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Aviation Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Aviation Business - Assignment Example Let us estimate the business cost for this charter company to run Cessna 172 twice a month as mentioned earlier is as follows: Total business cost includes fixed cost, running costs or operational costs and landing and overnight tie down costs. Cost of running the aircraft: Fuel required for running this charter flight is its main component: $ 1500 per one hour 2 Total flying hours in a month: For southern side: (2+3) x 2 = 10 hours For northern side : (2+2+2) x 2 = 12 hours Total flying hours = 10 + 12 = 22 hours Additional flying hours to be considered / month = 10 hours Total flying hours = 12 + 22 + 10 = 44 hours Therefore the total cost accounts to $66000 / month. The total cost per one year = $792000 (Fig 1) Lease costs for aircraft : Aircraft was purchased with 25 % residual cost of flight ($259,500) for 5 years: $64750 Lease cost for one year = $12950 Lease cost for one month = $ 1079 Fixed costs (This is the daily cost of running a business ie. Rent, ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: Jagson Airlines. 2009. Charter services. Charter rules, terms and conditions. Rates : flying hours. employee wages: It includes the charges for the pilot : Chief pilot is the only one person employed here. His salary component (including the benefit of super annuation) is $60,000 (Fig 2). For additional assisting staff (including the benefit of super annuation) : $25,000 Costs incurred on equipment, insurance, Air operators certificate, test approvals, Pilots annual checks and renewals = $ 10,000. Lease for the office building : $60,000 (Fig 3) Landing and overnight tie down charges for the airfield per year : $24,000 (Fig 4) Detailed description of... The charter aircraft will fly from Groote Eylandt (NT) to southern side in one fortnight and will return to Groote Eylandt (NT) and again from the same place it flies to northern side. Therefore in a month, it has to travel once in southern direction i.e. from Groote Eylandt to: Each time, it has to carry two medical staff and 40 kg medical accessories. All the basic principles of aviation including weather preparedness have to be kept in mind while planning the route plan (Parma, 1999). The net profit calculated by the company is $ 705650 which has been added to all the costs of running aircraft and accordingly annual tender amount of $ 1689600 per year and $140800 per month has been finalized. For successful flying with out any legal complications and for ensuring security norms of the respective nation, Cessna aircraft has to follow the aviation rules and regulations very strictly (Bruckert and Roud, 2007). The federal aviation regulations have to be followed very strictly while carrying out the aviation. The congestion management of aircrafts is essential along with the implementation of emission standards of aircrafts according to the federal regulations3.
Hinduism Research Paper Essay Example for Free
Hinduism Research Paper Essay For me, the process of reading this section and sorting the confusion of thoughts thereafter enough to write about, involved several attempts to reading, writing and letting it go. As I read through this section with much anticipation, I found myself struggling to capture the essence of the writings of Kant, Weber, Marx, Hegel and others. After numerous readings, I realised that I was reading about modernity through the perspective of western philosophical writers and social thinkers. My eastern heritage and western education had somehow missed adequate information on both Hinduism and a balanced approach to modernity. As I read the writings of Smith, shortly after the first page, the expectation of deepening my understanding of Hinduism was pushed to the back burner and I received an education on western philosophical and social thought. That was disappointing because I had hoped to learn more about Hinduism and its place in the modern day. My expectation was that somehow the author would reconcile so called rational theorisations (that I too am very attached to) and the in-explainable Hindu concepts that I was familiar with. Unfortunately, other than seeing shadows of faith based thinking in Hegel, the section on Hinduism and modernity abruptly ends with little or no understanding on Hinduism and the assortment of modern day theorists do not bridge the intellectual divide between the two concepts. A couple of days after reading this section and failing to write any thoughts, I suddenly realised another obstacle in my thinking. When I lived in India, amidst the Indian culture, I had come to accept Hinduism as the â€Å"modern†religion as opposed to Christianity or Islam. The basis of this label was that Hinduism lacked a book or structured definitions and paid no attention to conversion of others to Hinduism. As an organised religion, it was wonderfully ambiguous, largely spiritual and open to individual expression. It was okay to discard rituals or practices that did not my approval. That essence of Hinduism that I carried from my stay in India was a sharp contrast to the author’s perspective of Hinduism being the example of a â€Å"traditional†religion, and perhaps a far cry from modernity. My personal thought is that Hinduism, like philosophical or social theory has over the last 2000 plus years been defined by male dominated patriarchal societies. Like the cream on homemade Indian yogurt, that layer needs to be peeled away to study the essence of Hinduism or modernity and understand the closeness they share. European Discovery of Hinduism from â€Å"Hinduism and Modernity†The European discovery of Hinduism spans a period from the 15th century when the ports of Goa opened up for the Portuguese traders to the 18th century when the British begin to live in India and acculturate themselves with some of the Indian traditions. In these three hundred years, India seemed to change from an isolated country hidden from the world, to a country that could no longer hide its spices, its riches and its culture. Sadly though, the discovery of Hinduism for non Indians did not have a clear theoretical base, and was dependant on a largely oral and abstractly written sparse Hindu religious/cultural history, during a time when the Indian society was not open to sharing with the outside world. As a result, the accounts of Hinduism written by visitors depicted the Hindu religion as grotesque or insipid, by European writers who travelled to India and experienced the culture from their biblical eyes. The practice of sati, the deification of kings, the extreme deprivation of Brahmans and the overly sexualised art altogether presented a confusing picture that could not be corrected, because the language of India was not understood by the Europeans. To their sensibilities, the ways of the Indians were horrifying to say the least. The Europeans in India, who could have had the opportunity to experience the Hindu culture first hand, also were kept at the fringes by the Indians, as per the writings of Bentinck in 1807. It seemed as though their (European) â€Å"needs†and â€Å"business†were â€Å"taken care†for them, without them disturbing the hierarchy and the dictates of the local culture. At this point, it seems as though the hierarchical society in India was interchangeably used to represent the Hindu religion. There seemed to be very little understanding of the Hindu religion apart from the social structure, with the teachings of he religion being a closely guarded secret, by the priests and the wealthy. The fact that that Indians were not open to foreigners examining their religion is evident from Bernier’s writings. Bernier’s base of atomism of Gassendi could have led to a productive exchange between the European and Indian culture, however, it seemed as if he gave u p because he could not visualise a coherent Hindu cosmological theory and the â€Å"pundit†who was his only source of information, did not have enough skills to dialogue. There were sporadic writings through this time, for example by Abraham Roger, 1649, themed on â€Å"Paganism†that attempted to describe the Hindu culture of India, but at some point they tended to disintegrate into a judgemental dismissal of the body of knowledge that was very different to say the least. There always seemed to be enough examples to create caricatures and convince the western world, that India was not worthy of serious enquiry. All in all, from a modern day perspective, it seems that the Indians had created multiple layers to protect themselves from invaders, missionaries, scholars, traders all of them having an agenda to rip open the cultural centre and expose the vulnerability to the world. So it seems that visitors were kept at bay, given spices, gold, and sent on their way. The resistance also came from an established social structure and was maintained by those in power, for whom, it made sense to keep up the confusing and diffused aura, so they may profit as the privileged few who understood both sides. Marx and Weber’s writings in the 19th century are also historical sources of information on this time, although Marx did not write anything that helped the world understand Hinduism. Webers’s writings did contain some key concepts which were central to the Hindus, such as â€Å"Samskaras†or â€Å"Karma†but also contained some extreme views which were more true of Webers’ own personal struggles and growth. It was not until the late 18th century, under the colonial rule by the British, that Indians met westerners as friends, who wanted to understand or join the Indian culture, without an agenda. Around that time, Indians within India had also begun to look beyond their borders and the environment seemed ready for cultural exchange. The exchanges thereafter where both the Indian and the British culture absorbed elements from each other created an environment where a genuine interest could sustain and studies could be done. Dayananda Saraswati from â€Å"A Source-Book of Modern Hinduism†Dear Sikander Bhaiya, I came across something interesting and wanted to share it with you. I’m taking a class in Hinduism, about 10,000 miles away from home, and learning about Dayananda Saraswati, who as it turns out, is the founder of our Arya Samaj sect. You may recognize the Arja Samaj nurseries near our house, well here is some information behind the teachings at these schools. As my professor says, Swami Dayananda was born into a Brahmin family in 19th century India. But one point you should know is that his real name is Mool Shankar and he was born in Gujrat. He found the Arya Samaj, meaning cultural organization, after an impacting event during the night of Shivratri. When mice ran all over Shiva and ate the offerings given to him, he could not understand why the idol could not defend himself from a mouse. Then, after the death of his sister from cholera, he no longer believed and degraded idol worship. That is when he created the Arya Samaj movement for people who do not believe in idol worship. Nevertheless, Swami Dayananda did not form the Arya Samaj based on this one principle, looking at Hinduism as a whole he rejected all the â€Å"falsehood†and created an body who believed in all the good in Hinduism. Swami Dayananda studied believed in the Vedic scriptures. One such notion he believed in was Moksha. Moksha is the escape from the reincarnation cycle and to finally become one with God. But, I personally believe that reincarnation is not bad and have no desire to escape this cycle. Why would one not appreciate the life God has given us and instead escape life to be absorbed into the soul of the Divine Spirit? As Swami Dayananda proclaims Moksha â€Å"is not emancipation but death or annihilation†. Death and annihilation are not words that come with a good meaning. Not everyone should be influenced to reach Moksha but instead be grateful for and enjoy what God has given us. Education is the sector in which Swami Dayananda made the most progress. For one, he wanted the Veda Bhashya to be translated into English in order to pread the information contained in these scriptures to the Europeans. He also believed in equal education for all. At his point of time in history women were not given the same rights as men and were often left to take upon simple maiden tasks. But he stated that this would cause â€Å"warfare in the house†. Women will also be wanted a s teachers in all girls’ school and knowledgeable enough to be involved in administrative affairs. In addition, Swami Dayananda urged teachers and their scholars not to give into corrupt acts that could prevent teaching or learning. I think he wanted to ensure that people and their actions were not what kept them from acquiring knowledge. I greatly support Swami Dayananda’s belief that marriage should be Swayamvara. He believes that a man and a women should â€Å"suit each other†before marriage so they will be happier. In addition, he condemns child marriage, which usually results in women becoming widowed at a young age. This is such a pervasive phenomenon that completely stopping child marriage has still not occurred in India. Instead he added another custom that women can remarry as long as they were not â€Å"consummated†in their first marriage. This allows women to live a normal married life later on. I hope this letter has given you some light on Dayananda Saraswati and his Arya Samaj principles. Read on about this great Indian leader, his principles are inspiring. Tanya Ramakrishna Paramahansa, from â€Å"A Source Book of Modern Hinduism†Ramakrishna Paramahansa was a famous follower of Bhakti traditions of 19th century India. He was born into a poor Brahmin Vaishnava family in a Bengal village where he devoted his life to â€Å"strenuous spiritual discipline†(Richards,63) to reach union with the Divine, whom for Ramakrishna was Kali. He became a priest of the Dakshineswar Kali Temple near Kolkata, the city where his portrait hangs on every corner. Ramakrishna understood that Hinduism is like a shoreless ocean but still has two main facets Bhakti and Jnana, methods to become union with the Divine. He had chosen the Bhakti path to reach full consciousness with his Divine Mother, Kali. But he does not narrow his view of religion and God to only Kali. I agree with Ramakrishna when he says that God comes in various forms and as one becomes more devoted to God they begin to understand the wholeness of God’s existence in this universe. When one sees Kali, the idol, with a naked eye they see black. But her color can be compared to the blue sky, as one approaches the sky they realize it has no color. Yet, the sky is nowhere and everywhere, just like Kali. So, as one comes closer to Kali you will see her without color. Indians believed that there once existed Asuras , demons, who were tall, dark skinned and out to harm. Kali is a goddess who absorbed the negative physical attributes of the Asuras, hence her dark colored skin, but on the inside is a goddess who embodies Shakti, empowerment and strength. In India, Kali is considered the most powerful women who kills all evil and absorbs their poison so others are void of it. She is a powerful female warrior, which goes against the stereotype that men are the ones who hold the strength and power to fight. Hinduism as a religion gives great power to women, unlike the society which strips women of their influence. I strongly support Ramakrishna’s perspective that â€Å"each religion is only a path leading to God†(Richard, 65). I admire the many rivers into one ocean analogy used to describe his idea of different religions but only one God. He was accepting of all other religions and believed â€Å"it is not good to feel that one’s religion alone is true and all others are false†(Richard, 65). One can see that equality was important to Ramakrishna whether it was through religion, the caste system or gender rules. He illustrated that by finding love for God, one’s mind, body and soul no longer belong as a part of the cast system. In addition, during Ramakrishna’s time in history women were not given the same rights as men and were often demeaned. But his belief that women should be worshiped as â€Å"embodiments of the Divine Mother†(Richard, 73) severed this separation. I greatly admire Ramakrishna as he demonstrates his idea of ‘duties’ undertaken by people for name and fame, resulting in an individual’s ego. Duties that are made and carried out by one’s self is not as selfless as those completed as they are presented. Success from carrying out ‘duties’ is what creates a person’s ego. The ego makes people individuals and separates them into ‘you’ and ‘I’. But God sees everyone as one and wishes others would see the same. The only means by which all individuals can become one is by â€Å"going away from the world into solitude†(Richard, 69). This moves the individual away from the distractions of the Maya and allows one to concentrate on the inner self to develop the love of God. With the love of God and as part of one, they are no longer an individual ego. Mahatma Gandhi from â€Å"Gandhi’s Key Writings: In Search of Unity†Let me tell you about a man named Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who is known as Mahatma, meaning great soul, Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi was born in 1869 to a Vaishnava family. His mother and father were greatly religious people and influenced his perception of the world. However, growing up, he realized he was not a man of religion but of ethics. His interest in ethics drove him to study Law in London, England. With a background in Law, Mahatma Gandhi set out to create equality and morality amongst the people. His first attempt was in South Africa where he went to attain civil rights for the 62,000 Indians living there as laborers. At that time, Indians were not allowed to vote and were deprived of many other human rights. The civil rights movement lead by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa is where he found Satyagraha. Satyagraha as a theoretical principle was first introduced in Mahatma Gandhi’s book Hind Swaraj and he shows how he used this philosophical principle in South Africa through his book Satyagraha In South Africa. Satyagraha is a theory that â€Å"recognizes the universal possibility of goodness and virtue†(Suhrud,78). The original Gujurati title of Mahatma Gandhi’s book is Dakshin Africa Na Satyagraha No Itihas (Suhrud, 77) when translated into English it would read â€Å"A History of Satyagraha in South Africa†. However, Mahatma Gandhi had a strong stance between the words ‘Itihas’ and ‘History’, even though they can be considered direct translations of each other. He believed that Itihas in English means ‘it’s so happened’ as opposed to ‘history’ because for him history is associated with a past filled with wars and hatred. This is a glimpse of how Mahatma Gandhi coined the term Satyagraha as a â€Å"soul force†that is completely void of violence. (Suhrud, 77) Satyagraha’s meaning has many faces and the theory itself comes along with many values, but the real meaning of Satyagraha is â€Å"holding on to truth†. According to Mahatma Gandhi this meaning should insinuate love and firmness, bringing about non-violence. This is a separate term from passive resistance, because the latter is still considered a weapon using violence. In fact, one of the principles of Satyagraha is ‘Ahimsa’ meaning non-violence. Mahatma Gandhi started the Satyagraha struggle in South Africa with a series of non-violent protests. One such act was the burning of registration certificates at a community bonfire. This bonfire was an act of defiance against the Asiatic Registration Act of 1907. The means by which Gandhi took a stance against the act broke the law, hence he took the corresponding punishment i. e. multiple blows to the head. As a Satyagrahi, Gandhi did not respond to the violent punishment but instead attempted to get back on his feet and continue burning the registration certificates. Due to Gandhi’s persistence, he was thrown in jail for not succumbing to the police. This is one brutal example of how Mahatma Gandhi implemented Satyagraha in South Africa. Mahatma Gandhi believed that morals and ethics were essential in order to create unity amongst societies and the people within them. From moral and ethics he derived a dogma known as Satyagraha whose core values are truth and ahimsa. Mahatma Gandhi adopted this attitude and applied it in any of his rebellious acts in South Africa. This was an astute strategy he created, so regardless of his actions that stood against the power, he was still ethically correct, making it more difficult for the authorities to bring him down. In this manner, Mahatma Gandhi attained civil rights for the Indians in South Africa.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
An analysis of aldis strategy
An analysis of aldis strategy Introduction In 1948, the brothers Theo and Karl Albrecht opened the grocery store ‘Albrecht Discounts (Aldi) in Essen (Ruhr Valley), Germany. The store had a simple layout and provided a great deal of products at a low price. The company grew rapidly, owning 13 stores in 1950 and about 300 stores in 1961 across Germany. In 1961, Theo and Karl divided the company into Aldi North (run by Theo) and Aldi South (run by Karl). The reasons for this division, according to Dieter Brandes, a former managing director of Aldi in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, were different views about how to develop the business. However, the brothers normally exchanged information about a range of issues such as performance and cost figures, current and potential suppliers and they also conducted joint negotiations with suppliers. In 2003, Theo and Karl resigned as CEOs. Theos son, Theo Albrecht Jr, now runs Aldi North, and Juergen Kroll and Norbert Podschlapp run Aldi South. Since the ‘Spend a little Live a lot message is being known by more and more people, and Aldi has been obtained ‘Best Supermarket 2009 Award in 2009, Aldi has become one of most reputable retailer in the international business, and it operates over 7,000 stores worldwide. Considering of this situation, it would be interesting to understand and analyse the management strategies of Aldi. Therefore, my project will analyse management strategies of Aldi which operates a discount supermarket chain in the retail industry. The paper begins by using PEST analysis, Porters 5 forces analysis and Competitors analysis to analyse the environment of supermarket industry. The next section is to analyse the strategic capability of Aldi. The following section discusses purpose of Aldi, and the final section draws recommendations for improvement of Aldis strategy. Section 1: Environmental Analysis PEST analysis Based on using a PEST analysis, it is likely to recognize the core environmental influences on Aldi. Firstly, it is well-known that the major economic factor is the global recession which originally caused by the United States housing bubble during the period from 2005 to 2008. This financial event has been to strongly motivate customers who begin to purchase inexpensive products with high quality. This means that Aldi will attract a great deal of customers without advertising and doing activities of sales promotion. Because of this situation, it is not necessary to conduct new strategies for the growth of customers. On the other hand, global recession possibly result in the increase of products cost, thus there is a doubt of whether Aldi could sale low-price products with good quality. Therefore, Aldi should consider this problem in order to ensure future growth. Furthermore, social factors impact on Aldi includes the change in consumer taste, some of lifestyle changes and health concerns. It is clear that in recent years more and more consumers start changing their taste, for instance, an increasing demand for organic foods and ban of GM foods. Aldi should consider this factor because it may impacts on the future products development of strategy. Moreover, there is not doubt that some of lifestyle changes such as home shopping and interest usage might increase online shopping, thus according to this factor, Aldi possibly invest more funds to enhance their online service and deliverys service. Recently, health concern has become a key issue around the world, so consumers tend to purchase health products without worrying about the price. For example, BSE outbreak precipitated ban of British beef (Elliott, 2005). There do not seem to any main political and technological factors in the environment that Aldi needs to consider. Porters five forces In order to effectively analyse the competitive environment of Aldi, it is better to use Porters five forces to analyse (Porter, 1985). According to the analysis, the threat of new entrants into the supermarket industry in the UK is not high. It is clear that Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury and other supermarket chains may set up considerable barriers to entry for new entrants. For instance, the new supermarket will not be able to access inexpensive and reliable suppliers because Tesco may have cornered the market for certain goods. However, there is evidence of size and power of large supermarket unable to retaliate on price, value and quality. For example, Aldi successfully obtain more market share in the UK in recent years, because it has applied the strategy of low-price products with high quality. Furthermore, it is not doubt that buying power of consumers was high because they had so much choice, and their actions can force prices decline. For example, if beans are too expensive in Aldi, buyers will move to another supermarket to purchase, thus a price was will happen immediately among supermarkets. Moreover, it is believed that suppliers power was low because of low cost of switching suppliers and alternative source of supply. However, sometimes suppliers may stand a high power. For instance, normally suppliers signed a contract with retailers about paying a certain price for their products, but if retailers do not pay the price, suppliers will delay the products delivery or do not send goods to them. Competitive rivalry is very high in the supermarket industry. The core reason for competition is strong in the supermarket industry because price wars always happen among supermarkets. Based on price wars, winner can gain more market share. For instance Aldi gave the highest discount to gain a part of market share while it enters the UK supermarket industry. Product for product substitution within supermarket industry is the main threat, thus it is believed that the threat of substitutes is strong. For instance, Aldi has competition from companies like Asda or Tesco that can provide substitutes for their goods. This may drives a low-price of groceries in both companies. Competitors analysis Aldi not only faces the competition of strong supermarkets such as Tesco, but also faces the threat of Lidl as the discount store. In 2008, Tesco launched a new strategy that setting 34 discount brands across 350 categories and reduce its price to attract more customers to purchase products in Tesco in order to defend the price war of Aldi (Reuters, 2008). After that, the sales of Tesco has increased by 6.7 percent according to researchers TNS World panel reported (Reuters, 2008). Furthermore, Tesco possible offers great range of discount brands in the future, and negotiates with more suppliers to decrease the price of goods in order to gain more market share. Tesco has applied another strategy that it has opened 24 hours Tesco express to service for consumers to buy products in the evening, which also increase the sales of products in Tesco. Considering this situation, Tesco will be the core competitor for Aldi. Therefore, Aldi should pay more attention to Tescos development. Beside the competition of Tesco, Aldi also faces the strong competition from Lidl as one of the largest grocery retailers in Europe, because Lidl has almost the same target customers and similar sales strategy with Aldi. Moreover, possibly Lidl may enter into tourism in order to increase its competitiveness. Therefore, Lidl is the most powerful enemy for Aldi in the supermarket industry. Section 2: Capability Analysis Strategic capability Firstly, Aldi successfully saves the cost of hiring employees. In each shop, Aldi only employs less than six employees to work per day. Although few people work for Aldi, services for customers have never been later, for example, if there is a long queue waiting for checking out, a special ring is used to call other colleagues to open the other line. Furthermore, Aldi efficiently saves the cost of building up stores. Kumar (2006) states that â€Å"Another efficiency stems from the fact that Aldi sets up outlets on side streets in downtown areas and in suburbs, where real estate is relatively inexpensive. Since it uses small spaces, the companys start-up costs are low, which enables it to blanket markets: Aldi now owns 4,100 stores in Germany and 7,500 worldwide†. Aldi also presents other strategic capabilities which help it to successfully reach its goal. According to Kumar (2006), â€Å"Aldis stores display products on pallets rather than shelves in order to cut restocking time and save money†. In addition, consumers need to bring their bags or purchase bags while they are shopping in Aldis shops (Kumar, 2006). Section 3: Purpose The mission of Alid is to make prefect quality products available to its customers at the lowest possible price, and make its customers to enjoy the best for less. Furthermore, the objective of Aldi is to sell products that are popular with customers, made from the best possible ingredients and represent brilliant value for money. All of these are key considerations when deciding on the products that we offer. Corporate Social Responsibility Aldi is a responsible business, and they value both the trust and satisfaction of their customers. Aldi promise to delivering high quality products; not just in terms of safety and value, but also in terms of the social and ecological criteria involved in their production. Moreover, Aldi (2009) presents that â€Å"Aldi take their responsibilities as an international retailer seriously and they are active members of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI)†. Human Rights, Labour Standards, Environmental Protection and Fighting Corruption As a member of BSCI, all of the European operations of the Aldi South Group, including their suppliers, are committed to complete the principles of the BSCI code of conduct. According to Aldi (2009), â€Å"This code of conduct promotes compliance with local and national legislation and specifically prohibits: Child labour Forced labour and unlawful disciplinary measures Discrimination of any kind Excessive working hours Poor health and safety provisions Non-payment of minimum wage Infringements on freedom of association and collective bargaining rights Poor environmental protection practices Bribery and corruption.†Aldis membership of BSCI also promises it and its suppliers to the execution of an independent social auditing programme, set to international criteria. It aims to use this programme to normally examine its social performance and, together with its suppliers, it also aims to identify that the social conditions in its supply chain adhere to the highest possible standards. In addition to Aldi (2009) states that â€Å"Aldis membership of BSCI, Aldi is also committed to the following international standards: The fundamental principles, rights and working standards of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) The UN Declaration of Human Rights and the principles of the UN Global Compact†. Organisational Culture Aldis founders have strongly impacted on its culture, and its cultural rules and values reflect Aldis philosophy, guiding principles and business strategy. Furthermore, it is easy and clear for employees, managers and customers to understand the Aldi model that is the provision of low-price products with high quality. It is well-known that the aim of Aldi is to avoid unnecessary cost wherever possible, and urge employees and managers at all levels of the company are very cost conscious and greatly focus on to economic efficiency, because Aldi is not allowed to waste. For example, one of typical rules is that all of employees have to switch off lights in offices when there was enough daylight from outside. Therefore, the concept of ‘cost-watching extends into all areas of the value chain, including the development of new techniques for warehouse management or for the transport of goods. Beside pay more attention on economic efficiency, Aldi also aim to find small improvements in all aspects and to develop pleasure in achieving small successes. This culture of continual improvement is accompanied by a strong focus on the development and implementation of solutions. Aldi will try new ideas and solutions, rather than revealing detailed analysis, for example, new products are not subjected to detail market analyses, but are tested in three shops. If they are successful, meaning that they achieve a fast, pre-determined minimum turnover, they are introduced in all other shops. The organisational culture is strengthened by Aldis selection and recruitment approach. Managerial talent from inside the Aldi is carefully selected, developed and enhanced. Moreover, significant qualities for potential managers are a high attention on economic efficiency, fairness towards others, including suppliers, modesty, and reservation towards the public and the press. These behavioural characteristics are strengthened by job descriptions outlining clear goals and competencies. Aldi managers have always been employed in different parts of the organisation, including the shops and the warehouse. They have to understand how Aldi operates and have ingested the organisational culture. For example, area managers need to understand the structural and procedural factors of retail management, including store operations and trading rights, administration, logistics and property management when they go through a 12-month training project. The program is described as follows (Area Managers, 2005): â€Å"An important part of this program centres on Aldis management system, including its focus on economic efficiency. The first part of the training takes place in a store where future area managers take over the role of a store manager for several months. This ‘hands on approach aims to acquaint them with Aldis operations, but also its business philosophy and core values. During the second part of the training, future area managers work alongside experienced colleagues and learn about their role and responsibilities. This includes the tasks of recruitment, planning and organisation of the stores.†Section 4: Recommendations Since global economy in recession, the sales of Aldi in the UK have been dramatically increasing, because Aldi is selling the low-price products with high quality to customers who would like to spend little money for goods in order to safely spend this period. Although the sales of Aldi in the UK have been slightly grown, comparing with Tesco, the market shares of Aldi still not match. Firstly, Aldi need to invest in new product development. The core reason for that is Tesco has developed some of discount products for new target market in order to capture more market shares from Aldi. Therefore, Aldi need to develop more new discount products in order to against new strategy of Tesco, and also keep its competition in the UK market. In addition, it is highly possible to launch its private label to open new segment market. Based on this idea, Aldi may enhance its brand and increase its market shares in the UK. Otherwise, Aldi may directly sell its products to some of small retailers which like canteen in University campus or in the street of city centre. This possibly motivates the growth of sales of Aldis products. Aldis website also needs to be improved in order to attract more people to shop in Aldi. Reference Aldi, (2009), Available from: [Accessed 1st July 2009] Area Managers, (2005), Available from: [Accessed 1st July 2009] Elliott, V. (2005) Nine-year BSE ban on older beef lifted [Accessed 20th July 2009] Kumar, N. (2006) Strategies to Fight Low-Cost Rivals, [Accessed 11th July 2009] Porter, M.E. (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: Free Press. REUTERS, (2008) Tesco takes on discounters with new low-cost range, [Accessed 3rd July 2009]
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Individualization of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice Essay
The Individualization of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice       Midway through Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet arrives at a moment of self-awakening which, notably, results from the influence of someone else: Fitzwilliam Darcy. For critic Susan Fraiman, this complication amounts to no less than, as she titles her article, "The Humiliation of Elizabeth Bennet." From this moment forward, according to Fraiman, Elizabeth Bennet ceases to think for herself. She submits to Darcy as to a second father, relinquishes her trust in her own judgments, and thereby suffers a "loss of clout."1 This pivotal moment comes because, after Elizabeth has rejected his proposal, Darcy justifies himself in a lengthy letter.  It is true that Darcy claims that he has not, as Elizabeth has charged, separated Elizabeth's sister Jane from Jane's suitor, Mr. Bingley, "regardless of the sentiments of either" (127); neither has he inappropriately cut off Wickham, his childhood companion and son of his late father's steward, from a promised career as a clergyman.2 Darcy's version of events challenges the talent in which Elizabeth prides herself most: her ability to judge character. Yet Fraiman maintains that "Darcy's letter saps [Elizabeth's] power to comprehend": that is, that Darcy's logic undermines Elizabeth's own and, furthermore, that Darcy designs his letter to "inflict" pain on Elizabeth. By allowing Darcy's logic to supercede her own, and receiving with "enthusiasm" the pain that he inflicts, Elizabeth accepts this "humiliation."3 Although Elizabeth comes to agree that Darcy's previous actions were indeed justified, Fraiman incorrectly assumes that this transformation "disables" Elizabeth's capacity to arr... ...eth's tribulations and subsequent accomplishments cannot be deemed as a symbol for women's liberation, her flawed character faces an even bigger battle: a fight against the weaknesses of human nature. She, as are we, is prone to the gender-neutral weaknesses of prejudice and vanity, yet by recognizing and responding to these all-too-human failings with level-mindedness and dignity, she shows us a way out.   Notes   1. Susan Fraiman, "The Humiliation of Elizabeth Bennet," excerpted in the Norton Critical 2nd edition of Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, ed. Donald Gray (New York and London: Norton, 1993), 377.  2. All references to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice are from the Norton Critical 3rd edition, ed. Donald Gray (New York and London: Norton, 2001).  3. Fraiman, 382.  4. Fraiman, 382.  Â
Friday, October 11, 2019
Gran Torino Essay
Does the movie Gran Torino glorify violence and gun culture in the United States make specific reference to events in the film? The movie Gran Torino does glorify, justify violence and gun culture in the United States when used for the greater good as the military or police do to save lives of many civilians every day. The protagonist Walt Kowalski known as simply Walt well he’s a character he loves using his gun as if it was his culture after all he is a retired veteran. He demonstrates in this movie that it is only by facing the sometimes overwhelming obstacles and difficulties of life that an individual can truly be at rest even by guns. In the movie Walt is the main contributor to justifying violence and gun culture including saving sue and her friend from near death as well as the Hmong saves Thao from Latino gang, saving Tao from the Hmong gang also his cousins and for everyone’s greater good giving up his life to save Tao and his family from anymore danger. As sue and her date are walking down the street they are confronted by bunch of street thugs(the black gang) who try to sexual abuse sue and threaten to hurt her date. Walt brings justice to this by standing up to the gangbangers they exchange words Walt pulls out his pistol to scare off the gangbangers and in successful with doing that he takes sue back home. Also Thao is saved from a gang by gang as he was walking the Latino gang try to interact with him but he puts his head down and keeps walking then his cousin comes around and saves him from death As he uses force and gun use to potentially save her life which does diligence and glorifies the use of gun violence. Thao is caught by Walt when he tries to steal the 1972 gran Torino as part of a gang initiation he fails at doing so. His family finds out about this miss deed and in order to restore honour Thao must pay his dues to Walt. The punishment that Thao receives is to work for Walt for 2 weeks in those few weeks. He is harassed for failing his initiation and helping Walt. Walt sees Thao for who he truly is in the time they spend together, and lends his helping hand going as far as to get Thao a of the Hmong gang members Thao cousin saw him walking back from work and thinks Thao is trying to make him look bad in the eyes of the family. He is viciously beaten by the gang bangers, his tools are also broken and in vengeance Walt along with his trusty pistol goes after one the gang member and beats the living hell out of him. Walt tells the gang that if they ever touch Thao or his family again he will kill all of them. The gang does not listen to Walt’s warning and drive by shoot there house and seriously injure sue. Walt Kowalski’s actions are glorified and considered valiant efforts to protect the Hmong family. In the end the most glorified moment is when Walt gives his life up, which not cannot be given back to cease all gun battle and violence to restore peace. Walt does this for the Hmong family in the days before his death Thao had asked him to help retaliate for the drive by shooting Walt tells Thao that they will retaliate but plan it out and tells Thao to come back tomorrow at four. Walt the next went to get a haircut and a suit fitted as well as to get a confession from father Janovich.When Thao returns they go to the basement, Walt locks him in and tells him he’s going to end this Thao deeply protests. As Walt shows up he calls the gang bangers out there ready with the automatic weapons Walt sports a cigar as he pulls for a light the gang it’s a gun and open fire taking Walt’s life the police are called and there are witnesses this finally puts rest to the violence. To conclude the movie Gran Torino does glorify, justify violence and gun culture in the United States when used for the greater good as the military or police do to save lives of many civilians every day. You never need an argument against the use of violence; you need an argument for it.Walt uses violence a lot but it is seen as good including saving sue and her friend from near death as well as the Hmong gang saves Thao from Latino gang, saving Tao from the Hmong gang also his cousins and for everyone’s greater good giving up his life to save Tao and his family from anymore danger. Ultimately use the use of violence and gun culture brought quite the opposite safety and happiness this was justified in the events in the film, sometimes in real life issues.
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